Prime Time Winter 2020
Akaushi Matters Loni Soefje | Assistant to the Director | AMERICAN AKAUSHI ASSOCIAT ION UPDATE A s 2020 begins, I cannot help but reminisce
Braunvieh, Red Angus, Simmental and Canadian Simmental. During the first day of the two-day event, Kaci and I were given the opportunity to tour the Neogen lab, which is where all Akaushi DNA is sent for processing. It was exciting to witness every step of the DNA process, from the moment a DNA sample is opened at sample reception to seeing how DNA is extracted from different sample types, such as hair, blood and tissue. At the end of the tour we were able to see first- hand how obtaining a DNA sequence for an SNP profile is different than obtaining a DNA sequence for an STR profile. We were then given the chance to visit with Ruth Maschka, AAA’s customer sup- port representative from Neogen, which gave us the opportunity to discuss issues that could result in a quicker turnaround time for DNA results. The day concluded with an invitation to attend a dinner social at the Nebraska Club, which was a wonder- ful networking opportunity.
on how wonderful and successful 2019 was for the American Akaushi Association (AAA) and its members. Let me tell you, although I grew up within the beef cattle
industry, I had never met a group of such progressive cattlemen and women deter- mined to better the beef industry by cre- ating the best beef eating experience for consumers until I began working with the AAA a little more than a year ago. To think that spark is ignited by the simple addition of Akaushi genetics to a herd is outstanding! With a very exciting 2020 ahead of us and a record-breaking 2019 being left be- hind, I’d like to shed light on an experience that we participated in, in an effort to keep our office informed and running as effi- ciently as possible. In July 2019, AAA Exec- utive Director Kaci Carrales and I accepted an invitation to attend the 2019 Breed Council Fo-
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rum held in Lincoln, Neb. The Breed Council Forum is a very informative, two- day event hosted by Neo- gen that brings several breed associations togeth- er to learn ways to better serve members. Breeds that were represented alongside Akaushi in- cluded American Wagyu, Angus, Canadian Angus, Hereford, Black Hereford, Canadian Hereford, Gelb- vieh, Limousin, Canadian Limousin, Maine-Anjou, Santa Gertrudis, Interna- tional Brangus, Jersey,
AAA staff Kaci Carrales and Loni Soefje pose for a photo with representatives from Neogen at the 2019 Breed Council Forum. Pictured left to right are Kenny Stauffer, Sarah Dvorak, Richard Nelson, Trina Blankenship, Loni Soefje, Kaci Carrales, Tom Schultz, Leoma Wells, Jamie Parham and Rich Tate.
Akaushi Prime Time • Winter 2020
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