By Matthew Heinz, Golden Hz Farm, BBAA President President’s Message
H appy NewYear to all of you! I hope this edition of the Barzona Bulle- tin finds you well and ready for what this year has in store for this
Raising Quality Barzona Cattle for 46 Years. Bulls & Females Available 2-Year-Old Bulls Available Now F & F Cattle Company I look forward to talking to each of you in this new year. Let us continue moving forward to develop not only individually but as an association. Thank you to everyone for making 2021 so successful and let’s make 2022 even better. As always, my door is open and my phone is on for comments or questions, or simply to pass the time. You can reach me at (515) 480-9916 or h BB coming together making sure we continue on the right course is better than just a couple of people trying to keep a group going. Second, I would like to see more members come to the BBAA Annual Meeting. From what I have been told, past Annual Meet- ings used to be a big event with attendance in the hundreds! I know we are on the right track because the 2021 Annual Meet- ing attendance was double what the average has been for the past decade. My third resolution regards the BBAA Executive Board. I would like to use all of you more, and it is my goal to reach out to all of you more and gain a better understanding of what each region needs and has available to help us grow. Last, as an association, we need to look at a “Reintroduction.” Other cattle breeds are looking to develop what we already have, and our Barzonas need to be promoted as a “one-stop shop” for the traits that other breeds are lacking. Barzonas work for herds not only as a cross to add more quality on the rail, but as a purebred as well. Higher quality plus better cuts of meat equals money in your pocket.
great association. The Barzona Breeders Association of America (BBAA) is growing! Memberships grew steadily throughout the year with new members, some returning members, and cattle are being sold to new buyers who have an interest in starting their own seedstock herds. This is a perfect opportunity to get on board, grow and develop not only our individual herds but the association as a whole. Barzonas work for herds not only as a cross to add more quality on the rail, but as a purebred as well. The tradition at the start of the year is to make resolutions or goals, and I have a few for our association and myself as presi- dent. We need to continue to grow our membership numbers – not only new members but bringing back past members. I want to continue to bring in fresh ideas with new members but also be able to use the knowledge frompast members. Several heads
Golden Hz Farm Barzona: The breed for busy people
These cows take care of themselves!
Breeding Stock Available
Matt & Alecia Heinz 2432 250th St Greenfield, IA 50849 (641) 745-9170 .
Mike & Pat Fitzgerald 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM 87733 (575) 673-2346
Alvin & Karen Havens 2429 Orange Ave. Greenfield, IA 50849
Hampton Cattle Company Breeding Purebred Barzona since 1973 Fertile Range Cattle Steve Hampton P.O. Box 134 • Kirkland, AZ 86332 (928) 442-3438
Raymond Boykin, Jr. (334) 430-0563 • 8727 Lydia Lane • Montgomery, AL 36117
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