Red_Alliance_Catalog_Spring 2020

Hello Everyone, We are very excited about our sale April 7, 2020. As most of you know, this will be our first spring sale in Buffalo, Texas, although it will be our fifth sale in central Texas. Our previous spring sales were held in Bryan, Texas, and the past two years we have held a fall sale in Buffalo. The Red Alliance has had a long and storied history over the past 18 years in Oklahoma where we established Red Angus cattle and, in particular, Red Angus bulls as a breed that can provide economically relevant traits that generate profits for commer - cial cattlemen. Your profitability is paramount to us. The Red Angus breed has exploded in popularity for all of the right reasons. For the commercial cattleman, those simple reasons are low to moderate birthweights, great gains by calves on the cow resulting in strong weaning weights, and high maternal perfor - mance by Red Angus or Red Angus-influenced cows. Grow yards and packers love these calves because they perform. It is very common for Red Angus-sired calves, especially those enrolled in the Red Angus feeder calf certification program (FCCP), to top video sales all over the country. Red Angus-sired calves grow faster and reach kill weights considerably faster than their English breed counterparts and have excellent perfor - mance with high carcass quality. We are focused on bringing you a select group of high quality (vs. high volume) bulls that will be ready to go to work on Day 1. We know Red Angus cattle, we also know our highly qualified competitors and what they have to offer, and what we will tell you is that our bulls are as good as anyone else’s in the country. These bulls have been developed in grass pastures in a care - ful and steady manner. We do not sell yearling bulls, we sell bulls that are ready to work. All bulls have passed a breeding soundness exam and been tested for BVD-PI and trich per TAHC guidelines. You can buy these bulls with confidence. Our female offering is a diverse selection intended to provide breeders a little bit of everything, including young, open, starter-herd heifers; ready-to-breed open heifers; bred heifers; and cow-calf pairs. In addition, we will have a nice selection of open, commercial Red Angus heifers for folks who want to build their Red Angus herd. We have a great Red Alliance team who, first and foremost, are people of high character and reputation. We are proud of the cattle we raise but prouder of our reputations. Give us a call before the sale if you have any questions or if we can help you in any way. Take care, The Red Alliance Team

Sale Day Phones

View this catalog online at www.redalliancebiz

Randy Wickman • 972-658-6523 Eric Durbin • 214-287-6442 Randy Pittman • 903-814-1836

Brian Whisnand • 214-762-8541 Kyle Gilchrist • 641-919-1077 Riley Malone • 214-329-6044

Buffalo Livestock Marketing, Inc. Sale L ocation Located a short distance east from Interstate 45 on Highway 79. 301 E Commerce St. Buffalo, TX 75831 903-322-4940 GPS: FW6P+7J Buffalo, TX









Donie Rd.

Buffalo Ave.

7 Waco

Buffalo Livestock Marketing, Inc.




: Houston

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