PrimeTime spring 2018

Around the Campfire Bubba Bain | Executive Director | EXECUT I VE DIRECTOR’ S MESSAGE

M arketing cattle has been a task that some ranchers embrace, while others hate it. I’ve known those who produce and raise cattle well, but

at least 50 percent Akaushi. The influence of Akaushi within your existing herd cre- ates an increased market value with each new generation. DNA parent verification is mandatory with this program to assure the value of your product. GridMax™ – an Akaushi Composite/ Hybrid Program Using the strengths of multiple breeds, AAA breeders will be able to produce reg- istered hybrid seedstock with documented pedigrees and expected progeny differenc- es. Registered GridMax cattle are animals with 50 percent or more certified, DNA parent-verified Akaushi breeding, and 50 percent or less of other certified non- Akaushi breeding. This program expands the range of crossbreeding solutions that can now be offered to commercial cattle- men. There will now be genetic options to fit every need. GridMax™ offers producers the opportunity to use percentage-blood Akaushi males and females to simplify management and achieve maximum het- erosis, while also providing added confi- dence for producers who want to use the carcass grid pricing system. Superior Livestock Auction Partnership The American Akaushi Association and Superior Livestock Auction have joined forces to provide future marketing options for Akaushi genetics. New, competitive, nationwide auction avenues from Superior Livestock Auction for AAA members selling their DNA parent-verified Akaushi genetics opens the door for multiple opportunities. Using our membership logo will clearly des- ignate our members/cattle when consigning and marketing through Superior Livestock Auction. It also sends a signal to the buy- ers that these cattle have been DNA parent verified and are what they are said to be. Qualifications to use the AAA-member logo on each lot would be a member in good

couldn’t sell them if their life depended on it. And I’ve known those who aren’t very good at producing and raising beef, but can market with the best. Regardless of the category you fit into, we have to agree that marketing is the last and probably most important effort of your ranching business cycle. If you raise an ani- mal well but can’t get it sold properly … well you know what that feels like. We’ve all been there. That’s why the American Akaushi Association (AAA) has worked so hard to design and develop marketing programs that will fit any ranching operation and help maximize your return on investment. Designed with terminal, commercial and seedstock producers in mind, here’s a rundown of each of the AAA marketing programs. USDA Certified Akaushi Beef Program (HeartBrand ® Beef) This program is designed for all terminal Akaushi cattle, including fullblood, pure- bred and percentage Akaushi. These cattle need to be DNA parent verified through the American Akaushi Association and can range in age from weaning to finish. Contact HeartBrand Beef for a bid offer on your cattle, as well as an opportunity to ne- gotiate freight charges and reimbursement of DNA services. A4 Advantage Program This unique program offers today’s cat- tlemen the opportunity to add Akaushi to their replacement heifers and provides a clear path to becoming purebred Akaushi breeders. Participation in this program of- fers buyer assurance that your cattle are

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Akaushi Prime Time • Spring 2018


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