Akaushi 2017 Convention
The American Akaushi Association hosted their sixth an- nual convention at the Lost Pines Resort and Spa in Texas this past October. The three-day event included a golf tournament; trade show; producer meetings; educational, informative and inspirational speakers; great food; and so- cializing with other Akaushi breeders. Attendance of more than 220 made this the largest AAA convention to date. Highlights included a presentation from Donnell Brown on “The 10 Commandments of Successful Seedstock Produc- tion” (see page 26) as well as presentations from industry experts Colin Woodall, National Cattlemen’s Beef Associa- tion senior vice president of government affairs; Dusty Ab- ney, Ph.D., Cargill cattle nutritionist; Bill McCoy, cattle sales associate with Capitol Land & Livestock; Bob Kropp, Ph.D., George Chiga Endowed Professor Emeritus at Oklahoma State University; and Bill Fielding, chief executive officer of HeartBrand ® Beef. In addition to excellent speakers, the well-attended trade show attracted a great deal of attention from attendees. The Taste of Akaushi dinner on night one and the banquet on night two not only showcased Akaushi beef, but pro- vided a time and place for Akaushi breeders to interact and learn from one another. PT
The American Akaushi Association 2017 Leg- acy Award was given to Broken Winds Cattle Company and Comanche Cattle Company at the AAA annual meeting. Pictured, left to right, are Janie Bain, AAA executive assistant, Kristy Wilson, Joe Beltz, Kristina Beltz, Ron Kershen, Misty Guy and Sykora Guy.
RIGHT: Kika and John Carter after giving the keynote address at the Annual Conven- tion evening banquet. The Carters shared their experiences of ranching in Brazil and how they came to form Alianca da Terra, a Brazilian landowner- based conservation organization.
LEFT: Executive Director Bubba Bain presents a certificate of Lifetime Membership in the American Akaushi Association to Kristy Wilson, Sykora Guy and Misty Guy of Chickadee Cattle Company, LLC. BELOW LEFT: Executive Director Bubba Bain presents a certifi- cate of recognition to Amanda Dyer of Rancho Espuela for producing the first heterozygous polled, purebred Akaushi.
An auction at the AAA convention raised more than $21,400 for research benefiting the Akaushi breed and breeders. Bubba Bain (far left) reads an item description while Ernie Gill (second from left) waits to begin the auction. Assisting with the auction are Addie Brown (center, holding item) and Dusty Abney, Ph.D. (far right, taking bids).
Make plans to attend the 2018 Convention in SanMarcos, Texas!
31 • Winter 2018
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