
“The number of Akaushi bulls we are collecting each year is gaining momentum, and we are collecting more new bulls and for more new clients as the years go on.” EBS ships Akaushi semen throughout the United States daily, and Kvamme says they are prepared for growth in the international mar- ket as well. When bulls arrive at EBS for col- lection, the company ensures they get all the health testing necessary within the guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Association of Animal Breeders. Once that is complete, if the client has made an international sale, EBS helps coordinate with

Big Al

Big Al and Shigemaru were two of the original imported bulls that EBS housed and then collected for HeartBrand Beef 25 years ago.

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the foreign clients to ship the semen to that country. In fact, in 2016, HeartBrand and EBS made history when a shipment of 32,440 straws of semen were sent to Brazil – the largest ship- ment either company had seen. “I think as a whole, the breed is definitely flourishing,” Kvamme says. “We’ve seen a lot of new faces, a lot of new breeders and a lot of new bulls, so I think that the semen indus- try as a whole is definitely on the upswing for Akaushi cattle. There are definitely a lot of for- eign clients with great interest in the Akaushi genetics who want to have information on what Akaushi can do for their cattle and how it can improve their genetics, so I see a lot of great things happening for the Akaushi breed here and in other parts of the world.” PT

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