5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
Hip No.
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Consigned by Tietjen Performance Horses Red Barron Bar
Consigned by Scott & Jon Peterson Stevie Lee Too
2010 Bay Roan Gelding
2010 Gray Gelding
Mr Baron Red Ima Tyree Bar Fly Baron Monte's Roananne
Continental Fly Happy Hancock 23 Poco Bueno Image Freckletta Pearl Prices Smokey Leo Runnin Ruthie Tee J Terri Dee
Two Eyed Red Buck Miss Baroness Anne
Four Roan Fly
Red Barron Buck
Four Fly Roan
Lookin For Freckles
Red Barron Bar 5295855
Stevie Lee Too 5285036
Elm Bend Star Gee's Jester I Casey Bar
Okies Gee Wize
Rf Doolin Leo
Caseys Bar Babe
Shezastevie Lee
Casey Bar Rose
Rf Marina
Miss Sherry Rose NOTES: We have owned Chisum since he was a long yearling. He is very gentle with wonderful ground manners. He’s an absolute gentleman on the ground and under saddle. He is very light in the bit, neck reins and moves off leg pressure. Chisum has been trail ridden all over from Nebraska to Tennessee. He is traffic safe, rides out by himself or with a group. We have used him for all aspects of ranch work. He has ponied and halter broke colts. He has been used to sort, move, rope and doctor cattle. We have used him for a lesson horse with all levels of riders, from beginners to advance. He has been shown in the Iowa Ranch Horse Association, placing in Ranch Riding, Ranch Pleasure and earned money in Ranch Roping and Breakaway. Chisum stands great for the farrier, ties, hobbles, ground ties and loads with ease. He is the whole package if you’re looking for a great all around horse. More videos will be available at www.tietjenperformancehorses.com. Call 563-212-4686 for more information. 15.3HH SIRE: RED BARRON BUCK (2003). Son of TWO EYED RED BUCK, $8,975 and 279 AQHA points: AQHA Reserve High Point Junior Heading Champion; 4th AQHA High Point Junior Heeling; 5th AQHA High Point Junior Open Tie-Down Roping; AQHA High Point Heading Stallion; 9th AQHA World Aged Halter Stallion; AQHA Champion; Superior Heading; Superior Heeling. An AQHA Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Cowboy Events Point-Earners. Sire of 92 RGP money-earners and earners of 9,783 AQHA points, including TWO ID SHOOTER BUCK ($38,521 and 798 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Heeling Horse, AQHA Champion), RED BUCK DUNIT ($31,937 and 1,163 AQHA points: AQHA Select World Heeling Champion; Superior Heading), RED BUCKS JOE JACK ($3,122 and 441.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Junior Tie- Down Roping Champion; AQHA Performance Champion), MR GOLD BUCKS ($17,744 and 463 AQHA points: AQHA Reserve World Champion Senior Heading Horse, AQHA Performance Champion), WATCH A BUCK ($11,673 and 409 AQHA points: AQHA Select World Int. Exhibitor Heeling Reserve Champion; Superior Heading), TWO EYES WATCHIN ($4,644 and 78.5 AQHA points: AQHA Reserve World Champion Performance Stallion), RED BUCKS LAST JACK (AP) ($6,258: ApHC World Junior Judged Open Tie-Down Roping Champion), WATCH RED BUCK DUN ($5,625 and 258 AQHA points: PHBA World Junior Breakaway Roping Open Champion twice, Superior Tie-Down Roping), TWO JOE JACKIE ($3,475 and 149 AQHA points: PHBA World Junior Heading Open Champion; Superior Heading), WATCH BUCKS JACKIE ($5,902 and 228.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Heading Level 1 Amateur Co-Champion; AQHA Performance Champion). DAM: CASEYS BAR BABE (1989). Dam of 6 AQHA foals. A daughter of OKIES GEE WIZE. Son of ELM BEND STAR, 14 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM. Sire of STAR DUST PEACH (5 AQHA points), BEN'S BUNNY (AQHA point-earner), BIT O BEN (AQHA point-earner), SUPER SQUIRREL (AQHA point-earner). He is by SQUIRREL; sire of ELM BEND STAR (14 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), WOOD'S SQUIRREL (10 AQHA points), BELL'S BOW TIE (9 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), BRYAN'S SNIP (5.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), RUSTIC (AQHA point-earner). RGP-CB 12/2018
Runnin Marine NOTES: Stevie is a handsome head and ranch horse standing about 15.2 with good foot and bone. We have ranched off him a lot. He has a rocking chair lope. Covers ground well and crosses water and anything you ask. He has tagged and drug calves to the fire. Sorted pairs. Doctored calves and cows. Drug bulls on the trailer. He will alley sort with a flag and never flinch. Loads and shoes with ease. We have been heading off him and he scores good. Leaves flat with a good move and strong finish. We have used him outside and inside. We have jack potted off him and he is currently at the college barn. Stevie is the go to horse that we have really enjoyed riding and know you will too! FMI call or txt 605 641 7268 or go to www.bestropinghorse.com for more pics and video. 15.2HH SIRE: FOUR FLY ROAN (2002). Son of FOUR ROAN FLY, 43 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM; AQHA World Junior Heading qualifier; AQHA World Junior Tie-Down Roping qualifier. Sire of FLY FOR THE CROWN (Colorado Super Circuit RCH Futurity Fence Work $7,500 Limited Open Reserve Champion), ROAN MAMA (ARHA World All-Age Ranch Sorting Open Champion), HAPPY SON O SUGAR (6.5 AQHA points), SHINING FLY (AQHA point-earner), Son of CONTINENTAL FLY, NRCHA money- earner. sire of FOUR ROAN FLY (43 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Junior Heading qualifier), BUD TRAVIS (AQHA point- earner: split 6th Cowboy Publishing Challenge Team Roping Open), CF FOURTEEN (NCHA & NRCHA $1,200), FIGURE FOUR 307 (Colorado RCHA Futurity $1,000 Amateur Champion), He is by THE CONTINENTAL, 57 AQHA points: AQHA Champion. Sire of earners of 4,483 AQHA points, including BLUE CONTINENTAL ($7,026 and 10 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse), CONTINENTAL CAN (788 AQHA points: AQHA World 2-Year-Old Gelding Open Champion; AQHA Champion), RICH RAPSCALLION (396.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Trail Horse, Superior Trail. CONTINENTAL LAD (285 AQHA points: split 3rd AQHA High Point Trail Youth, AQHA Champion). DAM: SHEZASTEVIE LEE (2003). Dam of 8 AQHA foals. A granddaughter of PRICES SMOKEY LEO, $8,408 and 29 AQHA points: 9th AQHA World Senior Cutting; AQHA High Point Cutting Open Leader. Sire of SMOKE N EYES (140.5 AQHA points: AQHYA World Tie-Down Roping Reserve Champion), SMOKE N EYES (140.5 AQHA points: AQHYA World Tie-Down Roping Reserve Champion), SMOKEM UP LEO ($11,917: \The Non-Pro\ All-Age 10KNPGLD Reserve Champion), SCOTT CITY SUE (11 AQHA points; NCHA money-earner), SMOKE LISA (NCHA money-earner). he is by RONDO LEO, NCHA money- earner and 56 AQHA points: AQHA Champion. Sire of 17 AQHA point- earners, including KANSAS DILLION ($5,901 and an AQHA point- earner: NCHA Youth Co-World Champion), MR GUN SMOKE (71 AQHA points: and NCHA $8,476; NRHA Hall of Fame, AQHA Hall of Fame, Superior Cutting), PRICES RONDOS LAST ($9,111 and an AQHA point- earner: 8th Dixie National Stock Show Senior Cutting), PRICES SMOKEY LEO ($8,408 and 29 AQHA points: 9th AQHA World Senior Cutting), LEO'S MAYLADY (27 AQHA points; Youth Perf. ROM). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 23
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