Braunvieh World Summer 2024

Braunvieh Update News From the Braunvieh Association of America

can be completed by the new member or the sponsoring member. DigitalBeef Account 1. How do I log into DigitalBeef? DigitalBeef can be accessed by active members with your member ID and password. This information is emailed to members when member ship applications are processed. 2. What web browser is recom mended for DigitalBeef? Google Chrome is the recom mended web browser for any Dig italBeef activity. This applies to ALL DigitalBeef activity, regardless if it is registrations, transfers, THR assess ments, weaning weights, etc. 3. What is my balance due for? Account statements can be built from your DigitalBeef account. While looking at your general profile, click the “Account” tab. Here, statements can be built by adjusting the date range. Registrations/Transfers 1. What is a performance animal? A performance animal is an animal that has been recorded with the BAA but is not registered. Performance animals are recognized by the “P” prefix. Performance animals can be upgraded to a registered animal by clicking “Performance” under your

Cedar Bluff Farm 1. How do I DNA test an animal? DNA submission is processed through your DigitalBeef account. Find how to instructions on page 8. BW “Herd” tab. Performance animals must be upgraded to registered in order to transfer. 2. How do I transfer an animal to a non-member? Animals may be transferred to non members by clicking “Search for Buy er” in the transfer menu. This opens a new window. Follow the on-screen prompts to search for a non-member account or create a new profile. DNA

Association Questions Answered! Here’s a look at some of the ques tions Braunvieh Association of America (BAA) staff are asked most frequently. If you have a question that isn’t on the list, reach out to BAA staff at or (816) 599-7780. Membership 1. How do I become a member? Membership can be applied for at by clicking “Become a Member” on the homepage. The online form or paper form can be completed. 2. How do I renew my membership? Membership can be renewed by logging into your DigitalBeef account at . Member ship can also be renewed be complet ing an application at . 3. How do I sponsor a membership? Sponsored memberships can be completed by filling out the member ship application at . Select “Sponsored Membership” for adult sponsored memberships and select “Junior Membership” for junior sponsored members. This application

Mark & Suzanne Russell 417.793.6361 Caleb & Kelsey Russell 417.793.6357 Jason & Molly Frieden 417.793.6758 @cedarblufffarmmo

Jasper, Missouri

Quality Purebred and Percentage Braunvieh Bulls & Females Available Year ‘Round!

DARREN RICHMOND Ringgold, Ga. (423) 364-9281


Home of

SALE CATTLE • HERD SIRES • DONOR COWS • Facebook/Darren Richmond Rolling Oaks Ranch Registered Santa Gertrudis and Braunvieh Cattle

Fancy Don’t Let Me Down Queen of Hearts

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Carson Priddle

1476 Ripley CC-1 Doniphan, MO 63935 573-255-3539

SGBI Herd #16875 BAA Herd #12072

Tri C Cattle LLC Fullblood, Purebred, & Percentage Braunvieh Cattle

Ask about premium frozen genetics we also have available!

Trey Saunders 2100 Stern Road Chappell Hill, Texas 77426 (979) 551-0718

JOSH WILLIAMS, EMT (985) 570-3224 GENE WILLIAMS, FNP (985) 516-8900 Performance, Pounds & Profit with Braunvieh!


Braunvieh World  Summer 2024

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