Prime Time Winter 2020
HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Continued from page 22
AAA Executive Director Kaci Carrales with the Class of 2019 Hall of Fame inductees, from left to right, John Shull, DVM, Cee Arnett, Gail Morris, and Janie and Bubba Bain.
ogist who has been involved with embryo transfer work for more than three decades. In 2001, he began an exten- sive Akaushi embryo trans- fer project, and his profes- sional experience has played a critical role in expanding the breed. With more than 12,000 transfers, John has been a key contributor to the breed’s growth in the United States. His vast knowledge and experience with the breed is an asset for all Akaushi breeders. Bubba and Janie Bain Bubba and Janie Bain moved to South Texas in 2009 to lead the AAA as executive director and ex- ecutive assistant. Prior to joining AAA, Bubba was di- rector of field services for a breed association, owner/op- erator of an embryo trans- fer facility, manager of cow- calf operations and owner/ operator of a feedyard and feed mill. The couple was instrumental in building the association and guiding its growth; they established association programs, pro- moted the breed at industry events and grew the associ- ation’s membership. Today, the pair continues to pro- mote Akaushi as association field representatives. AAA and its members of- fer Gail, Cee, John, Bubba and Janie heartfelt con- gratulations for this well- deserved honor. The asso- ciation is grateful for their service and contributions to AAA and the Akaushi breed. PT
Junior Page Prime Time San Jacinto Winter 2020
SAN JACINTO RANCH LLC Texas BQA Award Winner • Huntsville, Texas Available private treaty: halfblood and¾blood Akaushi heifers, from Red Angus and Brangus dams crossed with registered Akaushi sires We annually perform Neogen’s® Ingenity® DNA test on all of our heifers, giving us management data for three indexes (maternal,performance and carcass) and 17 traits of genetic potential.
We have several very different Akaushi Sire bloodlines – Big Al • Heart Brand Red Emperor Shigamaru • Hikari • Tamamaru
On the dam’s side, bloodlines include – Akido • Kazutomo 1KYUHB C00621 Heartbrand T0326N • Haruko
Come by the Ranch just west of Huntsville, Texas to visit us! SJ Carolyn & Howard Davis 713-542-7777 • 713-899-4232 A akaushi m e m b e r theameric nakaushiassociation ®
23 • Winter 2020
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