
“Using Stabilizers & Red Angus has IMPROVED our herd!” • The Stabilizer gene pool is very balanced allowing us to

find a ‘happy medium’ for productive females. All the while, we have been increasing our carcass weights. • Our cows bred in 45 days – A.I. for 21 days and 21 days of natural service. Pictured are two-year-olds calved in the previous 60 day period.

The Mellema family are active Leachman cooperators and attend most Leachman events and sales. “For 28 years, we have used Leachman Hairpin brand bulls…

Cows that blend Leachman foundation Angus and Red Angus, and now Stabilizer.”

A grand, 6-year-old mature cow, rich in Leachman Red and Black Angus x Leachman Stabilizer genetics. She traces back to Mellema’s use of Leachman Heavenly (Red Angus) in 1990!

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