Lisco & M Diamond Angus Bull Sale
LISCO & M DIAMOND 26 th Annual Angus Bull Sale Friday, March 23, 2018 1:00 p.m. • Central Wyoming Fairgrounds Arena 1700 Fairgrounds Road • Casper, WY 82604 107 Registered Angus Bulls Sell 10 Two-Year-Olds • 97 Yearlings 40 Young Commercial Pairs • 35 Commercial Yearling Heifers Sale Day Phones:
Lunch served at 11:00 a.m.
Dick Lisco: (307) 359-0167 or Brad Boner: (307) 359-1162 George Marcy, Marcy Livestock Services: (308) 430-2005
Buyers unable to attend the sale may send bids to Dick Lisco, Brad Boner or Marcy Livestock Services. Satisfaction guaranteed on all phone bids.
Visit and Register! 1. Create and account at under the “create new account” tab. 2. Apply for bidding by clicking“apply for bidding” in the upper left corner, at least 24 hours prior to the auction. 3. Tune into the sale and make your purchases.
Sale Day Conference Call
Auctioneer ~ Lex Madden (307) 532-1580
If you are unable to attend the Lisco/M Diamond Sale we have a conference call number set up for you to have access to bid on cattle. This is a 3 step process: 1) IN ADVANCE – Contact Dick Lisco, Brad Boner or George Marcy to preregister for your buyer number. 2) PRIOR TO – Before the sale you will receive a toll-free conference call number, pin number and instructions on how to bid. 3) SALE DAY – At the start or during the sale, you call the toll-free number and enter your pin number to be placed on the conference call.The representative on the phone will keep you appraised of which bull is in the ring and the price being asked. You can bid anytime.
Livestock Press Representatives Wyoming Livestock Roundup ... (307] 630-4604. ........... Curt Cox Tri State Livestock News .......... (605) 685-4556. ..... Dan Piroutek Tri State Livestock News .......... (605) 380-6024. .......... Scott Dirk Angus Journal ......................... (308) 289-1548. .Jay Nordhausen
SALE CATALOG & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION To view the online catalog, supplement sheets for weights and scrotals, video of selected lots and sale order, go to Lisco & M Diamond Angus. Cattle Born & Bred with the Drive to Thrive. Welcome and we hope to see you Friday, March 23, at the Central Wyoming Fairgrounds Arena in Casper to view a great set of calving-ease and growth bulls offered by Lisco & M Diamond Angus. This is a set of balanced, deep, thick, multi-purpose bulls that have big REAs and lots of muscle and do-ability. No extremes, but cattle that work in all important traits under tough range conditions. This time-tested program produces calving ease, muscle and easy-fleshing cattle. Cattle that are docile, well balanced, and that fit the commercial customers’ needs. They produce females that truly do have the DRIVE TO THRIVE under the tough range conditions Wyoming can present. They are easy-fleshing, highly fertile, moderate-framed cattle with excellent udders and top mothering ability. We are offering many calving ease bulls, but we know they can produce calves that can bring in a heavy calf at weaning and perform in the feedlot and on the rail. Please give me a call if I can help with your selections in any way. I will be there Wednesday, March 21, through the sale. If weather or distance should be a problem, you can bid on the phone or through DV Auction on the internet. George Marcy, Marcy Livestock Services, Cell: (308) 430-2005
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