President Elect Nancy Wunderlich (left) presents the Hall of Fame award to the grandchildren of Belton Kleberg Johnson.
2019 SGBI High Point Show winners were recognized at the President’s Dinner. Seated, left to right, are Kelly Vesper, Angie Cleveland, Caroline Daniel, Erin Kay Daniel , Cody Heath, Brittany Shields and Sherry Hampton. Standing, left to right, are Brian Wood, Ricky Cleveland, Darren Richmond, Jamie Daniel, Chad Daniel, Arlin Taylor, David Alderson and Josh Latham.
RIGHT: SGBI President Jerome Urbanosky (center) presents the President’s Award to Gene and Nancy Kubecka for their contributions to and support of SGBI.
LEFT: Retiring SGBI Board member Deanna Parker (center), who served as a board member and secretary/ treasurer for years, was recognized for her service during the Annual Membership Meeting. With her are SGBI Executive Director John Ford (left) and SGBI President Jerome Urbanosky (right).
Kathryn Hefte (right) receives the Hall of Fame award on behalf of John Gillett from President Elect Nancy Wunderlich (left).
The live auction at the President’s Dinner raises money for the SGBI Foundation and is made possible because of generous donations from various SGBI members.
Honored for highest Purebred Registrations and Star 5 recordations are Delmo Payne with Grandview Farms, District 4, for first place in Purebred Registrations and Star 5 Recordations; Joe Jones with Briggs Ranches, District 2, for first place in Purebred Registrations; Alicia Sanchez with Red Doc Farm, District 1, for first place in Purebred Registrations and Star 5 Recordations; and Tylor Braden with King Ranch Inc., District 2, for first place in Star 5 Recordations.
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