5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
Hip No.
Hip No.
Hip No. Hip No. 24 Smartest Dare Devil (P) 24 2008 Sorrel/Tobiano Gelding Delta Olena Delta Dare Devil Nu Bar Devil Flying Dare Devil (P) Brigalenas Delta Popup Delta Gold Gold Camino Delta Smartest Dare Devil (P) 960267 Peppy San Badger Smartest Little Pep Barb A Doc Peps Little Flower (Q) Waggoner Royal Tabathas Flower Tabatha Bar PERFORMANCE RECORD: In 2012: . Split 3rd APHA Honor Roll Junior Reining Open; in 2017: ARHA Honor Roll Ranch Cutting Novice Youth Leader; ARHA Honor Roll All-Age Working Ranch Horse Open Leader. 16 Open Reining points APHA. ARHA ROM in Amateur Ranch Reining, ROM Amateur Ranch Riding, 200 Open Points, 431 Amateur Points and 160 Youth Points. NOTES: River is double registered, thick made and has been successful in Ranch Rodeo, Extreme Obstacle Challenges, shown in APHA with 16 open reining points, and also shown in the American Ranch Horse Association, where he has over 700 points in three divisions. Open, Amateur, and Novice Youth. (Herd Work, Ranch Cutting, Working Ranch horse, Ranch Reining, Boxing, Ranch Riding, Horsemanship, Halter, Ranch Trail, Showmanship, and Ranchmanship. ROM in Ranch Reining and Ranch Riding. River has been to the mountains in Colorado and the youth carry flags on him. He has won numerous buckles and prizes. Truly a jack-of-all-trades and a joy to be around. Would make an awesome lesson horse. We will be sad to see him go, but we have colts coming up that we raised and not enough time to show them all. Great bone and hoof, 100% sound. To much to say about this nice gelding. FMI call 573-826-8108. 15HH SIRE: FLYING DARE DEVIL (P) (2002). APHA World Junior Open Tie- Down Roping Champion; 8th APHA World Junior Working Cow Horse; split 3rd APHA Honor Roll Junior Open Tie-Down Roping. Son of DELTA DARE DEVIL (P), APHA World Junior Heading Open Champion; APHA World Senior Heeling Champion; Paint Congress Judge 3 Junior Steer Stopping Open winner; 5th APHA World Junior Steer Stopping Open; Margarita Classic Judge 3 Junior Heading Open winner. DAM: PEPS LITTLE FLOWER (1998). Dam of 1 AQHA foal, and a daughter of SMARTEST LITTLE PEP, $70,367 and an AQHA point- earner: NCHA Open Derby Reserve Champion; Abilene Western Cutting 4-Year-Old Open Champion; 3rd Bonanza 4-Year-Old Open; 4th Gold Coast Cutting 4-Year-Old Open Derby; finalist Chisholm Trail CHA 5/6- Year-Old Open. Sire of 103 RGP money-earners and earners of 2,164 AQHA points, including SMART SNAP ($64,279 and 37.5 AQHA points: NRHA Non-Pro World Champion), MISTIC SAN PEP ($23,977 and 225.5 AQHA points: AQHA World All-Age Ranch Sorting Open Champion twice, Superior Team Penning), SMART LITTLE TIMMY ($4,639 and 328 AQHA points: AQHA World All-Age Team Penning Level 2 Open Champion; Superior Team Penning), SMARTEST LITTLE ROSE ($3,758 and 109.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Team Penning Champion; Superior Team Penning), FOX N PEP (5.5 AQHA points: AQHA Select World Team Penning Champion twice), SMARTEST LITTLE OAK ($94,482: PCCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion), SMARTEST ONE YET ($50,641: split 7th NCHA Western Nationals $50,000 Amateur), LIL BIT OF SOMETHING (221.5 AQHA points: finalist in AQHA World Amateur Team Penning, Superior Team Penning), SMARTEST ALIBI ($19,301: Magnolia Classic Cutting 5/6-Year-Old Cutting Open Champion), SMART HANDLE BAR PEP ($17,556: 5th Texas Cutting All-Age $2,000 Limited Rider), SMARTEST AND FIRST ($17,466: top 10 NCHA Open Classic/Challenge). RGP-CB 12/2018 Consigned by Brandon & Shelly Huff
Consigned by Clayton Knox Lenas Hanging Ten 2015 Buckskin Gelding
Peppy Badger Chex
Hangten Peppy Mizzen Topsail
Ten Chex Topsail Cody
Hang Ten Surprize
Lenas Hanging Ten 5675993
Torinos 2 Sock Sue Hollywood Dun It Dudes Gold Chex
Dun Its Gold Nugget
Dun Its Olena
Pocos Smart Olena
Lenas Poco One NOTES: "Dunit" is a fancy fancy buckskin gelding that has had 18 months of reining training. He has nice sliding stops, fast spins, and also has a nice way of going over obstacles and down the trails. Dunit has a mane and tail to die for. He is almost ready to show in the reining, but would also make a nice ranch riding or heel horse. NRHA and NRBC enrolled. 100% sound, FMI call Clayton at 660-287-1786. 14.2HH SIRE: HANG TEN SURPRIZE (2000). $133,060: AQHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse; split 6th NRBC Open Derby; split 4th NRHA Open Derby; finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity; Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Open Futurity Champion. Half-brother to SPARK N WHIZ ($62,499 and 18 AQHA points: finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity), SAIL ON SURPRISE ($51,883: split 3rd NRHA Open Futurity). A 2017 RGP Top 25 Sire of Reining money-earners. Sire of 108 RGP money-earners, 41 AQHA point-earners, including HANG TEN AND SHINE ($113,305 and 52 AQHA points: finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity, Superior Reining), HARLEY SURPRIZE LENA ($71,472: Congress Open Reining Futurity Champion), CBK HANG A WRIGHT ($58,043: Congress Limited Open Reining Futurity Co-Champion), TEN REASONS ($56,919 and 27 AQHA points: finalist in the NRHA Int. Open Futurity), SHINERS SURPRISE ($5,603 and 258.5 AQHA points: NSBA World All-Age Ranch Trail Open Reserve Champion), GAME DAY SURPRISE ($38,932 and 159 AQHA points: 5th Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Stallion Stakes Futurity Open, Superior Reining), WHIZ KID SURPRIZE ($36,995: Northeast Breeders Open Reining Futurity Champion), HANG TEN JEN ($34,823: finalist in the NRHA Int. Open Futurity), SPOOKS LIL SURPRIZE ($25,773: 9th Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes), HANGTEN HOLLY ($23,180: Canadian Supreme Open to the World Open Reining Derby Champion). DAM: DUN ITS OLENA (2004). Dam of 3 AQHA foals, including MERADAS SILVER DREAM (Heart of Dixie RHA Southern Slide Reining Rookie Level 2 class winner). A daughter of DUN ITS GOLD NUGGET. Son of HOLLYWOOD DUN IT, $69,383: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion; NRHA Open Derby Champion. A 2018 RGP #2 Leading Sire of Ranch Riding money-earners; an AQHA Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Reining Point-Earners; 2018 RGP Top 25 Sire of Ranch Horse money- earners; an RGP Top 25 All-Time Sire of Ranch Riding money-earners. Sire of 765 RGP money-earners, $7,527,852, earners of 13,216 AQHA points, including HOLLYWOODSTINSELTOWN ($185,886: 4th NRBC Open Derby), REMINIC N DUNIT ($167,164: NRBC Open Derby Champion twice), HOLLYWOOD VINTAGE ($156,138: NRHA Open Futurity Champion), BH HOLLYWOODS LADY ($119,783: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion), HOLLYWOOD GOTTA GUN ($115,489: 4th NRHA Open Futurity), HES DUN HIS TIME ($108,722 and 27.5 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion), DUN IT ON THE QT ($104,847: 5th AQHA High Point Junior Reining Open), DUN IT THE HARD WAY ($71,079 and 192 AQHA points: NRHA Open World Champion Mare;, Superior Reining), DUN IT AT DAWN ($35,090 and 36 AQHA points: NRHA Int. Open World Champion), MATT DILLON DUN IT ($168,257 and 96 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Working Cow Horse, Superior Reining). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 17
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