CSU Bull Sale Catalog
Department of Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences Mission Statement: A source from which visionaries and the most innovative approaches in animal husbandry technologies originate. Preparing for your future in the livestock industry
CSU Livestock Judging Team Colorado State University’s Livestock Judging program dates back to 1914, when the first team competed at the National Western Stock Show. Students have the opportunity to represent CSU at the most prestigious contests in the nation and travel to nationally recognized livestock shows. More importantly, teammembers have gone on to serve as leaders in the livestock industry. Many alumni attribute their successes after graduating from CSU to values gained through participation on a judging team. Contact: Clay Carlson • 970-491-5395 • clay.carlson@rams.colostate.edu
2016 CSU Livestock Judging Team
CSU Meat Judging Team The Meat Judging Program at CSU is well known worldwide in the meat science discipline, as well as for winning national championships in meat judging and other intercollegiate meat judging competitions. Meat judging involves the critical evaluation of carcasses and various other products from market beef, swine and lambs in order to determine their value and to rank them accordingly. Contact: Dr. Dale Woerner • 970-491-7615 • dale.woerner@colostate.edu
2017 CSU Meat Judging Team
CSU Collegiate Livestock Club The CSU Collegiate Livestock Club is an organization of young men and women who share an interest in promoting and learning about the livestock industry. The Club was formerly the Collegaite Stockgrowers Club (started in 2014) which evolved from a merger of the CSU Collegiate Cattlewomen and CSU Collegiate Cattlemen organizations. Collegiate Livestock Club members work with the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association (CCA), Colorado Cattlewomen’s Association (CCW), and Colorado Livestock Association (CLA) to promote agriculture, and encourage the personal and professional development of members in order to form the next
generation of leaders in the livestock industry. This includes educating the public about the livestock industry through various means, including partnering with the Colorado Beef Council during the National Western Stock Show in January to interact with the public about the value and importance of beef in Colorado. In addition, Club members assist in educating and exposing hundreds of local elementary students to the livestock industry by participating in Ag Adventure at the CSU ARDEC facility each fall. The Collegiate Livestock Club maintains active involvement in state and national livestock organizations by attending the CCAMid-Winter Meeting in January, the CCA and CLA Annual Conventions during summer, and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Convention and Trade Show each winter. Contact: Dr. Jennifer Martin • 970-491-8381 • jennifer.martin@colostate.edu CSU Seedstock Merchandising Team
2017 CSU Collegiate Livestock Club
Since 2003, the Seedstock Team has overseen the annual marketing of bulls and heifers produced from the CSU ARDEC Angus and Hereford cowherd in Fort Collins on the fourth Saturday in March. This select group of eight undergraduate students is the result of
a formal application and interview process held during the fall. Once selected, team members oversee all preparations for the annual spring production sale, including animal selection, performance data collection, advertising, promotion, and animal preparation. In addition, students show pens of cattle at the National Western Stock Show and represent CSU at events including the Range Cow Beef Symposium, Colorado Cattlemen’s Association Mid- Winter Meeting, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Annual Convention, and Beef Day at the Colorado Farm Show. This combination of experiences provides students with a real-world, hands-on learning environment and an opportunity to network within the beef cattle industry. Contact: Dr. Jason Ahola • 970-491-3312 • jason.ahola@colostate.edu
2016-2017 Seedstock Merchandising Team
For more information about the Department of Animal Sciences at Colorado State University, please visit www.ansci.colostate.edu or contact the department directly at 970-491-1442 or melissa.harmon@colostate.edu
See pictures and videos of all lots at www.csubulls.com
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