

DKL 2117 Consigned by: Diamond K Livestock Co NSIP # 6201282022002117 Ewe|DOB: 1/10/2022|Triplet|RR SIRE: DKL 2303 MGS: DKL 14002 M wwt W wt P wwt P fat P emd P fec NLB NLW 0.7 2.1 5.5 0.16 0.23 LOT 150 a M aternal I ndex 111.9 Pen 1 of 2 SIRE: DKL 2303 MGS: UW 15301 M wwt W wt P wwt P fat P emd P fec NLB NLW 1.7 2.1 4.7 0.08 0.20 LOT 151 a M aternal I ndex 113.6 Pen 1 of 2 SIRE: Dakota Krome K7006D MGS: U of WI 15-322 M wwt W wt P wwt P fat P emd P fec NLB NLW 1.4 1.6 3.4 LOT 155 M aternal I ndex 110.5 DKL 2230 Consigned by: Diamond K Livestock Co NSIP # 6201282022002230 Ewe|DOB: 2/15/2022|Twin|RR Chadwick 0079 Consigned by: Chadwick Sheep Company NSIP # 6201332021210079 Ram|DOB: 12/31/2021|Twin|Pending

DKL 2121 Consigned by: Diamond K Livestock Co NSIP # 6201282022002121 Ewe|DOB: 1/10/2022|Triplet|RR SIRE: DKL 2303 MGS: HV 7022 M wwt W wt P wwt P fat P emd P fec NLB NLW 0.8 2.6 4.9 0.18 0.32 LOT 150 b M aternal I ndex 116.0 Pen 2 of 2 SIRE: DKL 2303 MGS: UW 15301 M wwt W wt P wwt P fat P emd P fec NLB NLW 1.7 2.2 4.8 0.08 0.20 LOT 151 b M aternal I ndex 113.7 Pen 2 of 2 SIRE: Patriot P9014G MGS: DK 9105 M wwt W wt P wwt P fat P emd P fec NLB NLW 1.9 2.5 5.9 0.36 0.29 LOT 156 M aternal I ndex 117.1 DKL 2240 Consigned by: Diamond K Livestock Co NSIP # 6201282022002240 Ewe|DOB: 2/15/2022|Twin|RR Patriot P22065 Consigned by: Patriot Polypays NSIP # 6201252022P22065 Ram|DOB: 3/6/2022|Triplet|RR

Patriot P22011 Consigned by: Patriot Polypays NSIP # 6201252022P22011 Ram|DOB: 2/28/2022|Twin|RR SIRE: DK 9105 MGS: Patriot P9014G M wwt W wt P wwt P fat P emd P fec NLB NLW 1.9 2.1 5.2 0.23 0.24 LOT 157 M aternal I ndex 115.4


C enter of the N ation S ale | Saturday, July 30, 2022, at 11:00 a.m.

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