
ADDING VALUE PRODUCTION SALE Angus, Braunvieh, & Simmental Cattle FRIDAY, April 28th, 2023 7:00 P.M. EST Athens Stockyard, Athens, TN

Mark Your Calend ars

28 Offering Angus, Braunvieh, & Simmental Bulls and Females

T he 6th Annual Adding Value Production Sale is back at its same date and location. Join us at the Athens Stockyards to view cattle and bid during the live auction. This year’s offering will include bulls and females with soundess, function, fertility, and performace. Join us Friday, April 28 in Athens, TN to select from stock with bulit-in profit potential.

Sale Information: Robert Williams (256) 599-5432 Eddie Zeigenbein (812) 620-3422 Daniel Roberts (207) 392-0688 For Catalogs: Julie Hiesterman (785) 313-2328 or


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