Prime Time Winter 2020
Cattle Tales Kaci Carrales | Executive Director | EXECUT I VE DIRECTOR’ S MESSAGE I hope everyone had a magical Christmas being with family
Feb. 5-7 we will be in San Antonio, Texas, for the Cattle Industry Convention and Na- tional Cattlemen’s Beef Association Trade Show. I highly recommend you attend this event as it is the No. 1 cattle industry event of the year. Not only is it one of the larg- est trade shows filled with all things agri- culture, but there are also opportunities to hear industry leaders present on a variety of current industry topics. If you are at- tending, please stop by and say hello to the Akaushi team! March 27-29 we will be at the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Convention in Fort Worth, Texas. This is one of our favorite shows. Each year at this event, we look forward to seeing and visit- ing with our members and talking about all things Akaushi. If you’re making plans to attend this event, please stop by to say hello and bring your neighbor, friend or family member. Our main focus this year is our member- ship. We want to make sure we are doing our best to meet your needs. Registries and DNA are our top priority, and are some- thing we take very seriously as we know DNA verification is key to your success and business growth. We strive each and every day to make sure we are doing our jobs in the most efficient way without sacrificing quality control. We are excited to be working on a new set of EPDs along with compiling more than eight years of carcass data to make some incredible carcass EPDs. It’s pretty awesome to have the ability to have carcass data returned on a set of cattle each week. Combine that with a great database, and we can tie everything to a registered, DNA- verified Akaushi animal. The things you can do with all that information is simply exciting! We will keep everyone posted on our progress through this journey.
and friends, and started 2020 with a fresh new bang! As I reflect on my first year with the Ameri- can Akaushi Association (AAA), it has been such an amazing journey, and
I am so thankful for the opportunity to lead such a progressive group of cattle- men and women! It is such a pleasure to be able to call each and every one of y’all my Akaushi family. As we look forward into 2020, the AAA team will be representing Akaushi at vari- ous events, focusing on our efficiency in the office, finalizing our new expected progeny difference (EPD) goals, compiling more than 50,000 carcass data points for real-time carcass information and prepar- ing for our 9th Annual Convention hosted at Horseshoe Bay in Horseshoe Bay, Texas. Plus, whatever other opportunities pop up.
The Akaushi breed was well represented during the National Western Stock Show in January.
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Akaushi Prime Time • Winter 2020
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