PRESIDENT'S LETTER By Jerome Urbanosky (281) 797-5715 |
SECRETARY/TREASURER Deanna Parker LONG-RANGE PLANNING Debbie Townsend MARKETING & PROMOTION Gene Kubecka PERFORMANCE Kathryn Hefte YOUTH ACTIVITIES Betty McCormick PRESIDENT ELECT Nancy Wunderlich MEMBERSHIP Allen “Bud” Clark SGBI BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY REGION WESTERN REGION Tylor Braden (Texas) King Ranch (361) 219-0434 | Kathryn Hefte (Texas) Hefte Ranch (210) 414-2493 | Gene Kubecka (Texas) Wendt Ranches (979) 240-5311 | Betty McCormick (Texas) Woman Hollerin Ranch (281) 375-6861 | Rafael Miranda (Colo.) Cherokee Ranch (303) 888-5297 | Jerome Urbanosky (Texas) Urbanosky Ranch (281) 797-5715 | Nancy Wunderlich (Texas) Wunderlich Farms (979) 277-2838 | EASTERN REGION David Alderson (Tenn.) Circle A Farm 931-682-2527 | Bud Clark (Mo.) C Bar C Ranch (314) 607-1076 | Ryan Cowart (Miss.) Cotton Branch Plantation (601) 384-6719 | Deanna Parker (Ky.) Parker Farms (270) 670-6285 | Robert Silva (Okla.) (918) 470-5371 | AT-LARGE DIRECTORS District 1 – Alicia Sanchez (N.M.) Red Doc Farm (505) 463-1993 | District 2 – Debbie Townsend (Texas) Townsend Cattle Company (979) 541-4989 | District 3 – Jamie Daniel (Ark.) 777 Farms (870) 904-3070 | District 4 – Arlin Taylor (Ala.) Tinney Farms (256) 507-3838 | District 5 – Tony Creech (N.C.) Creech Farms (919) 427-4679 | District 6 – Todd Osborne (Mo.) Osborne Livestock Co. (859) 991-2438 |
C attle shows, cattle shows and more cattle shows. That is all I have been doing lately. Our Grimes County Fair was in early June, followed by the week-long National Junior Santa Gertrudis Show (NJSGS), and I just returned from judging the National Santa Gertrudis Show in Costa Rica.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 I wish there had been a National Junior Santa Gertrudis Show when I was a junior member! Oh well. I certainly have been to most of them as a parent of four kids who each showed since they were 9 years old and, today, as a grand- parent when my grandkids, Landon Stem and Demi Harrington, are showing. The NJSGS continues to grow, and new and exciting events like the Better Beef Contest and Bull Show are making the show more fun and educational. I just love it. So many great young people and so many great Santa Gertrudis – it’s almost paradise. During the 30-plus years I have attended the NJSGS, it amazes me how it just keeps getting better. My sincere thanks go out to everyone who makes it happen. Time and space doesn’t allow me to list everyone, but you know who you are, and I love and appreciate you. After the National Junior Santa Gertrudis Show in Texarkana, Ark., I had about three days at the ranch before heading to Costa Rica to judge their National Santa Gertrudis Show on July 6. Two of Costa Rica’s largest Santa Gertrudis breeders had more than 50 head for me to evaluate. Gonzalo Sanchez and his parents own and operate Ganadera Cortijo El Baden, and Rancho Don Graciano is owned by Arturo Quiros. My thanks go out to them for such incred- ible support and promotion of Santa Gertrudis in Costa Rica. The Red Doc Farm group, the incredible Roland Sanchez family and fellow SGBI Board members Alicia Sanchez and Robert Silva also attended the show. It was great to visit with them at the festive event. My friend Tony McCorvey always introduces me saying, “This is Jerome Urbanosky and he raises Santa Gertrudis show cattle.” This drives me nuts. I always respond, “No, we are a Santa Gertrudis seed- stock producer, and some of the cattle we produce are good enough to show.” I think it is important to remember that the function of every purebred beef breed is to produce high-quality seedstock for the commercial beef cattle industry. Also remember, people want what they see and what they like. When breeders and exhibitors are exhibiting Santa Gertrudis at a show, that is the perfect venue for people to see how awesome Santa Gertrudis are. So, the next time you attend a fair or livestock show, thank the owners and exhibitors. They are creating customers for you. Until next time, spread the good news about Santa Gertrudis. impact the methods used to market seedstock. Not only will the next generation of the association’s active members sell Santa Gertrudis bulls and replacement females, they will also need to market their “program” effectively. Genetics, nutrition, reproduction and health are all interconnected. Successful marketers will have an entrepreneurial spirit, understand how the interactions work and focus on the development of unique marketing approaches for their program and product. The structure of the cattle industry has changed dramatically over time. This change has been driven by constantly evolving market dynamics that require seedstock operators to have a greater focus on improving cattle quality in order to meet the needs of commercial cow-calf operators and the desires of the consumer. Change is a big part of being successful, and it’s accelerating at an increasingly rapid pace. It is an exciting time for the industry, and the future looks bright for young SGBI members.
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