Lisco & M Diamond Angus Bull Sale Catalog

Musgrave Fundamental Reg. 18791490  Calved 01/01/2017

4 Sons Sell

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 C A Future Direction 5321 LD Dixie Erica Oar 0853 B C C Bushwacker 41-93

Connealy Capitalist 028


LD Dixie Erica 2053

R P 3RD Bushwacker

L B Queen of Spades Alberda Traveler 416 K M A C H Bess 1120

MA BLACK BESS 642 K M Bess 73A

Fundamental brings the shape and substance of 316 with more scale. He is backed up with the extreme fertility, productivity and longevity of his 16-year-old dam. With balanced EPDs and performance, his heritage would indicate high-end product value in his progeny.

CED BW WW Milk YW SC $W $F Marb RE +2 +2.1 +69 +28 +113 +.83 +73 +86 +.59 +.51

Lot 68

Lot 70

M Diamond Fundamental 379 Reg. 19672976 Tattoo: 379 Calved: 02/25/19

Lisco Growth Fund 966



Reg. 19670076 Tattoo: 966

Calved: 02/27/19

Connealy Capitalist 028 LD Dixie Erica 2053 R P 3RD Bushwacker K M Bess 73A GDAR Game Day 449 S Pride Anna 709 S Chisum 6175 Basin Clova Pride 933L

Connealy Capitalist 028 LD Dixie Erica 2053 R P 3RD Bushwacker K M Bess 73A S Alliance 3313 S Gloria 464 S A V Final Answer 0035 LA Miss Rito Power 532

Sale Day Data SaleWt

Sale Day Data SaleWt

LD Capitalist 316 MUSGRAVE FUNDAMENTAL MA Black Bess 642

LD Capitalist 316 MUSGRAVE FUNDAMENTAL MA Black Bess 642 S Chisum 6175 LISCO MISS RITO POWER 323 Lisco Miss Rito Power 014



S Summit 956 S CLOVA PRIDE 465







S Clova Pride 0185



80 674 EPDs +5 +0.4 +69 +31 +117 BW 205 Wt Ind CED BW WW Milk YW

93 779 EPDs -2 +4.3 +79 +27 +132 BW 205 Wt Ind CED BW WW Milk YW

Calving Ease:  Dam’s Production: 3@106 An outstanding son out of Musgrave Fundamental who has done a lot of things right from Day 1.This bull performed extremely well – both pre and post weaning. Fundamental is stamping his progeny with the same type and kind.They are very smooth-made cattle with plenty of muscle and added performance.

Calving Ease: Dam’s Production: 5@109 Deep,stout and loaded with muscle.This Fundamental is possibly the most complete bulls in the sale.Won’t be hard to find.

M Diamond Fundamental 409 Reg. 19672977 Tattoo: 409 Calved: 02/26/19


Lisco Fundamental 937


Connealy Capitalist 028 LD Dixie Erica 2053 R P 3RD Bushwacker K M Bess 73A Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 Sitz Pride 2561 S A V Final Answer 0035 M Diamond Emma E 229

Reg. 19670065 Tattoo: 937

Calved: 02/24/19

Sale Day Data SaleWt

LD Capitalist 316 MUSGRAVE FUNDAMENTAL MA Black Bess 642 Sitz 4 Aces 4551 M DIAMOND EMMA E 396 M Diamond Emma E 111

Connealy Capitalist 028 LD Dixie Erica 2053 R P 3RD Bushwacker K M Bess 73A S Alliance 3313 S Gloria 464 Redland Emblazon 2134 LA Ellen 509

Sale Day Data SaleWt

LD Capitalist 316 MUSGRAVE FUNDAMENTAL MA Black Bess 642





S Chisum 6175







Lisco Ellen 024


85 634 EPDs +2 +2.2 +63 +25 +110 BW 205 Wt Ind CED BW WW Milk YW

Calving Ease: Dam’s Production: 3@103 Out of the Beef 360 sire Musgrave Fundamental.Complete,smooth and balanced with above-average IMF. 82 605 EPDs +2 +2.9 +56 +26 +97 BW 205 Wt Ind CED BW WW Milk YW

Calving Ease: Dam’s Production: 2@98 Another attractive Fundamental who will catch your eye.A long bull who will sire very feminine females with great udders.Out of a moderate-framed 4 Aces daughter that is doing a great job.

 19 

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