Barzona Bulletin Fall 2024
From Our Association Secretary
By Alecia Heinz, Golden Hz Farms, BBAA Secretary
U pdates from the secretary’s desk! It’s weaning season, and I have members looking for feeder steers, feeder heifers, breeding heifers and more! When you get in the mood to sell your weaned calves (or anything else for that matter) please let me get you in touch with a buyer! I have resources to help you find the market prices you need to make a fair deal. The feedlot test is open for enrollment. The Barzona Breed ers Association of America has a pen reserved for Oct./Nov.,
and one in Jan./Feb. 2025 is ready to fill! Our first year of data is being reviewed and compiled by the Feedlot Committee, and we can’t wait for more! The website will be going through some major renovations soon. Please send me any issues and suggestions you have as I work on it. As always if you have any questions, feedback or new ideas, please contact the office! BB
Ad Index Bard Cattle Co............................................4 Carmichael Barzonas..................................4 F & F Cattle Company.................................2 Golden Hz Farms........................................2 Hampton Cattle Company..........................2 Raymond Boykin Jr......................................4 Full-Page Ad...........................$350 per issue Half-Page Ad..........................$200 per issue Third-Page Ad........................ $165 per issue Quarter-Page Ad.....................$135 per issue Eighth-Page Ad........................$75 per issue ADVERTISING RATES The Barzona Bulletin is published four times per year by the BBAA and is mailed to more than 800 Barzona enthusiasts.
RULES FOR ADVERTISING REIMBURSEMENT • Current paid full membership (can be paid any time prior to reimbursement) $90. • Must include a receipt and a proof copy of the ad. • It MUST have the association website on it ( ). • BBAA will reimburse half of the advertising fee, max of $100 annually. Can be done on multiple ads if the maximum is not reached. Contact Alecia Heinz, BBAA executive secretary, at for more information.
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