Landair, Inc. Beeville, Texas CUSTOM CATTLE PRECONDITIONING Bull and Heifer Development Programs Corn silage-based growing rations for stocker/feeders calves and for seedstock bull and heifer calf development. • Prepare your stocker cattle for turnout of the feedyard! • Prepare your replacement heifers for breeding and /or special sales! • Prepare your seedstock bulls for the commercial cattleman or for the special sale ring! • Private treaty sales at the ranch! • Tailor-made programs to fit your needs – BIG or SMALL! • We now offer PI (Persistently Infected) testing upon request! Let us do what we are good at – FOR YOU! their adult son, Len, who farms and ranches nearby. Herff and Len have both been impressed with the breed’s development over the last decade and especially appreciate the changes in the Akaushi phenotype to look more like conventional industry breeds without affecting carcass quality. “There’s quite a physical differenc in the first three bulls we purchased in 2011 compared to those we’re using today,” Herff says. “Selecting for ‘beef- ier’ sires over the years has helped eliminate the narrow look we started with.” The father-son duo has also noticed the breed’s improved disposition. “JoJo and Kaci Carrales have done a helluva job selecting for docility in the cattle, and it shows when we get them back to the ranch,” Len says. While the branded beef program at Heart- Brand Beef initially attracted the Cornelius family to the Akaushi breed, Herff and Len agree that the relationships they’ve built
1/2 page horizontal, 4C Prime Time Landair Fall 2018
Three generations of Cornelius cattlemen – Len, Wyatt and Herff – carry on their family’s ranching legacy at the E Cross Cattle Co., located on the Texas Gulf Coast. with the HeartBrand staff that have proved to be the most valuable. “The success of the Akaushi breed is due in large part to HeartBrand,” Herff says. “It’s a family company, and they are just great, hon est people to work with.” PT
Landair, Inc. 2050 Brown Ranch Lane Beeville, Texas Austin Brown III: 361-597-0373 (cell) Ranch Office: 361-358-1093
Proud supporters of the Beef Checkoff and Texas Beef Council
Photo courtesy of Ross Hecox, Western Horseman
23 • Summer 2019
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