5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
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Consigned by Darla Hoover Sk Smoky 2013 Gray Gelding
Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Who Whiz The Boss 2009 Buckskin Gelding
Pop's Diamond Kiowa Starette Dick Sonoita Shodsey's 89'Er Dual Jazz Holy Freckles Master Colonel
Topsail Cody Jeanie Whiz Bar Hollywood Jac 86 Billie Bar Flash Doc O'lena Smart Peppy Jacs Great Pine
Kiowa Diamond Babe Sonoita
Topsail Whiz
Sonita Kiowa
Who Whiz It
Blonde At The Bar
Sk Smoky 5571577
Who Whiz The Boss 5244549
Dualin Freckle
Smart Peppy Lena
Df Smoky Freckle
Rusty Reina
Mc Colonel Smoky
Evening Rein
Smoky Superstar NOTES: Smoke is a gorgeous dapple gray gelding that will get you noticed everywhere you go. Smoke has seen many miles on the ranch. He is sure footed in rough country. Smoke is an athletic gelding with a want to please attitude. He is soft in the bridle and has a big stop. Smoke has the ability to make a outstanding rope horse. FMI contact Darla at 717-917- 4669. 15HH SIRE: SONITA KIOWA (1990). Sire of SONITA RIO (National Junior Hunt Seat Rodeo AQHA Girls Horse of the Year), KIOWA SODA (3rd Sagebrush Slide Reining Spectacular Bridle Novice Non-Pro Rider), ACEY KIOWA (RHAA money-earner). Son of KIOWA DIAMOND, NCHA money-earner and an AQHA point-earner and sire of RIO KIOWA DOLL (129 AQHA points: 6th AQHA World Senior Pole Bending Open, Superior Pole Bending), DUSTY LADY LYNX (19 AQHA points: 5th AQHA High Point Junior Working Cow Horse), DIAMOND DOUBLE DOC (17.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Amateur Team Penning qualifier), CD BUCK (13 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Team Penning qualifier), KIOWAS BABE (6 AQHA points), KIOWA FURY (NCHA money-earner), DIAMOND FURRY (finalist in the NRHA Non-Pro Futurity). Son of POP'S DIAMOND; sire of POP'S DIAMOND LEO (7.5 AQHA points), KIOWA DIAMOND (AQHA point-earner; NCHA money-earner), PARKER DIAL REED (AQHA point-earner), RANDY PARKER (Unplaced to 12), POPCYCLE (4th Nevada All-Around Working Cow Horse Champ Finals), DIAMOND LEO 89'ER (NCHA money- earner). He is by POP CORN; sire of MISS TEXAS ($19,778: 3rd NCHA Top 10; NCHA Bronze Award), QUICK SAND (8 AQHA points), POP CORN POP (AQHA point-earner), R POP CORN (Unplaced to 3). DAM: DF SMOKY FRECKLE (2007). Dam of 3 AQHA foals. Full sister to DF COLONEL SMOKY (57.5 AQHA points: cutting,ranch riding,versatility ranch money-earner, AQHA World Senior Barrel Racing Level 2 qualifier). A daughter of DUALIN FRECKLE; sire of DF COLONEL SMOKY (57.5 AQHA points: cutting,ranch riding,versatility ranch money- earner AQHA World Senior Barrel Racing Level 2 qualifier). Son of DUAL JAZZ, $60,371: 3rd Augusta Non-Pro Classic; 8th Abilene Spectacular Non-Pro Classic: 7th Bonanza 5/6-Year-Old Non-Pro; 6th Abilene Western Cutting 4-Year-Old Non-Pro; 5th Chisholm Trail Cutting Non-Pro Derby. Sire of 129 RGP money-earners, $1,346,304, 35 AQHA point- earners, including WEE LITTLE BADGER ($119,314: split top 10, NCHA Non-Pro Derby; NCHA Bronze Award), JAZZS LITTLE JOY ($101,020: Cotton Stakes Open Classic Derby Champion), MERADA JAZZ ($29,801 and 266.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Open Team Penning Champion; Superior Ranch Sorting), SAN JAZZY LENA ($21,121 and 51 AQHA points: AQHA World All-Age Ranch Sorting Open Champion), JAZZY LITTLE MELODY ($94,120 and 36 AQHA points: split top 10, NCHA Open Classic/Challenge; NCHA Bronze Award), DUALLYS IN TOWN ($74,913: 5th Southern Open Cutting Futurity), DUALS JAZABELL ($66,719: semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity), JAZZ A LEE ($62,229: 5th PCCHA Open Classic/Challenge), JAZZWARE ($55,245: split top 10, NCHA Eastern Nationals Open), SMART N JAZZY (P) ($23,910: APHA World Senior Cutting Champion), DUAL N BOONSMAL (AUS) ($36,857: Australia NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion). RGP-CB 12/2018
Boss Night Lady PERFORMANCE RECORD: NRHA earner of $3,610. In 2012: . Split 5th North Central RHA Open Futurity; split 4th North Central RHA Int. Open Futurity; 3rd North Central RHA Limited Open Futurity; split 4th Central Canada Slide 3/4-Year-Old Limited Open Reining Futurity; in 2013: North Central RHA Winona Limited Non-Pro class winner; in 2017: ABRA World Open Reining Reserve Champion; ABRA Honor Roll All- Age Reining Open Reserve Champion; 3rd ABRA World Ranch Riding Open; 4th ABRA World Green Ranch Riding Open; 5th NSBA High Point Senior Ranch Riding; split 4th ABRA Honor Roll All-Age Ranch Pleasure Open. NOTES: “Boss” is a good looking, compact made gelding with that hard to find deep golden buckskin color. He has proven himself in the show pen in many classes with multiple different riders. Boss is a finished reiner, very easy to ride, will go any speed you ask, and would be a great teacher for anyone looking to get into the performance arena. He has been hauled for years, carried the flag at barrel races this summer, trail rode, worked cattle, and will cross all of the trail course obstacles. Boss is very low key, not easily excited, easy to handle, loves attention, saddles up the same every day, and does not require lunging, just get on and go type of guy. He has been used as a lesson horse as well, great with kids and unexperienced adults. Take him to a show one weekend and throw the kids on him to enjoy around the farm the next. Very safe versatile type of gelding! Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. For more info call 507-459-8654. 14.2HH SIRE: WHO WHIZ IT (1998). $73,380 and 32 AQHA points: split 7th NRHA Open Futurity; finalist in the NRBC Open Derby; Florida State Fair Reining USEF Open Champion; Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Open Futurity Champion; NRHA Int. Non-Pro Derby Co-Reserve Champion. A 2017 AQHA Top 10 Sire of Ranch Riding Point-Earners; 2017 & 2018 RGP Top 25 Sire of Ranch Riding money-earners; an AQHA Top 25 All-Time Sire of Ranch Riding Point-Earners; 2017 & 2018 AQHA Top 25 Sire of Reining Point-Earners. Sire of 162 RGP money- earners and earners of 2,608 AQHA points, including WHIZ IT A CHIC ($186,164: NRBC Open Derby Reserve Champion). DAM: RUSTY REINA (1994). Dam of 6 AQHA foals, including HOLLYWOOD NIGHT STAR (27 AQHA points: split 8th Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Limited Open Futurity), WHO WHIZ THE BOSS ($3,610: ABRA World Open Reining Reserve Champion; ABRA Honor Roll All-Age Reining Open Reserve Champion; split 5th North Central RHA Open Futurity). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 7
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