Prime Time Winter 2020
DNA Matters Tim Kozelsky | DNA and Data Service Analyst | W ow, what a year for DNA submissions! In
DNA testing, Neogen also has poultry, swine, canine and human (think 23andMe) clients. All compete for limited DNA pro- cessing capacity. Your 2020 DNA submission planning should begin as soon as possible. While it may be too cold or too hot to work calves depending on your calving season, it is important to make sure you have the DNA supplies needed when the time is right. If you are ordering customized DNA tissue kits from Allflex or Datamars, please note that it takes at least two weeks for process- ing and shipping once the order is placed. All other supplies, including hair, blood and Allflex TSU tissue vials, are normally shipped the same day they are ordered, provided they are in stock at the office. Also, we are a member-service-funded organization, and for that reason, DNA processing fees are required at the time of service. A current fee schedule is normally included in your requested DNA supply or- der so that you can calculate DNA charges for the samples you submit. You can also find the DNA processing fee schedule on our website, , under the resources tab. Please include payment with your samples so that there isn’t a delay while we wait on payment. Finally, every animal that a DNA sample
2019, American Akaushi Association (AAA) mem- bers submitted samples and requested 27,068 DNA tests. In compari- son, 19,124 tests were requested in 2018. Un-
expected weather patterns and varying calving seasons can both lead to different peaks of DNA submissions. When we hit a peak, DNA processing time in the lab can be more than three to four weeks for a complete turnaround time. That time does not include processing time in the office, which can be two to three days depend- ing on the amount of DNA in our queue, as well as two days for shipping to the lab. Therefore, total lead time can be a mini- mum of 27 days during the peak before the AAA office even receives the results. I say all of this so that you can better plan your DNA submissions. All too often, we have members who submit DNA when grass is short, hoping for a miracle turn- around time so they can sell their calves. As an association, we have very little con- trol over lab lead times. Besides bovine
is submitted for is recorded in our DigitalBeef ® database. We do this so that the DNA sample is properly attached to the animal for tracking through the DNA lab and so that post-DNA parent verifications can be recorded in DigitalBeef. In order to record an animal in DigitalBeef, the minimum information needed is a birthdate or earliest possible birthdate for a group of calves, the sex of the calf, and breed type or tag/registration
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Akaushi Prime Time • Winter 2020
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