Lauren Lowry | Marketing and Customer Relations, HeartBrand ® Beef Inc. |
A s we enter 2018, we reflect on a great year and by far the largest year for HeartBrand ® Beef. We have seen more than 20 percent growth in total sales, and we are steadi- ly expanding our export market. South Korea is currently our largest 1/4 Vertical, 4 c lor Prime Time Crosswinds Ranch Winter 2018 export market, receiving weekly shipments of our Certified Akaushi Beef. We are very excited about the additions of Japan, Thai- land and the Dominican Republic as well as the export opportunities that come with these new relations. The past three months have been a very active time for buying back calves from Akaushi producers to utilize in our beef C R O S S W I N D S R A N C H
program. Since 2013, close to 30,000 head have been processed
through the HeartBrand Beef program, and in 2018, we are on pace to process about 12,000 head. This is roughly 150,000 pounds of Certified Akaushi Beef being sold throughout the United States and in- ternationally each week. With a premium branded beef program comes integrity and consistency. We with Akaushi producers around the nation to provide the highest quality beef for our pro- gram. Working as a team, we’re able to share beef margins with feedlots as well as cow- calf operators to highlight the changes that can be made to advance their carcass quality and bottom lines. With a growing branded- beef sector, we want to allow our partners to know how their cattle are performing and have a real investment in the beef industry. HeartBrand stands firmly behind the integrity of our beef. Therefore, to be eli- gible for the HeartBrand Beef Buyback Program, cattle must be DNA verified to a fullblood Akaushi parent. The parentage is not required to be sourced from the Heart- Brand herd, but the animal must be regis- tered with the American Akaushi Associa- tion. Cattle are eligible for the program at all ages as HeartBrand purchases weaned, yearlings and fat cattle. We target to pay a $100 premium for weaned calves. For fin- ished cattle, HeartBrand is currently offer- ing a premium of $0.20 per pound over the five-day CattleFax average. We offer a know the Akaushi breed brings just that to the table. Therefore, we choose to partner
Breeder/Producer of fullblood cows, heifers and young bulls for sale private treaty.
1/2 and 3/4-blood Akaushi/Angus cross also available.
DarylWest | 806-382-0704
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Akaushi Prime Time • Winter 2018
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