5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
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Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Chexy Son Of A Gun (P) 2013 Palomino/Overo Gelding
Consigned by Robert Mast Winchester Blues Sk 2013 Blue Roan Gelding
Nu Cash Amarillo Chex One Gun Miss Kim O Lena
Blue Valentine
Nu Chex To Cash (Q)
Leo Hancock Hayes
Doll 01
Big Chex To Cash (P)
Valentine Blues Sk
Lotsa Dynamo Tuxedo Pocos Misty Girl
Snip O Gun (Q)
Formal Girl
Chexy Son Of A Gun (P) 1029047
Winchester Blues Sk 5566658
Colonels Smokingun Clabber Lady Oil (Q) Exclusively Ours (Q)
Tex Wade SI 96 Miss Satin Tip
Colonels Lil Gun
Texas Line Dancer
Bright Lil Gun (P)
Leos Black Orchid Sk
Lotsa Dynamo Tuxedo
Miss Bright Doc
Oleo Shamrock Sk
Bright Miss NOTES: “Flash” is just as his name describes, Flashy! Beautiful dapple palomino gelding with everything going for him. He is a finished reiner, could easily be shown in Ranch Riding or Versatility classes, very gentle and easy to ride, has all of the fancy buttons, trail rides great, and crosses all of the trail obstacles. Flash is always there to greet you at the gate, loves attention, has great manners, and we believe he is gentle enough for about any level or rider. We have hauled Flash to rodeos and barrel races throughout the summer to expose him to all of the sights and sounds, I have carried the flag at some of these events as well. He is easy going, not spooky or flighty, great around other horses, stands tied at the trailer, rides out alone or in a group, and goes where you point him. Flash is gorgeous, eye catching, fancy broke to ride, gentle, and by Big Chex to Cash!! For more info call 507-459-8654. Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. 15HH SIRE: BIG CHEX TO CASH (AQHA/APHA) (2002). $220,826 and 58.5 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion; AQHA Reserve World Champion Senior Reining Horse; NRHA Open Derby Reserve Champion; 3rd AQHA High Point Junior Reining Open; Reining by the Bay Open Derby Co-Champion; Superior Reining. Full brother to HOT SMOKIN CHEX ($188,160 and 90 AQHA points: 3rd NRHA Open Futurity, Superior Reining), CHEXMASTER ($104,337: 4th AQHA High Point Senior Reining Level 2 Open), SNIP O SATELLITE ($52,198 and 34.5 AQHA points: 5th NRHA Int. Non-Pro Derby), SNIP O CHEX ($51,298 and 28.5 AQHA points: 8th NRHA Open Derby); half-brother to BIG CHEX TO CASH ($220,826 and 58.5 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion;Superior Reining), INFERNO SIXTY SIX ($206,587: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion). A 2017 & 2018 AQHA Top 25. DAM: BRIGHT LIL GUN (P) (2004). $14,338: APHA World Champion Senior Youth Reining Horse; APHA World Summer Senior Reining Reserve Champion; APHA Honor Roll Senior Reining Champion; Denver National Inv. Open Freestyle Reining Champion; Western Slope RHA Spring Open Classic Derby Champion. Dam of AGENT JAMES BLOND (P) (The International Reining Futurity $25,000 Limited Non-Pro Reserve Champion; California Summer Slide Reining Novice Horse Open class winner). A daughter of COLONELS LIL GUN (AQHA/APHA), $23,739 and 6 AQHA points: APHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse; finalist in the NRBC Open Derby twice; finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity; 6th APHA World 3-Year-Old Reining Challenge; Arizona RHA Open Futurity Champion. A 2017 AQHA Top 25 Sire of Ranch Horse Point-Earners. Sire of 110 RGP money-earners, 39 AQHA point-earners, including FRECKLES NU LIL GUN ($54,669 and 106 AQHA points: AQHA World Versatility Ranch Horse Amateur Conformation Reserve Champion), LIL GUN SMOKINOAK ($8,235 and 38.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Reining Reserve Champion), LIL GUN DUNIT ($52,210 and 33 AQHA points: split 4th NRHA Int. Open Derby), LIL MONEY GUN ($23,685 and 13.5 AQHA points: APHA World 3-Year- Old Reining Challenge Champion), LIL GAGA GUN ($16,914 and 16 AQHA points: APHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse). RGP-CB 12/2018
One Pretty Show Doll NOTES: "Dallas' is a big, beautiful, blue roan gelding that is well broke to ride. He's been on the big trail rides in Illinois and Missouri. He crosses water, obstacles, and goes where he is pointed. Dallas is also an awesome ranch horse. Knows how to move a group of cattle and likes his job. He's soft in the face, moves off your legs, and is super gentle. Sound. FMI call 608-464-3598. 16HH SIRE: VALENTINE BLUES SK (2002). Son of LEO HANCOCK HAYES; sire of BAR STAR DANGER (107.5 AQHA points: AQHA Select World Tie-Down Roping Reserve Champion; Superior Amateur Tie-Down Roping), BAR STAR SADIE (45 AQHA points: 8th AQHA World Amateur Tie-Down Roping), Son of BLUE VALENTINE, an AQHA point-earner and sire of HAYES' PRONTO (AQHA point-earner), SALTY ROAN (AQHA point-earner), JAY JAY JUD (AQHA point-earner), BLUE'S RED BARON (AQHA point-earner), He is by RED MAN SI 85, an AQHA point- earner: Open Perf. ROM; sire of 15 Race ROM, including BOOGER RED ($51,324: NCHA World Champion; NCHA Hall of Fame), APACHE AGENT SI 95 (5 race wins, $9,486, won Kindergarten Futurity), CIBECUE ROAN (55.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Steer Roping Open Stallion Champion), JOHN RED SI 95 (14 race wins, $5,006, 3rd Nebraska Qh Champ, NTR), LADY HUR ($6,867 and 27 AQHA points: NCHA Certificate of Ability), ROAN DAN (4 race wins, $4,659), RED WOOD MAN (22 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), MISFORTUNE II (6 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), GUNMAN (6 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), BLUE VALENTINE (AQHA point-earner), REDWOOD JAKE (AQHA point-earner), ALABI (AQHA point-earner). DAM: LEOS BLACK ORCHID SK (2003). Dam of 8 AQHA foals. A daughter of TEXAS LINE DANCER; sire of HEAVENS DUN DANCER (16 AQHA points; Youth Perf. ROM, AQHA World Youth Pole Bending qualifier). Son of TEX WADE SI 96, 4 race wins, $5,102, 3rd San Mateo Sophomore Stakes. Sire of WADES BEAUTY SI 87 (race winner, $3,592, Race winner), TWILIGHTS ORPHAN (AQHA point-earner), TEXAS SATIN COWGIRL (AQHA point-earner), TEX RHOADES (race winner, Race winner), TOP FLEET TEX (race placed, placed to 4), TEX BAR DANCER (Unplaced at 2), TIC TACS TEX (race winner, Race winner), DELS WADE (Unplaced at 2), TEXAS ROUGH CUT (Unplaced to 5), FINISH IN TEXAS (Unplaced to 4), A TEXAS PEARL (Unplaced to 3). He is by TEXAS DANCER TB; sire of 25 AQHA point-earners, 372 Race ROM, 13 stakes winners, $3,960,155, including EASTEX SI 106 (Champion Racing 2-Year-Old, 13 race wins, $1,869,406, won All American Futurity [G1]), TEXAS SUGAR MOON SI 107 (9 race wins, $61,970, won Glendale Downs Futurity), SOME CLASS ACT SI 107 (5 race wins, $73,292, 3rd Longhorn Futurity, NTR), TOPLESS DANCER SI 95 (5 race wins, $64,892, 2nd Texas Futurity), THE TOWN DANCER SI 101 (4 race wins, $47,603, 2nd Rocket Bar Futurity [G3]), CATCHA DANCER SI 99 (16 race wins, $47,232, won Blood Reserve Futurity, NTR), FREEBIE DANCER SI 91 (2 race wins, $46,252, 2nd Black Gold II 350 Futurity - 1st Div [R]), CIRCLE EASY DANCER SI 97 (11 race wins, $44,240, won QHBC Far East Classic Futurity [R]), THE DANCING GIRL SI 98 (6 race wins, $42,715, 2nd Blue Ribbon Derby [G3]), MASTER DANCE SI 110 (21 race wins, $36,954, won Governor's Derby, NTR). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 9
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