From Our Association Secretary By Alecia Heinz, Golden Hz Farm, BBAA Secretary
By Matthew Heinz, Golden Hz Farm, BBAA President President’s Message W elcome to the spring edition of the Barzona Bul letin . Spring is in full swing here with everything spring has to offer – new calves hitting the ground, grass coming on in the pastures and getting ready to put this year’s crop in the ground. As crops go in and
H appy spring, y’all! I have been working on the Barzo na Breeders of America Annual Meeting details, and I know this newsletter is out a bit late. This year, meeting dates are June 16-18. Our host hotel is the Best West ern in Lindsey, Okla. As usual, Thursday night will simply be ar rival, and we will see about doing a social hour if most people will be arriving at a decent time. Our tour host this year is Bard Cattle Company, and Nancy Nunn will be doing the tours. The business meetings will be held Friday and any tabled agenda items will be addressed on Saturday. Please keep an eye on your emails. I will be sending more de tailed schedules and meeting agendas as we get things set in place. As a side note, PLEASE contact me with your plans to at tend. I can get the meeting room for free if we have 10 sleeping rooms reserved at the hotel. I will also need to know who would like conference call numbers or Zoom meeting links so you can still participate even if you cannot travel. We hope your calving seasons go well. We will plan to see many of you in June! BB
Let’s put some action plans in place to set a clear direction for the association that empowers our next leaders to carry that torch into the next century.
calves are born, I can not help but think about the future. After all, your decisions to day have an impact on what happens tomor row. As cattlemen, we plan for the day to day but how many of us have a five-year, 10 year or 15-year plan? I know here at our farm, sometimes we get caught up in the here and now but don’t look at the long-term goals.
Raising Quality Barzona Cattle for 46 Years. Bulls & Females Available 2-Year-Old Bulls Available Now F & F Cattle Company So, with that in mind, I need you all to cook up some ideas for our Barzona Breeders Association of America Annual Meeting. Let’s put some action plans in place to set a clear direction for the association that empowers our next leaders to carry that torch into the next century. I look forward to talking to every one at the annual meeting, and I hope to see all of you there in Lindsay, Okla. BB Our son just bought his first calf and it got me thinking, “What are we doing now to ensure his success? What can I do to help him grow and enjoy this breed?” I believe, as an association, we should be doing the same thing. We are making up ground like Rich Strike in the Derby, but what does the organization have for long-term goals? Where would we like to be in those five- and 10-year windows? Most important, what do we want to pass on to the next generation of Barzona cattle breeders? How can we set them up to have the best foot forward?
Golden Hz Farm Barzona: The breed for busy people
These cows take care of themselves!
Breeding Stock Available
Matt & Alecia Heinz 2432 250th St Greenfield, IA 50849 (641) 745-9170 .
Alvin & Karen Havens 2429 Orange Ave. Greenfield, IA 50849
Mike & Pat Fitzgerald 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM 87733 (575) 673-2346
Raymond Boykin, Jr. (334) 430-0563 • 8727 Lydia Lane • Montgomery, AL 36117
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