
President’s Message

From Our Association Secretary By Alecia Heinz, Golden Hz Farm, BBAA Secretary

By Matthew Heinz, Golden Hz Farm, BBAA President

T he crops are coming out, the bulls are out and calves are being weaned. It is definitely all hands on deck for this busy season. As we pulled calves in, I got my first look at the uni- formity of this year’s crop. We started looking at who would be good candidates for replacements and who would be going straight to the feedlot. Alecia, I will admit, probably scrutinizes a lot more than I do at first weaning to measure initial cow per- formance, but she also follows those calves through until the final decision in late winter when we cut bulls. It comes down to quality in our herd and what we pass on to our buyers for seedstock. What does your program include? Does your program keep with the traits F.N. Bard set forth, or have you modified some things to fit your operation and area? I ask you this because, as we continue the process of setting up an auction for 2022, I implore you all to look at your herds and select some of the best to send to the auction. Someone is looking for exactly what you have to offer. Talking to new producers in our association, they are very pleased with what has hit the ground. Everyone has admitted to highs and lows, but the general consensus is extremely positive. In their areas, the neighbors continue to look over the fence at our Barzona cattle and what we are doing different. When your neighbors become buyers, can you ensure that what you sell will perform? This is what we are looking for as we set up this auction. We want the best representation of your herd, with open and honest conversations about your herd goals to help buyers pur- chase the animals that fit best with their operations and pro- vide the best possible end result. Positive outcomes turn first- time buyers into repeat customers. As we wean the first crop of calves to go through the Barzona Production Sale, make your personal goals clear, your data easy to understand and those descriptions just as flashy as your animals. As always, please feel free to contact me at or (515) 480-9916. BB

O ne of the many good traits about Barzona cattle is their ability to grade coming out of a feedlot. There are currently three methods that breeders are using to fatten Barzona cattle and market them. Raymond Boykin retains ownership, feeds themout in Kansas andmarkets them in groups to Cargill. In 2020, Raymond’s cattle achieved 100 percent Prime and Choice, yielded 63 to 65 percent and earned premiums across the board. One of the many good traits about Barzona cattle is their ability to grade coming out of a feedlot. Alvin and Karen Havens feed out their own cattle and have recently shifted to selling quarters and halves solely to local in- dividuals. With quality assurance from past records selling to Omaha Pack, the local option allows them to avoid the risk in changing market prices. Matt and I recently purchased Barzona and Barona-crossbred calves to be fed out in a certified no hormones/additives feedlot and marketed with an expected $250 premium per head. Since calves are a possibility to have in the Production Sale in 2022, options like these are necessary to help encourage buyers and make a good stand in the market for our cattle. If you are interested in any of these operations and how they might work for you, feel free to contact any of these producers with your questions. BB

Golden Hz Farm Barzona: The breed for busy people


These cows take care of themselves!

Breeding Stock Available

Matt & Alecia Heinz 2432 250th St Greenfield, IA 50849 (641) 745-9170 .

Alvin & Karen Havens 2429 Orange Ave. Greenfield, IA 50849

Raymond Boykin, Jr. (334) 430-0563 • 8727 Lydia Lane • Montgomery, AL 36117


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