Barzona Bulletin Fall 2024

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Fall 2024

Barzona Bulletin

Adaptable • Sustainable • Profitable

A Publication of the Barzona Breeders Association of America

Annual Meeting Photo Recap

Raymond Boykin, host of the 2024 BBAA Annual Meeting, describes his grazing paddock system.

The 2024 BBAA Annual Meeting and tours were well attended, making it one of the best attended in the last 15 years.

A customer of Raymond’s talks about his use of a Barzona bull on his cows and the positive influences he has seen.

Decades of good management and careful, consistent selection and breeding have made for high quality cattle at Raymond Boykin’s operation in Alabama.

Raising Quality Barzona Cattle for 46 Years. Bulls & Females Available 2-Year-Old Bulls Available Now F & F Cattle Company Missouri rivers! Here at the Barzona Breeders Association of America (BBAA), we too have had some changes at the 2024 Annual Meeting. We had several regional directors step down, and we have added new directors to the BBAA Executive Board. I am pleased to announce Nash Stansfield as our vice president, Raymond Boykin as eastern director and Nolan Carmichael as central director. Austin Ward is the western director and Clay Fitzgerald is the at-large director. The executive board met on Oct. 2 to discuss the changes and renovations to our website and give direction to the Feedlot Committee to use when compiling the data for later marketing and advertising material. The board also discussed designing and purchasing a new BBAA booth to be used at trade shows, events, etc. I am excited to hear all the new ideas this board has to bring to the table, and I hope by implementing some of these thoughts and ideas we can propel the association and the By Matthew Heinz, Golden Hz Farms, BBAA President President’s Message F all is upon us, and here at Golden Hz Farms we have begun to wean this year’s calf crop. Harvest is in full swing in Iowa, and preparations have started for winter. The colors of fall are everywhere up and down the Mississippi and

BARZONA BREEDERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA EXECUTIVE BOARD President: Matthew Heinz Vice President: Nash Stansfield Eastern Director: Raymond Boykin Central Director: Nolan Carmichael

Western Director: Austin Ward At-Large Director: Clay Fitzgerald

Hampton Cattle Company Breeding Purebred Barzona since 1973 Fertile Range Cattle Steve Hampton P.O. Box 134 • Kirkland, AZ 86332 (928) 442-3438 Last, I would like to thank my outgoing board for all their hard work and dedication. The compiled years of knowledge you brought to the table is humbling, and I thank every one of you for all you have done and will continue to do. Here’s to the next 20 years together – we are Adaptable, Sustainable and Profitable. BB cattle into the future. BBAA members have set some lofty goals, but I fully believe these are obtainable goals over the next two decades. It is not a definite list as it can be added to or modified as things change, but it needs EVERY member, current or past, to be a part of the future. Anyone with Barzona cattle can help build for tomorrow. If anyone has any questions, concerns or other matters needing our attention, please reach out to me or Executive Secretary Alecia at . Any executive board member is also here for you, especially your region’s director.

Mike & Pat Fitzgerald 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM 87733 (575) 673-2346

Golden Hz Farms Barzona: The breed for busy people These cows take care of themselves!

Breeding Stock Available

Matt & Alecia Heinz 2432 250th St Greenfield, IA 50849 (641) 745-9170

Alvin & Karen Havens 2429 Orange Ave. Greenfield, IA 50849


From Our Association Secretary

By Alecia Heinz, Golden Hz Farms, BBAA Secretary

U pdates from the secretary’s desk! It’s weaning season, and I have members looking for feeder steers, feeder heifers, breeding heifers and more! When you get in the mood to sell your weaned calves (or anything else for that matter) please let me get you in touch with a buyer! I have resources to help you find the market prices you need to make a fair deal. The feedlot test is open for enrollment. The Barzona Breed ers Association of America has a pen reserved for Oct./Nov.,

and one in Jan./Feb. 2025 is ready to fill! Our first year of data is being reviewed and compiled by the Feedlot Committee, and we can’t wait for more! The website will be going through some major renovations soon. Please send me any issues and suggestions you have as I work on it. As always if you have any questions, feedback or new ideas, please contact the office! BB

Ad Index Bard Cattle Co............................................4 Carmichael Barzonas..................................4 F & F Cattle Company.................................2 Golden Hz Farms........................................2 Hampton Cattle Company..........................2 Raymond Boykin Jr......................................4 Full-Page Ad...........................$350 per issue Half-Page Ad..........................$200 per issue Third-Page Ad........................ $165 per issue Quarter-Page Ad.....................$135 per issue Eighth-Page Ad........................$75 per issue ADVERTISING RATES The Barzona Bulletin is published four times per year by the BBAA and is mailed to more than 800 Barzona enthusiasts.

RULES FOR ADVERTISING REIMBURSEMENT • Current paid full membership (can be paid any time prior to reimbursement) $90. • Must include a receipt and a proof copy of the ad. • It MUST have the association website on it ( ). • BBAA will reimburse half of the advertising fee, max of $100 annually. Can be done on multiple ads if the maximum is not reached. Contact Alecia Heinz, BBAA executive secretary, at for more information.


Barzona Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 154 Greenfield, IA 50849


If you’d prefer to receive the Barzona Bulletin by email,

please contact Alecia Heinz at

(641) 745-9170 or barzonabreeders@


Selling bulls private treaty. Yearling bulls available now.


Semen available on a number of older bulls. Females available periodically private treaty. Foster, OK 73434 (217) 649-5616 Bard Cattle Co. Nancy Bard Nunn 18800 E. County Road 1603

Raymond Boykin, Jr. (334) 430-0563 • 8727 Lydia Lane • Montgomery, AL 36117


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