5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
Hip No.
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Consigned by Jake Watters Mr Freckles Lil Lena
Consigned by Matthew Davison Color Me Deluxe Gold
2011 Sorrel Gelding
2010 Palomino Gelding
Jewel's Leo Bars
Sports A Glory Sienna Lynx Justa Super Reward Ms Velvet King
Freckles Playboy
Ima Sporty Lynx Kings Justa Beauty
Gay Jay
Mr Peppys Freckles
Color Prescription
Peppy San Badger Peppys From Heaven Royal Blue Boon
Mr Freckles Lil Lena 5441384
Color Me Deluxe Gold 5495285
Doc O'lena Smart Peppy Doc's Hickory
Sonny Deluxe Delight Bid Invest In Choice
Smart Little Lena
Mr Double Deluxe
Smart Miss Cross
Ima Double Deluxe
Hickorys Miss Cross
Ladybugs Choice
Lenas Child Rio NOTES: Freckles is a really quiet and shapey horse that ropes both ends. He has a great handle on him and can really turn around. Hes very cowy and is a big stopper. He knows his leads, lopes collected, and is very soft in the face. Hes been ridden outside the arena as much as he has inside and is really good minded. He’s a great team roping horse and would also make and excellent calf horse. He can run, stop, and is very gritty. He’s been in training with Weiland Performance Horses for about 90 days. 100% Sound. FMI: Jake Watters 641-430-1375 or Brandon Weiland 515-571-6352. 15HH SIRE: MR PEPPYS FRECKLES (1995). $11,043: finalist Gold Coast Cutting 4-Year-Old Non-Pro; money-earner in the Abilene Spectacular Non-Pro Classic; money-earner El Cid Cutting 4-Year-Old Non-Pro; money-earner Bonanza 5/6-Year-Old Non-Pro. Half-brother to SEVEN FROM HEAVEN ($72,732: AQHA World Champion Junior Cutting Horse), HEAVENS HICKORY (D) ($56,527: Congress Cutting $50,000 Amateur Champion). Out of PEPPYS FROM HEAVEN ($143,350: split 6th NCHA Open Futurity). Sire of 53 RGP money-earners, 13 AQHA point-earners, including QUITE THE FAT CAT ($247,838: 3rd NCHA Open Futurity), LANNIES FRECKLES ($97,237: NCHA Senior Youth Co- World Champion), FRECKY LENA PEP ($49,421: NCHA Junior Youth Co-World Champion), SHOW BIZ KIT KAT ($78,463 and 22 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Cutting Reserve Champion), SHOW BIZ KIT KAT ($78,463 and 22 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Cutting Reserve Champion), MS PEPPA ROANIE RICH ($47,014: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity). DAM: SMART MISS CROSS (2000). NCHA money-earner. Dam of 11 AQHA foals, including SR SMART STAR (9th ACHA World All-Age $3), SPOOK IS SMART (AQHA point-earner). Half-sister to HICKORYS JO LENA ($33,653: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity), ACRES OF MISSY ($10,394: NCHA Certificate of Ability), DUAL MISS HICKORY ($3,898: NCHA Certificate of Ability), and a daughter of SMART LITTLE LENA, $743,275: NCHA Triple Crown. RGP #2 All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting money-earners; AQHA #2 All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting Point- Earners; an AQHA Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of RCH Point-Earners; an RGP Top 25 All-Time Sire of RCH Money-Earners. Sire of 1,468 RGP money-earners, $42,691,973, earners of 10,428 AQHA points, including JUSTA SMART PEANUT ($417,739: NCHA Horse of the Year), RED WHITE AND BOON ($930,954: NCHA World Champion Gelding; NCHA Hall of Fame), SMART PEPPY LENA (P) ($492,793: NCHA Non-Pro Co- Reserve World Champion twice; NCHA Hall of Fame), SMART PLAY ($413,720 and 68.5 AQHA points: NCHA $5,000 Novice Reserve World Champion; NCHA Gold Award), SOME KINDA MEMORIES ($378,671: NCHA Open Futurity Champion), PLAYIN N FANCY SMART ($378,135: NCHA Open Super Stakes Co-Champion), SMART LITTLE SENOR ($362,933: NCHA Open Futurity Champion; NCHA Gold Award), JIGGIN LITTLE LENA ($345,284: NCHA Non-Pro World Champion; NCHA Gold Award), QUEJANAISALENA ($338,204: 4th NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic), COMMANDICATE ($300,112: NCHA World Champion Gelding twice; NCHA Gold Award), SMART WHITTLE WENA ($293,455: 4th NCHA Non-Pro Super Stakes). RGP-CB 12/2018
Pattie Toe NOTES: Deluxe is my go to day work horse. He has gathered pairs, roped yearlings, sorted in the corral and many other day to day tasks. He has been down the road, crosses water and up and down hills. Side passes. Turns around. Good stop. Drags a log, ropes the dummy. FMI call 608- 489-2932. 14.2HH SIRE: COLOR PRESCRIPTION (2006). Sire of VEGASS SASSY GIRL (7th EQUIPRIDE Spring Shoot-Out Barrel Racing Open 1D). Son of IMA SPORTY LYNX. Son of SPORTS A GLORY, 68 AQHA points: Superior Team Penning; AQHA World Team Penning qualifier. Sire of 11 AQHA point-earners, including IAM CUSTOM MADE (18.5 AQHA points; AQHA Select World Ranch Sorting qualifier), ILLBESMARTASHICKORY (10.5 AQHA points), JOSE SMOKIN HICKORY (9.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Youth Ranch Sorting qualifier), KTS POP A DOC (5.5 AQHA points), LENAS GOLDN HICKORY (AQHA point-earner), HICKORYS A BANDIT (AQHA point-earner, AQHA Select World Ranch Sorting qualifier), REMEDY FOR HICKORY (AQHA point-earner), IMA FRECKLED HICKORY (AQHA point-earner), HICKORYS GLORY SHOT (AQHA point-earner; 68 novice points: 5th AQHA High Point Versatility Ranch Horse Youth), HESA DOC HICKORY (AQHA point-earner), SHESA POCO HICKORY ($1,305), BORREGOS LIL HICKORY (finalist The Best of The Best Barrel Racing Open 4D class). DAM: IMA DOUBLE DELUXE (1992). Dam of 3 AQHA foals. A daughter of MR DOUBLE DELUXE, an AQHA point-earner and sire of DARE TO TRY MOORE (AQHA point-earner), RASCAL DELUXE (AQHA point- earner), DOUBLEMINT MISS (AQHA point-earner), HESA DELUXE TWIST (39 AQHA points: and 7.5 novice points & NSBA $1,274). Son of SONNY DELUXE, 292 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Western Pleasure Stallion; 3rd AQHA High Point Western Pleasure Open; Superior Halter; Superior Western Pleasure. Sire of earners of 4,790 AQHA points, including MISTY DELUXE (798.5 AQHA points: Congress Senior Youth Western Riding Reserve Champion; AQHA Performance Champion), IMA DELUXE SON (867.5 AQHA points: 3rd AQHA World Senior Western Pleasure, Superior Western Pleasure), ILL BE DELUXE (248 AQHA points: and 72 novice points; Open Perf. ROM), SON DEE ROCK (309.5 AQHA points: 4th AQHA World Junior Western Pleasure, Superior Western Pleasure), SUMTHIN DELUXE (354.5 AQHA points: and 249 novice points: 6th Congress Youth Equitation 11 & Under, Superior Western Pleasure), VIRGINIA DELUXE (383 AQHA points: Circuit Champion East Coast Champ Small Fry Showmanship, Superior Western Pleasure), COLOR ME DELUXE (47 AQHA points: top 10 AQHA World Open 3-Year-Old Stallions, AQHA Champion), DELUXE BABE (70 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), SUNNY ROSA RITA (80 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), SUNEE DELUXE TOO (39 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), DYNAMIC DELUXE (111 AQHA points: Congress Senior Western Pleasure Champion; Superior Western Pleasure), ZANY ZIP (179.5 AQHA points; Superior Youth Western Pleasure), CEE SONNY BOY (79 AQHA points; Superior Western Pleasure). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 39
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