JALYN SMITH National Sale Consignments
Miss JMS Nova K276 ET Reg.# BC105602 • DOB: 2/25/22 This heifer is backed up by national champion proven genetics on both sides. Her sire, Silveiras Style, is one of the most sought after Angus bulls, and her dam is Braunvieh BeefBuilder Miss DSB Chocolate Muffin 7418 (BC92323), the 2018 High Point BeefBuilder Show Heifer. Nova can be shown in the 2023 National Show.
Chocolate Muffin
MR JMS Bruno J230
Reg.# BC104097 • DOB: 9/27/21 Grand Champion BeefBuilder Bull at the 2022 American Royal. We can see him becoming a versatile herd sire, either raising BeefBuilders for the show ring or implementing him into a commercial cattle operation. This bull will take your herd into the next level.
Miss JMS KIA H183 Reg.# OB100921 • DOB: 10/29/20 Reg.# BC105907 • DOB: 9/6/22 Halfblood heifer calf at side sired by Angus bull, BPF Special Focus 504. Miss JMS K335
This fullblood cow has been a stand out since she was a heifer. Competitive in the show ring, she’s been impressive since she went into production. This complete and well-balanced female has longevity built into her sound structure. JMS is excited to see her continue her journey in production. Breed this female to any bull of your choice and she will not disappoint! We sincerely thank our 2022 buyers and wish you all many blessings in the coming year!
JAY H FARMS LLC. JMS CATTLE Chris, Nesha & Jalyn Smith Rose Bud, Arkansas (501) 626-3115
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