5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 sale catalog.
Growing up in the horse-sale world, Kyle and Riley Schmitt have always enjoyed traveling throughout the country, buying and selling great horses. In 2017, they put on their first horse sale with the intention to become the best place to find your next gelding! This is a sale with rules and stipulations and horses with quality that must meet higher expectations. This sale brings in riding geldings of all levels and disciplines and ranging in all price ranges, literally having something for everyone, including ranch and trail, prospects, barrel and rope, reiners, cutters, and pleasure! The Five Star Horse Sale was created with the intention to put faith back into buying horses from an auction. Schmitt Horse Ranch and all of the consignors try their hardest to pick out the best of the best to offer you on sale day. The sale preview lets potential buyers see the horses ridden and move in a big area, not just a narrow ally or sale ring. Every horse is not for every person – the goal here is to sell you the horse that best matches you! Watch those videos, make phone calls, and ask questions! All horses are guaranteed sound; buy with confidence!
Friday, February 1 8 a.m.
Doors Open/ Horse check-in begins
3 p.m. Performance Horse Preview: Barrels, Roping and Cutting Arena will be open following performance preview for open ride. Saturday, February 2 10 a.m.
General Riding Demonstration of ALL sale horses NO performance preview on Saturday.
3 p.m.
Five Star Horse Sale Begins
Internet Viewing and Online Bidding Internet viewing and bidding courtesy of Hired Hand Live, a product of Hired Hand Software. www.HiredHandLive.com Go to www.HiredHandLive.com , find Five Star Horse Sale in the list of auctions, and follow the prompts to register. We recommend using the internet browsers Chrome or Firefox, not Safari. A Credit Card is required for online verification but will not be billed. Upon notification that you’ve placed a winning bid on a horse, the sale will invoice you with instructions for a wire transfer. You can place absentee and max bids if you are unable to be live online during the sale or are worried your internet connection will not keep up. These bids are NOT seen by anyone other than Hired Hand staff and are placed automatically by our system to purchase the animal at the lowest price possible for you. There is no fee to participate and no buyer’s premium. Internet buyers are responsible for coordinating their own hauling. All terms and conditions listed in the sale catalog apply to on-line bidding. All announcements from the Auctioneer/ Auction block take precedence over anything posted on-line. The Auctioneer always has final say in all bidding disputes. Contact Jaymie Feldmann, Hired Hand, for additional assistance: 319-239-2662 or jaymie@hiredhandsoftware.com.
Yoder Equine Transport Marvin Yoder 608-732-9333 or 478-387-8585
Auction Crew Auctioneer
Steve Friskup Pedigree Reader Joel White
Bid Spotters Jody Doescher Paul Griemsman Zane Hanson Adam Noll Justin Kuper Office Managers Lori Scallon Ardyne Wayers Connee Edmundson Sale Managers Kyle and Riley Schmitt 608-434-4789 Accommodations Iowa Falls AmericInn
641-648-4600 641-648-4618 641-648-2553
Super 8 Scenic Inn
Hampton (19 Miles) AmericInn Lodge & Suites 641-456-5559 Hampton Inn 641-456-3680
Sale Terms & Conditions
Sale Order: Horses will sell in consecutive catalog order. Bidding: You MUST be registered in the office for a buyer’s number before bidding. Each horse will be sold to the highest bidder, with the exception of reserved prices. The decision of the auctioneer will be final if any questions arise during the sale. The auctioneer also reserves the right to reject any bid. Online Bidding: We are offering online viewing and bidding this year. You MUST get pre- approved at www.hiredhandlive.com/. Live and absentee bidding available. ALL online purchases will be required to wire money in full by Monday, Feb. 4, 2019 – NO exceptions. Horses will not leave the auction company’s hands until the horse is paid for in full. Buyers Payment: Buyer shall pay for all horses at the conclusion of the sale and shall pay the full price by one of the following: cash, money order, cashier’s check, or personal check. Iowa has a 7% sales tax on all horses unless a tax-exempt form is signed. Forms will be available in the office. Right to Registration Papers: Right-to- registration papers shall not pass to purchaser until the horse has been paid in full and checks have cleared the bank, at which time they will be mailed to the buyer. If paid in cash, they will be handed out sale day. Catalog: Every effort has been made to ensure correctness of the catalog, however, the seller, sale management and auctioneer are not responsible for errors or omissions. All statements and corrections announced at the time of the sale shall supersede the catalog. All comments stated in the catalog are as stated from the consignors and not the sale management. Again, we have made every effort to ensure the catalog is correct. Announcements: Announcements from the auction block take precedence over any printed material. Health: Horses will all have a negative 6-month Coggins Test and Health Certificate.
Inspection of Horses: There will be an on site preview both Friday, Feb. 1 and Saturday, Feb. 2 to inspect horses. Rideability: It is the buyer’s responsibility to make sure the horse is a good fit. We are not responsible for your inability to ride the horse. Soundness Guarantee: All horses are guaranteed sound unless stated otherwise from the auction block. We represent and warrant to the buyer the following for 48 hours after being sold: The horse is sound of eyes and wind; the horse will hit the ground sound on all four feet; the horse is not a cribber; the horse has not been nerved. This soundness guarantee will apply only to horses with problems existing prior to sale time and not to problems caused after the sale by the buyer’s hauling or use of the horse. Soundness does not guarantee pass of a check by your vet following the sale. ALL vet exams should be done PRIOR to buying the horse, NOT after. Please examine horses prior to the sale ring. The sale staff is not responsible for announcing scars or blemishes. All horses’ heights are approximate. Kyle and Riley Schmitt have the final say over any controversy. Neither the Auctioneer, Schmitt Horse Ranch/ Five Star Horse sale, any representative thereof, nor their consultants shall be responsible for any liability whatsoever, including, but not limited to, the loss, damage, injury, death, or illness of any horse, person, or property before, during or after the sale. Horses are able to stay at the Ellsworth Community College until noon on Sunday. The Ellsworth Community College is a NO smoking campus as well as NO alcohol on the grounds. No alley trading will be allowed, all horses must go through the sale ring, and all transactions must go through the sale office.
4 • 5 Star Horse Sale 2019
Index by Consignors
Michels Performance Horses 2 Jujuzzs Diamond (P) 2014 g Ju Juzz Gunslinger (PD) Diamonds NTrash (P) 21 Crystal Loaded Gun 2014 g Hes A Loaded Gun Miss Crystalena 49 Surely Hez Hot 2011 g You Bet Im Good Surely Sheza Hotrod 72 Eighteenkaratshine 2016 g Smart Like Juice Shiney Crystal
Consignor Hip Horse
Year Sex Sire
Alvin Detweiler 5 Docs Busy Bueno 40 Hoofpick Ap 74 Lincoln San Zan Billy Jack Kolander 56 Jdg Jessies White
2013 g Wc Colonels Captain Smoochs Snicker Bar
Mike Davis, Agent 64 The Science Guy Mitch Murray 19 Ringo Snip Drift 73 Mr Attitude Otoe Morgan Steger 69 Utopias Titian (P)
2014 g Mr San Sally 2014 g Watch Joe Zan
Smokey Collinator
2015 g Einsteins Revolution Inwhizable Chic
Sno Playgirl
2012 g Snippy Drift Hancock Pappys Wild Rose
2012 g Jessie Poco Mccues Hairpin Awesome Babe
2012 g Attitude Cowboy
Watch Jo Miss Sunup
Brandon & Shelly Huff 24 Smartest Dare Devil (P) 2008 g Flying Dare Devil (P) Peps Little Flower (Q)
2013 g Utopias Phantom (Q) Sassy Lakota (P)
Chad Lindaman 55 Docs Blu Deck
Robert Mast 8 Winchester Blues Sk 2013 g Valentine Blues Sk
2012 g Blu Roan Bar Thistle Docs Tuff Chip
Leos Black Orchid Sk
Clayton Knox 23 Lenas Hanging Ten Cody Keller 33 Tuckers Disco Red Dallas Schleg 12 TS Jazz Sweet Bar 47 Zans Raskal Cat
53 Jrs Macho Hancock Schmitt Horse Ranch 1 Dun Resolved It All
2015 g Lannieboy Hancock Curtisimachictoo
2015 g Hang Ten Surprize
Dun Its Olena
2010 g Great Resolve
Dun It Doll
2015 g Little Disco Tucker
New Holly Anna
4 Who Whiz The Boss 2009 g Who Whiz It Rusty Reina 7 Chexy Son Of A Gun (P) 2013 g Big Chex To Cash (P) Bright Lil Gun (P) 11 Peptos Hickory Rey 2011 g Peptos Stylish Oak Sheza Hickory Rey 14 Spooktacular Whiz 2013 g Spooks Gotta Whiz Smokin Holly Dunnit 18 Stunn Gun 2009 g Peptoboonsmal Absolutely Stunning 22 Xtra Smartlike Wimpy 2014 g Wimpys Little Step Slj Smartlikewhinny 26 Easy Talent (P) 2010 g Dashin Is Easy (Q) Shaylas Poco Flame (P) 30 Custom Cuda 2014 g Country Bay Berry Custom Elegance 34 Cataboonsmal 2015 g Cats Merada Bearlyaboonsmal 38 Wimpy Thor 2012 g No Wimpy Cowboy Shining Spirit 01Iar 42 Blue Cream Soda 2011 g Miss N Command Jp Rebel Nic 46 Cat And The Fiddle 2008 g WR This Cats Smart Dashing Starlight 50 Dual Glo Ct 2014 g Wild Haired Cat Dual Glo Tammy Ct 54 Sparklinggunnerswhiz 2012 g Gunners Peppy Oak Sparkling Della Whiz 58 Sh One More Chex 2013 g Smart Lil Chexinic Lil Hot Par Tee Girl 62 Disco Haidaway 2014 g Little Disco Tucker Haidaway Haida 66 Lm Bullseye 2007 g Bully Bullion Icy Turnpike 71 High On Dynamite 2012 g Jk Dynamic Move Kc Casino Nunn 75 Three S Catssoulmate 2010 g Little Cat Olena Lynneas Soul Mate Scott & Jon Peterson 36 Stevie Lee Too 2010 g Four Fly Roan Shezastevie Lee Scott Janiszeski 16 Puddy Wheelin 2014 g Athena Puddy Cat Miss Wheeling Pobre 65 Hh Jim Dun It 2013 g King Cutter Jim Dun Up N Sugar
2014 g MC Jazz
TS Dulce Sweet Sugar
2013 g Slidin High Cat
Tiffanys Sunset
Darla Hoover 3 Sk Smoky
2013 g Sonita Kiowa
Df Smoky Freckle Native Talley Charge
32 Packn Six Shooter Cs 2013 g Fire Sixes
63 Poco James 126
2013 g Baron Jessie James Miss Poco 126
David Stutzman 52 Mr Audacious Baron 2013 g Mr Silver Bartender Classy Two Step Freiheit Reiners 45 Dj Joe De Boon 2015 g Dj High Brow Boon Jo Dees Texas Doc Griemsman Performance Horses 27 E Bon 2010 g Dox Snake Charmer Bcs Beach Babe Jake Watters 67 Mr Freckles Lil Lena 2011 g Mr Peppys Freckles Smart Miss Cross Jen Smith 6 Kings Dust Drift 2014 g Kings Cowboy Drift Peppy Duster Girl 51 Jess Woodnt You 2014 g Gbh Johnny Cashwood Gbh Jessy Smoothwood Jeremy Michaelis 28 Sah Driftnrawhidejoe 2014 g Blues Orphan Drift Sah Gias Rawhide Jim Badge 25 Harlans Luckyholiday 2013 g Harlan Baron Red Miss Lucky Holidoc Kenny Schueller 9 Up Yur Bet Mate 2015 g Bet Hesa Cat Bottoms Up Mate 44 Little Smart Gene 2014 g Smart Little Gembo Jae Bar Rufas Gene Lacie Sturdy 59 Jdg Marys Surprise 2013 g JD Rushon Dell Kings Mary Hancock Matt & Mitchell Meyer 29 Srd Driftin Socks 2014 g Roy Boy Holder Anna Drift Holder Matt Moore 41 Saintly Fellows Gold 2011 g Saintly Fellow Maxs Dainty Diamond Matthew Davison 68 Color Me Deluxe Gold 2010 g Color Prescription Ima Double Deluxe Mel & Suzy Miller 61 Js Smokin Cash Money 2014 g On The Money Native Js Cash Money Meyer Horse Co 13 Mr Skippits Ashwood 2014 g Mr Skippit Poco Bonnie Brenna 57 Fired Up Dooley 2012 g Firewater Finale Dooleys Chivata Michael Kruger 39 Sparksrgonna Fly 2010 g Sparkuptheballeus Cute Chicanic
Stan Remington 31 LC Trinity Rising Steve Scudder 60 Teddy Can Zip Tanner Cross 15 Wyatts Got Guns (P) 43 Brightlight Freckles Teresa Storm 37 Tazers Sugar Doxx The Western Group 17 Mychexaremyassets 70 Ridin The Hills
2009 g LC On The Trinity
One Hot Belle
2015 g Turbos Little Zipper
2013 g Colonel Sugar Chex (PP) Pistol Packin Kate (P)
2011 g Cs Flashlight
Miss Sak Em Freckles
2010 g Zippos Blu Tazer
Leos Sugaree Dee Sk
2013 g Protect Your Assets 2014 g Sizzlin Two Eyes
Copy This Chex
Ef Star Of The Stage
Tietjen Performance Horses 35 Red Barron Bar
2010 g Red Barron Buck
Caseys Bar Babe
Tom Bowling 10 Hancock Powder 48 Remingtonite
2011 g PG Gunpowder
Pretty Miss Hancock
2012 g Gunners Special Nite Tammy Chiccy
Twisted Fate Performance Horses 20 Remind Cash Legacy 2014 g Cs Cash Remind
Baby Janes Legacy
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 5
Hip No.
Hip No.
Hip No.
Hip No.
Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Dun Resolved It All
Consigned by Michels Performance Horses Jujuzzs Diamond (P) 2014 Sorrel/Overo Gelding
2010 Dun Gelding
Great Pine Nifty Jodieann Greyhound Step Patiences Reward Hollywood Jac 86 Blossom Berry Doc's Remedy
Colonel Smokingun Clabber Lady Oil (Q) Jujo's Jay Bar Pamela Kilebar Be Aech Enterprise (Q Miss White Trash Mr Diamond Dude
Great Red Pine
Colonels Lil Gun
Great Resolve
Jujuzz Gunslinger (P)
Silversnow Pinestep
Pamela Jujos Joy (Q)
Dun Resolved It All 5394387
Jujuzzs Diamond (P) 1047285
Hollywood Dun It
Dun It Doll
Diamonds N Trash (P)
Scoots Remedy
Destined Diamond (Q)
Scoot's Jodie PERFORMANCE RECORD: Earner of 76 AQHA points: 63 novice points and $225. In 2016: AQHA High Point Level 1 Amateur Ranch Riding Horse; AQHA High Point Level 1 Select Amateur Ranch Riding; AQHA World Senior Ranch Riding qualifier; AQHA World Amateur Ranch Riding qualifier; AQHA Select World Ranch Riding qualifier; in 2017: AQHA East Level 1 Champ Ranch Riding Jackpot Level 1 Select Amateur Champion; AQHA East Level 1 Champ Ranch Riding Level 1 Select Amateur Champion; AQHA World Senior Ranch Riding qualifier; AQHA World Amateur Ranch Riding qualifier; AQHA Select World Ranch Riding qualifier; in 2018: . Split 4th Kansas Sunflower Slide Limited Open Reining class; AQHA World Senior Ranch Riding qualifier; AQHA World Senior Reining Level 2 qualifier; AQHA Select World Ranch Riding qualifier; In AQHA competition: Open Perf. ROM; Amateur Perf. ROM, earning 50 ranch riding, 9.5 reining points in open events; 16.5 ranch riding points in amateur competition; 63 ranch riding points in novice events. NOTES: “Champ” has been there and done that type of guy, he’s proven himself in the show pen with multiple levels of riders in many classes. He is easy to ride and show, good ground manners, and rides nice outside on the trails. He has a country covering walk, goes where you point him, and crosses all of the trail obstacles with ease. Champ is fun to have around whether you want to play around in the arena or take a nice leisure ride down the trail. Great teacher for someone wanting to get into the show pen. Easy lead changer, low headed, smooth moving, good stopper, and easy turner. Super nice gelding with a big resume by Einstein! Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. For more info call 507-459-8654. 14.3HH SIRE: GREAT RESOLVE (1997). $147,377: 3rd NRHA Open Futurity. Open Derby; split 7th NRHA Open Derby. Sire of 148 RGP money- earners, $1,189,581, 73 AQHA point-earners, including EINSTEINS REVOLUTION ($355,570: NRBC Open Derby Champion), GREAT SUN BURST ($355,132: NRHA Open World Champion twice), EINSTEIN REVENGE ($10,543: NRHA Rookie-Pro World Champion), KAYSTEIN ($82,180: European NRHA Open Futurity Champion). DAM: DUN IT DOLL (1998). Dam of 16 AQHA foals, 6 money-earners, including DUNNITS SURPRISE ($54,972 and 22.5 AQHA points: Stallion Select Reining Stakes Open Futurity Champion; Nebraska Sandhills Slide Open Reining Futurity Champion; Stallion Select/World Open Reining Futurity Co-Reserve Champion), DUNITWITHASMOKINGUN ($29,056: 3rd NRHA Limited Non-Pro Futurity; finalist in the NRHA Non- Pro Futurity, top 10 NRHA Int. Non-Pro Futurity), GUNNERS DUN IT DOLL ($10,640: 9th Congress Reining Stakes Limited Non-Pro; finalist in the Congress Reining Stakes Int. Non-Pro, split 3rd Northeast Breeders Trust Open Reining Futurity), JACS ELECTRIC SLIDE (27.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Senior Heading Level 2 qualifier), DUN RESOLVED IT ALL (76 AQHA points: and 63 novice points: AQHA High Point Level 1 Amateur Ranch Riding Horse, AQHA High Point Level 1 Select Amateur Ranch Riding, AQHA East Level 1 Champ Ranch Riding Jackpot Level 1 Select Amateur Champion), NITE TIME SPECIAL (NRHA money-earner), SPECIAL NITE OUT (split 5th Belgium POWER Circuit Reining Int. Open class). RGP-CB 12/2018
Miss Otoe Smoke NOTES: "Gunny' is the horse that anyone can get along with. He is a trained reiner that has a great stop and a nice turn around. We have used him to pony horses and for lessons. If you are looking for a great gelding that can go in any direction come see Gunny! FMI call 574-350- 4044. 15HH SIRE: JU JUZZ GUNSLINGER (Q)/JUJUZZ GUNSLINGER (P) (2004). $39,531: top 10 NRHA Int. Non-Pro Futurity; 6th Gordyville Breeders Cup Reining Open Derby; NRHA Futurity Primetime Non-Pro Reserve Champion; 3rd Bluegrass Reining Stakes 7Up Open; Woosley Hall of Fame Reining 7Up Open Champion. Sire of JUJUZZGUNNATAGYA (AQHA point-earner), DUNSLINGER (finalist Ohio RHA Coughlin Auto Int. Open Futurity), A DANDY GUNSLINGER (split 3rd Smoky Mountain Reining Limited Non-Pro Futurity), SHINEY GUNSLINGER (split 3rd Big Sky Reining Classic Stallion Stakes Non-Pro Futurity). Son of COLONELS LIL GUN (AQHA/APHA), $23,739 and 6 AQHA points: APHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse; finalist in the NRBC Open Derby twice; finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity; 6th APHA World 3-Year- Old Reining Challenge; Arizona RHA Open Futurity Champion. A 2017 AQHA Top 25 Sire of Ranch Horse Point-Earners. Sire of 110 RGP money-earners, 39 AQHA point-earners, including FRECKLES NU LIL GUN ($54,669 and 126 AQHA points: AQHA World Versatility Ranch Horse Amateur Conformation Reserve Champion), LIL GUN SMOKINOAK ($8,235 and 38.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Reining Reserve Champion), LIL GUN DUNIT ($52,210 and 33 AQHA points: split 4th NRHA Int. Open Derby), LIL MONEY GUN ($23,685 and 13.5 AQHA points: APHA World 3-Year-Old Reining Challenge Champion), LIL GAGA GUN ($16,914 and 16 AQHA points: APHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse), BRIGHT LIL GUN (P) ($14,338: APHA World Champion Senior Youth Reining Horse), LIL HOLLYWOOD GUN ($10,442: APHA World 3-Year-Old Reining Challenge Champion). DAM: DIAMONDS N TRASH (P) . Out of DESTINED DIAMOND (1986). NRHA $4,738 AQHA $4,755 and an AQHA point-earner. Dam of 4 AQHA foals, including RED WHIZ SHE IS ($5,369 and 19.5 AQHA points: and 6.5 novice points: 3rd Belgium NRHA Reining Top top 10 Non-Pro; 4th FEQHA European Championships Amateur Reining, 3rd Belgium Brabo Reining Int. Non-Pro). Full sister to SARAH DIAMOND ($5,161 and 5 AQHA points: 3rd Congress NRHA Non-Pro), FORTY NINE DIAMONDS (NRHA money-earner). Half-sister to SHINING IN SEATTLE ($15,950 and 138.5 AQHA points: 6th NRCHA Non-Pro Futurity, Superior Heading), DESTINED DIAMOND (NRHA $4,755), ZANS SUMMER SUN ($3,405 and 8 AQHA points: 6th NRHA Limited Open Derby). A daughter of TRASHADEOUS (P) (AQHA/APHA) (1987). Sire of the dams o). RGP-CB 12/2018
6 • 5 Star Horse Sale 2019
Hip No.
Hip No.
Hip No.
Hip No.
Consigned by Darla Hoover Sk Smoky 2013 Gray Gelding
Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Who Whiz The Boss 2009 Buckskin Gelding
Pop's Diamond Kiowa Starette Dick Sonoita Shodsey's 89'Er Dual Jazz Holy Freckles Master Colonel
Topsail Cody Jeanie Whiz Bar Hollywood Jac 86 Billie Bar Flash Doc O'lena Smart Peppy Jacs Great Pine
Kiowa Diamond Babe Sonoita
Topsail Whiz
Sonita Kiowa
Who Whiz It
Blonde At The Bar
Sk Smoky 5571577
Who Whiz The Boss 5244549
Dualin Freckle
Smart Peppy Lena
Df Smoky Freckle
Rusty Reina
Mc Colonel Smoky
Evening Rein
Smoky Superstar NOTES: Smoke is a gorgeous dapple gray gelding that will get you noticed everywhere you go. Smoke has seen many miles on the ranch. He is sure footed in rough country. Smoke is an athletic gelding with a want to please attitude. He is soft in the bridle and has a big stop. Smoke has the ability to make a outstanding rope horse. FMI contact Darla at 717-917- 4669. 15HH SIRE: SONITA KIOWA (1990). Sire of SONITA RIO (National Junior Hunt Seat Rodeo AQHA Girls Horse of the Year), KIOWA SODA (3rd Sagebrush Slide Reining Spectacular Bridle Novice Non-Pro Rider), ACEY KIOWA (RHAA money-earner). Son of KIOWA DIAMOND, NCHA money-earner and an AQHA point-earner and sire of RIO KIOWA DOLL (129 AQHA points: 6th AQHA World Senior Pole Bending Open, Superior Pole Bending), DUSTY LADY LYNX (19 AQHA points: 5th AQHA High Point Junior Working Cow Horse), DIAMOND DOUBLE DOC (17.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Amateur Team Penning qualifier), CD BUCK (13 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Team Penning qualifier), KIOWAS BABE (6 AQHA points), KIOWA FURY (NCHA money-earner), DIAMOND FURRY (finalist in the NRHA Non-Pro Futurity). Son of POP'S DIAMOND; sire of POP'S DIAMOND LEO (7.5 AQHA points), KIOWA DIAMOND (AQHA point-earner; NCHA money-earner), PARKER DIAL REED (AQHA point-earner), RANDY PARKER (Unplaced to 12), POPCYCLE (4th Nevada All-Around Working Cow Horse Champ Finals), DIAMOND LEO 89'ER (NCHA money- earner). He is by POP CORN; sire of MISS TEXAS ($19,778: 3rd NCHA Top 10; NCHA Bronze Award), QUICK SAND (8 AQHA points), POP CORN POP (AQHA point-earner), R POP CORN (Unplaced to 3). DAM: DF SMOKY FRECKLE (2007). Dam of 3 AQHA foals. Full sister to DF COLONEL SMOKY (57.5 AQHA points: cutting,ranch riding,versatility ranch money-earner, AQHA World Senior Barrel Racing Level 2 qualifier). A daughter of DUALIN FRECKLE; sire of DF COLONEL SMOKY (57.5 AQHA points: cutting,ranch riding,versatility ranch money- earner AQHA World Senior Barrel Racing Level 2 qualifier). Son of DUAL JAZZ, $60,371: 3rd Augusta Non-Pro Classic; 8th Abilene Spectacular Non-Pro Classic: 7th Bonanza 5/6-Year-Old Non-Pro; 6th Abilene Western Cutting 4-Year-Old Non-Pro; 5th Chisholm Trail Cutting Non-Pro Derby. Sire of 129 RGP money-earners, $1,346,304, 35 AQHA point- earners, including WEE LITTLE BADGER ($119,314: split top 10, NCHA Non-Pro Derby; NCHA Bronze Award), JAZZS LITTLE JOY ($101,020: Cotton Stakes Open Classic Derby Champion), MERADA JAZZ ($29,801 and 266.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Open Team Penning Champion; Superior Ranch Sorting), SAN JAZZY LENA ($21,121 and 51 AQHA points: AQHA World All-Age Ranch Sorting Open Champion), JAZZY LITTLE MELODY ($94,120 and 36 AQHA points: split top 10, NCHA Open Classic/Challenge; NCHA Bronze Award), DUALLYS IN TOWN ($74,913: 5th Southern Open Cutting Futurity), DUALS JAZABELL ($66,719: semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity), JAZZ A LEE ($62,229: 5th PCCHA Open Classic/Challenge), JAZZWARE ($55,245: split top 10, NCHA Eastern Nationals Open), SMART N JAZZY (P) ($23,910: APHA World Senior Cutting Champion), DUAL N BOONSMAL (AUS) ($36,857: Australia NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion). RGP-CB 12/2018
Boss Night Lady PERFORMANCE RECORD: NRHA earner of $3,610. In 2012: . Split 5th North Central RHA Open Futurity; split 4th North Central RHA Int. Open Futurity; 3rd North Central RHA Limited Open Futurity; split 4th Central Canada Slide 3/4-Year-Old Limited Open Reining Futurity; in 2013: North Central RHA Winona Limited Non-Pro class winner; in 2017: ABRA World Open Reining Reserve Champion; ABRA Honor Roll All- Age Reining Open Reserve Champion; 3rd ABRA World Ranch Riding Open; 4th ABRA World Green Ranch Riding Open; 5th NSBA High Point Senior Ranch Riding; split 4th ABRA Honor Roll All-Age Ranch Pleasure Open. NOTES: “Boss” is a good looking, compact made gelding with that hard to find deep golden buckskin color. He has proven himself in the show pen in many classes with multiple different riders. Boss is a finished reiner, very easy to ride, will go any speed you ask, and would be a great teacher for anyone looking to get into the performance arena. He has been hauled for years, carried the flag at barrel races this summer, trail rode, worked cattle, and will cross all of the trail course obstacles. Boss is very low key, not easily excited, easy to handle, loves attention, saddles up the same every day, and does not require lunging, just get on and go type of guy. He has been used as a lesson horse as well, great with kids and unexperienced adults. Take him to a show one weekend and throw the kids on him to enjoy around the farm the next. Very safe versatile type of gelding! Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. For more info call 507-459-8654. 14.2HH SIRE: WHO WHIZ IT (1998). $73,380 and 32 AQHA points: split 7th NRHA Open Futurity; finalist in the NRBC Open Derby; Florida State Fair Reining USEF Open Champion; Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Open Futurity Champion; NRHA Int. Non-Pro Derby Co-Reserve Champion. A 2017 AQHA Top 10 Sire of Ranch Riding Point-Earners; 2017 & 2018 RGP Top 25 Sire of Ranch Riding money-earners; an AQHA Top 25 All-Time Sire of Ranch Riding Point-Earners; 2017 & 2018 AQHA Top 25 Sire of Reining Point-Earners. Sire of 162 RGP money- earners and earners of 2,608 AQHA points, including WHIZ IT A CHIC ($186,164: NRBC Open Derby Reserve Champion). DAM: RUSTY REINA (1994). Dam of 6 AQHA foals, including HOLLYWOOD NIGHT STAR (27 AQHA points: split 8th Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Limited Open Futurity), WHO WHIZ THE BOSS ($3,610: ABRA World Open Reining Reserve Champion; ABRA Honor Roll All-Age Reining Open Reserve Champion; split 5th North Central RHA Open Futurity). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 7
Hip No.
Hip No.
Hip No.
Hip No.
Consigned by Alvin Detweiler Docs Busy Bueno
Consigned by Jen Smith Kings Dust Drift 2014 Blue Roan Gelding
2013 Buckskin Gelding Tuf N Busy Wc Colonel Chexwood Colonels Cupcake Wc Colonels Captain Driftwoods Jo Jo Lady Jo Wood Miss Love Lady Docs Busy Bueno 5563528 Tough San Lynx Docs Smooch Taris Jewel Smoochs Snicker Bar Dusty Creek Panzie Lee Poco Teena Lee NOTES: Doc is a pretty buckskin that has been heeled on a lot. He travels around nice and collected. Has been trail trail rode and used to pen back at the sale barn. FMI call 660-684-6974. 14.2HH SIRE: WC COLONELS CAPTAIN (2008). Sire of CHEXWOOD WIN OR LOSE (5th American Ranch Horse Assoc. World All-Age Ranch Roping Open). Son of WC COLONEL CHEXWOOD; sire of CHEX TWO BUCKS (83.5 AQHA points: Reserve Champion Black Hills Stock Show AQHA Judge 2 Performance Halter Stallion Open, AQHA Champion), WC TUFWOOD CHEX (AQHA point-earner). Son of TUF N BUSY, 252.5 AQHA points: 4th AQHA World Senior Heeling twice; AQHA Performance Champion; Superior Heading; Superior Heeling; Superior Reining. Sire of 34 RGP money-earners and earners of 3,743 AQHA points, including IM A TUFF BUENO ($37,726 and 1,126.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Senior Heading Level 2 Open Champion; AQHA Champion), CALS TUF DOC ($5,997 and 421.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Heeling Horse, Superior Heading), GOOD N BUSY (272.5 AQHA points: AQHYA World Champion Heading Horse twice, Superior Heading), IM TUF N HAPPY (86 AQHA points: AQHYA World Heading Champion), BUCKAROO BUENO CHEX ($10,228 and 268.5 AQHA points: 3rd AQHA High Point Senior Reining, AQHA Performance Champion), BIG BAD AND BUSY (339.5 AQHA points: 3rd Fallon Stockhorse Spectacular 3-Year-Old RCH Snaffle Bit Futurity Open, Superior Heading), HESATUF LEOCOMMANDER (110.5 AQHA points: 3rd AQHA High Point Junior Performance Halter Stallion, AQHA Champion), TUFYS LIL HOT ROD ($5,160 and 169 AQHA points: finalist in AQHA World Working Cow Horse Amateur, Superior Amateur Heading), BUSY IN HOLLYWOOD ($3,424 and 95.5 AQHA points: 3rd South Country Reining Open Derby, Superior Amateur Reining). DAM: SMOOCHS SNICKER BAR (1995). Dam of 3 AQHA foals. A granddaughter of TOUGH SAN LYNX. he is by SAN LEO LYNX, $17,749 and 38 AQHA points: 6th NCHA Non-Pro Futurity; Wyoming State Fair All-Age Cutting Champion. Sire of IMA CLASSY LYNX ($5,404 and an AQHA point-earner: 4th Colorado Classic Western Cutting Stakes 4- Year-Old Open), WE JESSIE LYNX ($3,422 and an AQHA point-earner: NCHA Certificate of Ability), LYNX SAN BADGER ($3,156: money-earner in the CHA Nebraska Futurity Open), SAN LEO SHADA (AQHA point- earner), KNOCKYOURSOXOFF LYNX (finalist in AQHA World Cowboy Mounted Shooting Select Amateur twice), JACK O LYNX (5th South Dakota Cutting Maturity Open), WE PAULA LYNX (NCHA money- earner), SAUSAGE LYNX (NCHA money-earner). RGP-CB 12/2018 Go to http://schmitthorseranch.com/ five-star-horses/
Snippys Cowboy Skippa Cody Cow Ladys Drifter Fancy On Stage
Skippas Cowboy Tailor Made Kate
Kings Cowboy Drift
Kings Dust Drift 5794759
Tuff Time Peppy Dva Peps Orphanwood Sky Blondie
Peppy Duster Girl
My Hired Smokey NOTES: Introducing "Blue" A big bodied, dog gentle, talented individual! Blue has worked in the arena as well as outside. He will lope small pretty circles on a loose rein, fancy broke with the buttons to boot! Blue has been used in the pasture, sorted cattle for drives, branding, & doctoring. He has seen the hills & will ride the switchbacks. Always willing to go anywhere you point him! Blue will track/rate the dummy correctly, started on live steers. Blue is sound and sane in every way, one ranch hand you won't want to miss! FMI call 515-528-3203. 15.2HH SIRE: KINGS COWBOY DRIFT (2003). Son of SKIPPAS COWBOY. Son of SNIPPYS COWBOY, 231 AQHA points: top 10 AQHA World Junior Reining; AQHA High Point Reining Open Leader; AQHA Champion; Superior Reining. Sire of earners of 1,364 AQHA points, including LOBETTAS COWBOY (29 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Amateur Tie-Down Roping Horse), SNIPPYS STAR DRIFT (100 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Junior Pleasure Driving Champion), TAKE NOTE OF ME (46 AQHA points: $1,729, AQHA Champion), MR COWBOY TWIST (98 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Senior Stallions Leader, AQHA Champion), QUEENS SNIPPY (77 AQHA points: 5th AQHA High Point Senior Reining, Superior Reining), WAUKETTE SNIPPY (133 AQHA points; Superior Western Pleasure), IMA ROAN DRIFT (28 AQHA points), SNIPPYS ROAN GIRL (28 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), SUE SNIPPY (29 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), IM A SPECIAL SNIPPY (31.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Youth Tie-Down Roping qualifier), IMA SWEET NOTE (36 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), COWGIRL MCKEE (43 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), IMA ROAN COWBOY (43 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM). DAM: PEPPY DUSTER GIRL (2007). Dam of 5 AQHA foals. A daughter of DVA PEPS ORPHANWOOD. Son of TUFF TIME PEPPY; sire of 13 AQHA point-earners, including PEPPYS DOC FROST ($17,734: Wyoming Cowboy Open Cutting Futurity Reserve Champion), TUFF LITTLE PEPPER ($10,720 and 13 AQHA points: Dakota Classic Non- Pro Cutting Futurity Champion), DVA COLONEL POCO PEP (106.5 AQHA points: $2,194 team penning, Superior Team Penning, AQHA World Amateur Team Penning qualifier), DVA PEPS SUGAR CUBE ($9,671: Dakota Open Classic Cutting Futurity Champion), PC SATIN TIMES ($9,069 and 92.5 AQHA points: Dakota Open Classic Cutting Futurity Reserve Champion), DOCS PEPPY KIM ($6,758: 4th Dakota Classic Non-Pro Cutting Futurity), PC LADIES TIME ($6,743 and 11 AQHA points: Congress Reining Freestyle Non-Pro Champion), PC PEPPY HABONY ($6,177: Dakota Classic Non-Pro Cutting Futurity Reserve Champion), DVA DRIFTY PEPPY ($5,141 and 6.5 AQHA points: Dakota Open Classic Cutting Futurity Champion), PC TUFF WOOD SEVEN ($4,657: 3rd Dakota Open Classic Cutting Futurity), LITTLE PUDDEN HEAD ($4,537: 5th Dakota Open Classic Cutting Futurity), DVA TUFF TIME PEP ($4,438: Dakota Open Classic Cutting Futurity Champion), KIMMY LITTLE PEPPY ($3,997: 5th Dakota Classic Non-Pro Cutting Futurity), DVA TUFF TIGER PEP (6th Congress Heading Open), PEPPY FAIRFAX (21 AQHA points: 9th AQHA World Amateur Team Penning), DVA TUFFY PEP (14 AQHA points: & NRCHA money-earner), DVA WOODY PEP (8.5 AQHA points). RGP-CB 12/2018
for more pictures and videos of sale horses!
8 • 5 Star Horse Sale 2019
Hip No.
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Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Chexy Son Of A Gun (P) 2013 Palomino/Overo Gelding
Consigned by Robert Mast Winchester Blues Sk 2013 Blue Roan Gelding
Nu Cash Amarillo Chex One Gun Miss Kim O Lena
Blue Valentine
Nu Chex To Cash (Q)
Leo Hancock Hayes
Doll 01
Big Chex To Cash (P)
Valentine Blues Sk
Lotsa Dynamo Tuxedo Pocos Misty Girl
Snip O Gun (Q)
Formal Girl
Chexy Son Of A Gun (P) 1029047
Winchester Blues Sk 5566658
Colonels Smokingun Clabber Lady Oil (Q) Exclusively Ours (Q)
Tex Wade SI 96 Miss Satin Tip
Colonels Lil Gun
Texas Line Dancer
Bright Lil Gun (P)
Leos Black Orchid Sk
Lotsa Dynamo Tuxedo
Miss Bright Doc
Oleo Shamrock Sk
Bright Miss NOTES: “Flash” is just as his name describes, Flashy! Beautiful dapple palomino gelding with everything going for him. He is a finished reiner, could easily be shown in Ranch Riding or Versatility classes, very gentle and easy to ride, has all of the fancy buttons, trail rides great, and crosses all of the trail obstacles. Flash is always there to greet you at the gate, loves attention, has great manners, and we believe he is gentle enough for about any level or rider. We have hauled Flash to rodeos and barrel races throughout the summer to expose him to all of the sights and sounds, I have carried the flag at some of these events as well. He is easy going, not spooky or flighty, great around other horses, stands tied at the trailer, rides out alone or in a group, and goes where you point him. Flash is gorgeous, eye catching, fancy broke to ride, gentle, and by Big Chex to Cash!! For more info call 507-459-8654. Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. 15HH SIRE: BIG CHEX TO CASH (AQHA/APHA) (2002). $220,826 and 58.5 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion; AQHA Reserve World Champion Senior Reining Horse; NRHA Open Derby Reserve Champion; 3rd AQHA High Point Junior Reining Open; Reining by the Bay Open Derby Co-Champion; Superior Reining. Full brother to HOT SMOKIN CHEX ($188,160 and 90 AQHA points: 3rd NRHA Open Futurity, Superior Reining), CHEXMASTER ($104,337: 4th AQHA High Point Senior Reining Level 2 Open), SNIP O SATELLITE ($52,198 and 34.5 AQHA points: 5th NRHA Int. Non-Pro Derby), SNIP O CHEX ($51,298 and 28.5 AQHA points: 8th NRHA Open Derby); half-brother to BIG CHEX TO CASH ($220,826 and 58.5 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion;Superior Reining), INFERNO SIXTY SIX ($206,587: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion). A 2017 & 2018 AQHA Top 25. DAM: BRIGHT LIL GUN (P) (2004). $14,338: APHA World Champion Senior Youth Reining Horse; APHA World Summer Senior Reining Reserve Champion; APHA Honor Roll Senior Reining Champion; Denver National Inv. Open Freestyle Reining Champion; Western Slope RHA Spring Open Classic Derby Champion. Dam of AGENT JAMES BLOND (P) (The International Reining Futurity $25,000 Limited Non-Pro Reserve Champion; California Summer Slide Reining Novice Horse Open class winner). A daughter of COLONELS LIL GUN (AQHA/APHA), $23,739 and 6 AQHA points: APHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse; finalist in the NRBC Open Derby twice; finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity; 6th APHA World 3-Year-Old Reining Challenge; Arizona RHA Open Futurity Champion. A 2017 AQHA Top 25 Sire of Ranch Horse Point-Earners. Sire of 110 RGP money-earners, 39 AQHA point-earners, including FRECKLES NU LIL GUN ($54,669 and 106 AQHA points: AQHA World Versatility Ranch Horse Amateur Conformation Reserve Champion), LIL GUN SMOKINOAK ($8,235 and 38.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Reining Reserve Champion), LIL GUN DUNIT ($52,210 and 33 AQHA points: split 4th NRHA Int. Open Derby), LIL MONEY GUN ($23,685 and 13.5 AQHA points: APHA World 3-Year- Old Reining Challenge Champion), LIL GAGA GUN ($16,914 and 16 AQHA points: APHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse). RGP-CB 12/2018
One Pretty Show Doll NOTES: "Dallas' is a big, beautiful, blue roan gelding that is well broke to ride. He's been on the big trail rides in Illinois and Missouri. He crosses water, obstacles, and goes where he is pointed. Dallas is also an awesome ranch horse. Knows how to move a group of cattle and likes his job. He's soft in the face, moves off your legs, and is super gentle. Sound. FMI call 608-464-3598. 16HH SIRE: VALENTINE BLUES SK (2002). Son of LEO HANCOCK HAYES; sire of BAR STAR DANGER (107.5 AQHA points: AQHA Select World Tie-Down Roping Reserve Champion; Superior Amateur Tie-Down Roping), BAR STAR SADIE (45 AQHA points: 8th AQHA World Amateur Tie-Down Roping), Son of BLUE VALENTINE, an AQHA point-earner and sire of HAYES' PRONTO (AQHA point-earner), SALTY ROAN (AQHA point-earner), JAY JAY JUD (AQHA point-earner), BLUE'S RED BARON (AQHA point-earner), He is by RED MAN SI 85, an AQHA point- earner: Open Perf. ROM; sire of 15 Race ROM, including BOOGER RED ($51,324: NCHA World Champion; NCHA Hall of Fame), APACHE AGENT SI 95 (5 race wins, $9,486, won Kindergarten Futurity), CIBECUE ROAN (55.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Steer Roping Open Stallion Champion), JOHN RED SI 95 (14 race wins, $5,006, 3rd Nebraska Qh Champ, NTR), LADY HUR ($6,867 and 27 AQHA points: NCHA Certificate of Ability), ROAN DAN (4 race wins, $4,659), RED WOOD MAN (22 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), MISFORTUNE II (6 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), GUNMAN (6 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), BLUE VALENTINE (AQHA point-earner), REDWOOD JAKE (AQHA point-earner), ALABI (AQHA point-earner). DAM: LEOS BLACK ORCHID SK (2003). Dam of 8 AQHA foals. A daughter of TEXAS LINE DANCER; sire of HEAVENS DUN DANCER (16 AQHA points; Youth Perf. ROM, AQHA World Youth Pole Bending qualifier). Son of TEX WADE SI 96, 4 race wins, $5,102, 3rd San Mateo Sophomore Stakes. Sire of WADES BEAUTY SI 87 (race winner, $3,592, Race winner), TWILIGHTS ORPHAN (AQHA point-earner), TEXAS SATIN COWGIRL (AQHA point-earner), TEX RHOADES (race winner, Race winner), TOP FLEET TEX (race placed, placed to 4), TEX BAR DANCER (Unplaced at 2), TIC TACS TEX (race winner, Race winner), DELS WADE (Unplaced at 2), TEXAS ROUGH CUT (Unplaced to 5), FINISH IN TEXAS (Unplaced to 4), A TEXAS PEARL (Unplaced to 3). He is by TEXAS DANCER TB; sire of 25 AQHA point-earners, 372 Race ROM, 13 stakes winners, $3,960,155, including EASTEX SI 106 (Champion Racing 2-Year-Old, 13 race wins, $1,869,406, won All American Futurity [G1]), TEXAS SUGAR MOON SI 107 (9 race wins, $61,970, won Glendale Downs Futurity), SOME CLASS ACT SI 107 (5 race wins, $73,292, 3rd Longhorn Futurity, NTR), TOPLESS DANCER SI 95 (5 race wins, $64,892, 2nd Texas Futurity), THE TOWN DANCER SI 101 (4 race wins, $47,603, 2nd Rocket Bar Futurity [G3]), CATCHA DANCER SI 99 (16 race wins, $47,232, won Blood Reserve Futurity, NTR), FREEBIE DANCER SI 91 (2 race wins, $46,252, 2nd Black Gold II 350 Futurity - 1st Div [R]), CIRCLE EASY DANCER SI 97 (11 race wins, $44,240, won QHBC Far East Classic Futurity [R]), THE DANCING GIRL SI 98 (6 race wins, $42,715, 2nd Blue Ribbon Derby [G3]), MASTER DANCE SI 110 (21 race wins, $36,954, won Governor's Derby, NTR). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 9
Hip No.
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Hip No.
Consigned by Kenny Schueller Up Yur Bet Mate 2015 Red Roan Gelding
Consigned by Tom Bowling Hancock Powder
2011 Bay Gelding
High Brow Hickory Smart Little Kitty Freckles Playboy Royal Blue Boon Smart Little Lena Freckles Playmate Doc Bars Boy 2
Freckles Playboy Miss Silver Pistol Peppy San Badger Doc A Holly Lena Hancock's Dude SI 95 Mira Bay Hancock 3
High Brow Cat
Bet Hesa Cat
Pg Gunpowder
Bet Yer Blue Boons
Powderriver Pepidoc
Up Yur Bet Mate 5739185
Hancock Powder 5374036
Smart Mate
Red Hot Hancock
Bottoms Up Mate
Pretty Miss Hancock
Buddy Spiker
Lucky Star Strike
Pretty Good Dice
Lucky Bottom 69 NOTES: Guppy has had 18 months cutting training and is ready to be finished out and cut on or go in any direction. He would make a good rope horse or barrel horse. He would be able to pick up the reining easily and could be cowhorsed on as well. Guppy's been used to check cattle and has been ranched on. He stands at 14.3hh and is strong, broke and good minded enough to be taken and finished out in any direction. FMI call 563-543-0799. SIRE: BET HESA CAT (2006). $267,465: NCHA Open World Champion; NCHA Open World Champion Stallion; AQHA World Junior Cutting Level 2 Open Champion; Breeders Inv. Open Derby Reserve Champion; 5th AQHA High Point Junior Cutting. Half-brother to STYLISH BET ($215,091: 9th Showdown in Cowtown Winter Slot Cutting Open; NCHA Platinum Award), BETS CD ($129,130: 3rd NCHA Open Derby; NCHA Bronze Award), BET SHES SMOOTH ($127,485: NCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion), BET ON ME 498 ($102,877: AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Cutting Horse; NCHA Silver Award), BET YER BOONS ($73,281: top 10 NCHA Open Futurity), BETRUS ($57,993: semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Super Stakes). Out of BET YER BLUE BOONS ($350,615: NCHA World Champion Mare; NCHA Hall of Fame A 2017 & 2018 RGP Top 5 Leading Sire of RCH Money-Earners; 2018 AQHA Top 10 Sire of Cowboy Events Point-Earners; 2018 RGP Top 10 Sire of Ranch Horse money-earners. Sire of 220 RGP money-earners, $2,767,906, 37 AQHA point-earners, including BETCHALOU ($144,891: split 7th NCHA Open Super Stakes). DAM: BOTTOMS UP MATE (2000). $32,799: split top 10, NCHA Non-Pro Super Stakes: 7th Congress Spring Cutting Spectacular 4-Year-Old Non- Pro; split 9th Congress Non-Pro Classic; top 10 Congress Cutting $10 Horse Non-Pro; finalist in the Augusta Non-Pro Classic. Dam of 8 AQHA foals, 4 money-earners, including BLACK BOTTOM CAT ($23,630 and 6 AQHA points: money-earner Iowa Cutting Classic Non-Pro, NCHA Area 6 $35,000 Non-Pro Co-Reserve Champion; NCHA Area 6 Co-Reserve Champion $15,000 Amateur), BOOTY CAT ($17,408: split 7th Congress Cutting $100,000 Amateur Classic; 8th The Non-Pro 5/6-Year-Old Non- Pro; money-earner Iowa Cutting Open Classic), BUMMIN A LIGHT ($16,329: 3rd State of Missouri CHA Non-Pro Futurity, NCHA Area 13 Co-Reserve Champion Non-Pro, NCHA Area 13 $2,000 Limited Rider Champion), SO METALLIC (NCHA $4,358). Full sister to FANCY THIS MATE ($3,371: 6th Augusta 4-Year-Old $50,000 Amateur Futurity). Half- sister to HALEY BOP HICKORY ($49,192: 9th Augusta Non-Pro Classic), DULCES LUCKY CHARM ($7,989 and an AQHA point-earner: 5th State of Missouri CHA Non-Pro Derby), HB LUCKY HICKORY (11 AQHA points: AQHA High Point International Ranch Sorting Open), OH CAY SHEZ SPECIAL (NCHA money-earner), and a daughter of SMART MATE, $50,072 and 5.5 AQHA points: finalist in the NCHA Open Classic/Challenge; Denver National Stock Show NCHA Open Reserve Champion. An RGP Top 25 All-Time Sire of Cutting money-earners. Sire of 435 RGP money-earners, $8,519,975, earners of 3,904 AQHA points, including NUTN BUTA HOUNDOG ($263,898: NCHA Non-Pro Co-World Champion). RGP-CB 12/2018
Blue's Rhapsody NOTES: Gambler has been hauled for the last two years to jackpots, USTRC ropings, World Series, and IPRA rodeos on both ends. He has also been shown in open and 4-H shows the last 2 years in Ranch horse events, trail classes, and reining by my 12 year old son. This horse has been used outside in all phases of ranch work and always stays safe and gentle. He will trail ride anywhere you point him. He is really a great all around gelding. FMI call 513-324-8035. 15HH SIRE: PG GUNPOWDER (1997). $18,739: semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity; 6th Suncoast Winter Open Derby; semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Super Stakes. Sire of RL GUNPOWDERS LENITA ($17,753 and 179.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Ranch Sorting Champion), SWEETNLOUS GUNPOWDER ($52,327: 7th NCHA Finals $10; NCHA Bronze Award), WS SNICKELFRITZ ($21,533: NCHA $2,000 Limited Rider Co-World Champion), GUNPOWDERS LIL FLICK ($10,764: Ranch CHA Year-End All-Age Open Champion), PG WOODSHE COW ($9,961: Chisholm Trail CHA Fall Amateur Classic Co-Reserve Champion), RL GUNPOWDERS SQUALL (AQHA point-earner: SHOT Stockhorse World All-Around Youth Champion), RL GUNPOWDERS DUALLY ($4,519: NCHA Certificate of Ability), BET ON GUNPOWDER 498 (NCHA $3,476), SMART LIL GUNPOWDER (17 AQHA points: FQHR RRNDUP N Review Cutting Amateur Champion), GUNPOWDER PICK (AQHA point-earner: 4th CSU Legends of Ranching Ranch Horse Maturity Open), JD BIG DOC (AQHA point-earner), GUNPOWDERS SUPERSTAR (AQHA point-earner). DAM: PRETTY MISS HANCOCK (1995). Dam of 15 AQHA foals. A daughter of RED HOT HANCOCK, 60 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM. Sire of RED HOT LINE (127 AQHA points; Superior Heeling, AQHA World Junior Heeling qualifier), RHH JINX BY THREE (31.5 AQHA points: 7th AQHA Select World Heeling), BIG HAN BARS (AQHA point- earner), UNO CHEX HANCOCK (RHAA money-earner). Son of HANCOCK'S DUDE SI 95, 29.5 AQHA points: AQHA Champion; 3 seconds, Race placed; sire of earners of 1,514 AQHA points, including IMA CARING DUDE (57.5 AQHA points: AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Heading Horse), NINIA'S BROTHER (33 AQHA points: AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Tie-Down Roping Horse), GRACIOSOS DUDE (983 AQHA points: Congress Open Heeling Champion; AQHA Performance Champion), NINIA'S DUDE (187 AQHA points: 5th AQHA World Senior Open Tie-Down Roping, AQHA Champion), RED HOT HANCOCK (60 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), MISS CASH QUEEN (24 AQHA points), HANCOCKS SOUVENIR (20 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), MISS CAPTIVATION (20 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), FLEMING'S DUDE (20 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), MISS HOLLY QUEEN (18 AQHA points: 7th AQHA World Junior Heeling), SHANIE DOLL (14 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), HANCOCK'S SHANE (14 AQHA points), MISS ROCKADUDE (12 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), PEPPERSNOW HANCOCK (11 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), HANCOCK'S TWINKLES (10 AQHA points), CAPITAL DUDE (9 AQHA points), FLICKA'S DUDE (7 AQHA points), DEBA DUDE (AQHA point-earner; NCHA money-earner), APRIL'S DUDE (AQHA point-earner: semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity), COOKYS DUDE (AQHA point-earner). RGP-CB 12/2018
10 • 5 Star Horse Sale 2019
Hip No.
Hip No.
Hip No.
Hip No.
Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Peptos Hickory Rey 2011 Bay Roan Gelding
Consigned by Dallas Schleg TS Jazz Sweet Bar 2014 Red Roan Gelding
Peppy San Badger Royal Blue Boon Docs Stylish Oak Playboys Mom
Dual Pep
Peptoboonsmal Moms Stylish Kat
Dual Jazz
Jazabell Quixote Dodger Doc Imprint Little Red Too
Peptos Stylish Oak
Mc Jazz
Dodgers Image
Peptos Hickory Rey 5499426
TS Jazz Sweet Bar 5664317
Dual Pep Nurse Rey Doc's Hickory
Dulces Peppy Sonoita Jessie Lectric Playboy
Dual Rey
Ts Dulces Pep
Sheza Hickory Rey
Ts Dulce Sweet Sugar
Chex Rio Hickory
Sweet E Lectric
Play Chex Rio PERFORMANCE RECORD: NCHA earner of $6,324; NCHA Certificate of Ability. NOTES: “Rey” is a gorgeous, bright colored bay roan gelding that is a finished cutter. Super nice horse suitable for open, non-pro, or amateur classes. Already earned over $6k NCHA and could easily go back to the cutting pen or show him in other events as well. Very broke and responsive, quick footed, smooth mover, lopes collected and soft, bends at the poll, and can really stop. He has the look of a head horse and I don’t think it would take much to convert him over. This gelding will catch people’s attention, flawless confirmation, beautiful flowing tail, cool colored, and broke the very best! Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. For more info call 507-459-8654. 15HH SIRE: PEPTOS STYLISH OAK (1997). $5,680: 3rd Australia NCHA Open Derby. Sire of 358 RGP money-earners, $3,951,332, 52 AQHA point- earners, including PEPTOS STYLISH SUE ($226,056: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity), REDNECK STYLE ($185,668: Tunica Cutting Classic Non-Pro Co-Champion), ONE ROAN PEPTOS ($141,282: Australia NCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion; Australian NCHA Hall of Fame), LIZZYS STYLISH PEPTO ($3,768 and 76 AQHA points: AQHA World Ranch Sorting Level 2 Amateur Champion), MSR PEPTART ($25,741 and 26 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Open Junior Cutting Reserve Champion), ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER (AUS) ($86,463: Australia NCHA Open Futurity Champion), PIMPED OUT PEPTO ($79,289: PCCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion), OAK AND ASHES (AUS) ($77,365: Australia NCHA Open Classic Champion; Australian NCHA Hall of Fame), PEPTOS STYLISH FOXY ($75,505: PCCHA Fall Open Futurity Champion), STYLISH SCOTTI ($75,407: PCCHA Fall Open Classic/Challenge Reserve Champion). DAM: SHEZA HICKORY REY (2003). NCHA money-earner and 5 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Cutting Level 2 qualifier; AQHA World Amateur Cutting qualifier; AQHA Select World Cutting qualifier. Dam of 2 AQHA foals, including PEPTOS HICKORY REY ($6,324: NCHA Certificate of Ability). Full sister to REX STING REY ($28,111: 4th Suncoast Winter Cutting Non-Pro Derby), LIL RIO REY ($22,264: finalist in the NCHA Amateur Futurity). Half-sister to LIL ROAN RIDIN HOOD ($23,637: 8th South Point Winter Cutting Classic Non-Pro), CHEXBOONSMAL ($20,281: Canadian RCH Int. Open Derby Champion), HICKORY KIT RIO ($5,116, AQHA point-earner: 7th Music City Amateur Classic), LIL LAND SLIDE (32.5 AQHA points: & NRCHA & NRHA money-earner, AQHA World Senior Cutting qualifier), HOUSE OF BLUES (money-earner). Out of CHEX RIO HICKORY ($90,031: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity). A daughter of DUAL REY, $105,038: split 6th NCHA Open Futurity. A 2017 AQHA #1 Leading Sire of Cowboy Events Point-Earners; an RGP Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting money- earners. Sire of 1,377 RGP money-earners, $41,826,059, earners of 8,832 AQHA points, including REYS DUAL BADGER ($313,563: NCHA Horse of the Year), SPECIAL NU BABY ($481,197: NCHA World Champion Mare; NCHA Bronze Award), DONT STOPP BELIEVIN ($452,436: NCHA Open Super Stakes Co-Champion; NCHA Gold Award). RGP-CB 12/2018
Jae Bar Sweety NOTES: This roan gelding is one of the best horses to come through our barn. He is gentle and quiet, you do not have to be a cowboy to get along with this great horse. He is fancy broke with a good smooth turn around and has lots of stop! He team ropes both ends and has earned several checks for us on the head side. Riding outside or down the road is never an issue for this guy, he has been used outside for sorting and doctoring cows all this last year and has trail ridden all over the midwest. FMI call 574-850-6744. 15HH SIRE: MC JAZZ (2002). Sire of JAZZ JEWEL (NCHA money-earner). Son of DUAL JAZZ, $60,371: 3rd Augusta Non-Pro Classic; 8th Abilene Spectacular Non-Pro Classic: 7th Bonanza 5/6-Year-Old Non-Pro; 6th Abilene Western Cutting 4-Year-Old Non-Pro; 5th Chisholm Trail Cutting Non-Pro Derby. Sire of 129 RGP money-earners, $1,346,304, 35 AQHA point-earners, including WEE LITTLE BADGER ($119,314: split top 10, NCHA Non-Pro Derby; NCHA Bronze Award), JAZZS LITTLE JOY ($101,020: Cotton Stakes Open Classic Derby Champion), MERADA JAZZ ($29,801 and 266.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Open Team Penning Champion; Superior Ranch Sorting), SAN JAZZY LENA ($21,121 and 51 AQHA points: AQHA World All-Age Ranch Sorting Open Champion), JAZZY LITTLE MELODY ($94,120 and 36 AQHA points: split top 10, NCHA Open Classic/Challenge; NCHA Bronze Award), DUALLYS IN TOWN ($74,913: 5th Southern Open Cutting Futurity), DUALS JAZABELL ($66,719: semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity), JAZZ A LEE ($62,229: 5th PCCHA Open Classic/Challenge), JAZZWARE ($55,245: split top 10, NCHA Eastern Nationals Open), SMART N JAZZY (P) ($23,910: APHA World Senior Cutting Champion), DUAL N BOONSMAL (AUS) ($36,857: Australia NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion). DAM: TS DULCE SWEET SUGAR (2007). Dam of 5 AQHA foals. Half- sister to TS WHISKEY PLAYGIRL (American Ranch Horse Assoc. Honor Roll Halter 3-Year-Old Mare Open Leader). A daughter of TS DULCES PEP; sire of DULCES MERADA (American Ranch Horse Assoc. World Halter 3-Year-Old Mare Open Reserve Champion). Son of DULCES PEPPY; sire of 35 RGP money-earners, 16 AQHA point-earners, including DULCES LITTLE DARLIN ($107,550: finalist in the NCHA Open Finals; NCHA Gold Award), I CAN BE ME ($17,197: top 10 PCCHA Open Futurity), DP SPECIAL GRAY ($11,929: 5th NCHA Super Stakes $10 Horse Classic), DULCES CASH ($11,868: top 10 NRHA Int. Non-Pro Futurity), CARTMAN ($11,618: 3rd World Barrel League Finals Sutherland Arena Jackpot Youth 1D), BC PEPPY ($11,160: Iowa Breeders Cutting Futurity Non-Nominated Open Reserve Champion), DULCES DIAMOND ($8,541: split 9th Congress Cutting Non-Pro), WYLIE PEPPY ($8,310 and an AQHA point-earner: Congress Non-Pro Cutting Futurity Reserve Champion), DULCES CAM ($6,062 and an AQHA point-earner: NCHA Certificate of Ability), DULCE PEPPY LENA ($4,382 and 10 AQHA points: State of Missouri CHA $2,000 Limited Rider Reserve Champion), DULCEY JO ($4,258 and 5 AQHA points: Gold Country Spring Spectacular Cutting 4-Year-Old Open Co-Reserve Champion), LEGACYS BADGER DULCE ($4,125 and 24 AQHA points: 6th BBR World Barrel Racing Open 3D), CASH DULCES ($3,442: NCHA Certificate of Ability), DULCES CHANT (NCHA $3,193), DRIFTIN DULCE (12 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 11
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