PrimeTime spring 2018

Dove Creek Wagyu Cattle Company is located in the beautiful Ozarks in Southern Missouri, where our cattle can enjoy the lush, green grass alongside the creeks and streams that are spring fed and crystal clear. Our Objective at Dove Creek Wagyu Cattle Co is to deliver Genetic Excellence ~ Maximum Performance in every one of our Akaushi offspring.

CAT TLE COMPANY Dove Creek Wagyu

Our Focus is to raise cattle that carry the most elite genetics as well as the ultimate in marbling and carcass quality. We have painstakingly selected our Akaushi sires and females based on these qualities and their ability to maintain size, structure and productivity. Our Goal is to help you build genetics in your cattle to positively affect performance, whether you concentrate your efforts on producing full-blood breeding stock, F1 production or a show program.

Embryos We have embryos for sale by Alford and Moose, as well as Big Al, Tamamaru, Shigemaru, Brady, Samsung, and Heart Brand Red Emperor, and out of original import daughters - Available Now!

Semen For Sale Both SOR 1083 (Alford) and SOR 1080 (Moose) are outstanding sons of Big Al and out of Kaedemaru 2. These bulls are genetically exceptional in marbling - being ranked #2 in the Legendary’s Proprietary Marbling Index, and scored .35 units higher than Big Al himself. These bulls also have excellent dispositions. • We currently have conventional semen available on Alford and Moose. • We have high concentration female sexed semen available on Moose. | Call us at: 402-741-1631 |

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