Prime Time Winter 2020
SUCCESSFUL SAMPLING Continued from page 17
select replacements to improve herd stabil- ity and reproduction; target animals to pro- duction and grazing systems; and invest in genetics that improve the bottom line. There are several means for producers Using the appropriate tools, blood and tissue samples can be collected and shipped successfully, helping producers arm themselves with information to make decisions about their herd.
Heath also reminded attendees that, while blood sampling does have benefits, there are addi- tional things to consider, like the delayed process- ing time for results that may require handling the livestock a second time to sort opens, and the delay in processing pregnant females for pre-calving vaccinations and parasite control to avoid working opens. Tissue Testing
to gather helpful infor- mation from their bull battery, including tissue, semen and blood samples, and hair follicles. “You just need to work with the company doing your genomic testing to get that set up,” Heath recommended. Most often, the test Heath uses to help gather all this information is a tissue test
Genomics have become a standard part of many breed association genetic evaluation programs as a means to help producers select, manage and market cattle; gauge maternal performance and carcass traits; aid producers in focusing time, feed and other resources on stock of verified merit;
Continued page 20
FPL Food is the Southeast’s one-of-a-kind source for sustainable beef. Privately owned and operated, this producer and processor pairs French provincial farming traditions with a dedication to providing quality beef. ®
G A B F S R W H A G A S R .
O S R B I A C T F M .
Expanding our Akaushi herd & improving Angus genetics in the southeast
We buy DNA verified calves We buy feeder calves as well as finished cattle We offer calf buy-back programs We sell bulls with ideal phenotype and superior genetics
No added hormones
No antibiotics administered No growth implants, ionophores or promotants Price is established based on genetic merit.
19 • Winter 2020
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