

NJSGS receive a buckle and a donation heifer from a spe- cific ranch. “The donation heifer program separates the junior program from any other kind of experience,” Nelson says. “It’s a great motivation for youth to be in this breed and to have a chance to exhibit at the other national junior shows.” Not only does it give youth a chance to become active in showing, but it also helps grow the Santa Gertrudis breed. Dunham also received a donation heifer while being involved in the NJSGA. “Being involved in the junior program and receiving a donation heifer was another avenue I used to help pay my way through college,” Dunham says. “My son won national champion with a heifer that was donated a few years before,” Nelson states. “He brought her back and [she] won the junior national show as a cow, donated by Strait Ranches.” The NJSGA is an organization dedicated to the growth and development of the Santa Gertrudis breed, but even more toward the growth and development of its young people. Nelson and Dunham are just two examples of the outcome of being a part of the NJSGA. As generations move through the NJSGA, the ability to stay relevant remains in its dedication to giving its juniors a platform for success. “Being able to get involved in the NJSGA helps youth develop their own community and strengthen their personal skills into adulthood.” – Taw Wayne Dunham

Today, he is still with the company as manager of strategic events where he represents Purina at more than 50 events each year, nationwide. “The best advice I can give youth in the junior program is to stay involved in every opportunity the association pres-

ents to you and continu- ally develop your leader- ship skills,” Dunham says. “No matter what job life leads you to, you will always have to pres- ent and sell yourself.” Donation Heifer Program The NJSGA Dona- tion Heifer Program was established to help stimulate growth in the NJSGA and to get youth engaged in the Santa Gertrudis breed. Nelson and Dunham both cherished and promoted the NJSGA Donation Heifer Program. All class winners at the annual

One of the most important lessons Dunham learned from being involved in the junior program is to sell himself as a professional and walk with confidence through his career.

Grand Champion Bull It’s Been A Great Ride!

As I come to the end of my Junior Show career, I reflect on what a fantastic experience it’s all been. I want to especially thank Trey and Dana Daniel at The Danrick, who have helped so much through these years and also everyone who has helped guide us along the way.

Malone 1802

Rockin KV

– Kaylee Enloe

KEVIN & VENUS FELKINS New Caney, Texas 77357 (832) 443-6349 • (832) 567-8391 Rockin’ KV Ranch



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