Braunvieh World Summer 2024

Passing the Torch Bartley Steps Down as JBAA Junior Program Advisor

By Tressa Lawrence, Contributing Writer

years. In 2019, she saw the opportu nity to create a committee dedicated to supporting the juniors and facili tating their programs. She went to the board with her proposal and was given their blessing. From there, the dynamic committee ran with it. Setting the Bar High “I want there to be a high standard; I want the kids and families to know that when you come to the National Junior Braunvieh Show it will always be of a certain quality,” Bartley ex plains. “Our committee has worked to maintain a certain standard that you can count on every year, with the un derstanding that we’re always going to try to improve and make it better and go bigger. “We’ve raised more money every year so we’ve been able to accumu late funds in the junior account. If something ever were to happen, we would still have those funds to put on events, send the kids to confer ences or hand out scholarships. Our

fun activity together. They cultivated the JBAA social media presence to what it is today, and now facilitate the JBAA directors in creating social media posts to keep the directors involved throughout the year. In spite of the long list of events and addi tions that she has made over the past five years, Bartley says it is truly the sense of community and the standard to which the JBAA events are held that she is most proud of. “I’ve tried really hard to instill into all of our kids with every event that we do as JBAA, that everyone is welcome. We’re all here with the same goal,” Bartley says. “I want every junior who becomes a part of the JBAA to have something positive that they walk away with. If they can walk away from an event that we’re holding with a positive memory, whether it be they had a great time with friends, they felt welcomed at their first show, they learned something new, that’s my goal for everything that we do within the JBAA. I want them to

Evan and Jessica Bartley with their daughter, Maison.

If you have been to a Braunvieh Junior Nationals in the last five years , you may have noticed the dream team that is the Junior Advisory Committee. Molly (Russell) Frieden, Kelsey Russell, Ty ler Wolken and their fearless leader, Jessica Bartley, have volunteered countless hours to orchestrate the fundraising and organization of the show. Bartley grew up showing Braunvieh and was active in the Junior Braun vieh Association of America (JBAA) as well as the Texas Braunvieh Associa tion, where she was a director for both organizations. When she aged out, it was a natural transition to leadership and mentorship within the organization. “When I was a junior, Stephanie Nelson ran the office and put on all of the junior shows,” Bartley says. “She was a really big mentor to me and was like my second mom. When my years as a junior passed, Stephanie was stepping away from her role with the organization, and I was asked if I wanted to plan a Junior Nationals. Of course, I said absolutely.” The first Junior Nationals that Bartley helped plan was in 2016, and she then helped behind the scenes at Junior Nationals for a couple of

committee’s main focus has always been the juniors and taking the organization to the next level.” In addition to Junior Na tionals, Bartley and the com mittee have implemented socials at every show, giving the kids an opportunity to take a break and have a

The dream team that is the JBAA Junior Advisory Committee. Molly (Russell) Frieden, Tyler Wolken, Kelsey Russell and Jessica Bartley.

Tyler Wolken, Kelsey Russell, Jessica Bartley and Molly (Russell) Frieden at the 2022 National Junior Braunvieh Show.


Braunvieh World  Summer 2024

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