SANTA GERTRUDIS SALE Report s DISTRICT 6 JR. SHOW AND SALE SEPT. 14, 2018 | RICHMOND, IND. SALE AVERAGES 18 Lots $1,610 The District 6 Sale was managed by Darren Richmond. The high-selling lot was consigned by 5 Bar E, Altha, FIa., and was sold to Wiley Ranch, Deville, La., for $2,750. The high-selling donated heifer was consigned by Double TT Ranch, Rosser, Texas, and was sold to Tinney Farms, Hanceville, Ala., for $2,400. The volume buyer was Wiley Ranch. District 6 recognized John Taylor and the Mattingly family for their contributions to District 6 and the junior program. What a great event and fantastic attendance for the District 6 Juniors. Big thanks to Larry and Todd Osborne, Craig Lapossa, Anna Hiss, Ron and Barb Moeller, and many others for all their help and support. Junior show results were as follows, the Grand Cham- pion Female was shown by Cody Heath, the Reserve Grand Champion Female was shown by Ashley Osborne, the Grand Champion STAR 5 Female was shown by Cody Heath and the Reserve Grand Champion STAR 5 Female was shown by Cannan Eades. Thank you to this year’s heifer donors Double TT Ranch, Hiss Family Farm and Robert Rans. SALE AVERAGES 56 Females $4,269 25 Pairs $6,085 22 Bred Heifers $3,190 9 Open Heifers $2,915 The Alabama Connection Sale was hosted at Tinney Farms and sponsored by Tinney Farms, Grandview Farms and Gray Oaks Farm. The sale consultants were Bill Lun- dberg, Darren Richmond and Richard Hood. The auction- eer was Hoover Case. The high-selling female, a pair, was consigned by Tinney Farms, Hanceville, Ala., and was sold to 777 Farms and Grandview Farms, Hamilton, Ala., for $16,000. The heifer calf was sold to Bud Clark, De Soto, Mo., and Pitchford Cattle Co., Athens, Texas. The second high-selling female, a pair, was consigned by Grandview Farms and was sold to Lou Al Tuck Farm, Great Falls, S.C., for $15,250. The high-selling bred heifer was consigned by Grandview Farms and was sold to Dos Bros Ranch, Schul- enburg, Texas, for $6,000. The high-selling open heifer was consigned by Grandview Farms and was sold to 4S Farm, Geraldine, Ala., for $4,250. The high-selling bull was con- signed by Grandview Farms and was sold to Parker Farms, Cave City, Ky., for $7,500. 1 Semen Lot $2,250 26 Bulls $3,149 1 9 Crossbred Females $1,470 30 th ANNUAL ALABAMA CONNECTION SALE OCT. 5-6, 2018 | HANCEVILLE, ALA.
SALE AVERAGES 44 Lots $1,745 12 Pairs $2,010 4 Bred Cows $2,000 4 Bulls $1,550
7 Bred Heifers 15 Open Heifers 2 STAR 5 Females
$1,715 $1,460 $1,450 $1,750
The high-selling pair and lot was consigned by Rustic Rail Ranch, Carthage, Mo., and sold to Rick Schultz for $3,500. The high-selling bull was consigned by Connors State College, Warner, Okla., and was sold to Dale Downum, Fayetteville, Ark., for $2,200. The high-selling heifer was consigned by Connors State College and was sold to Yancey Strait, Pros- per, Texas, for $2,500. The high-selling heifer was consigned by Flying C Ranch, Lester and Ouida Cossey, Searcy, Ark., and was sold to Dennis Jones, Gray Oaks Farm, Russellville, Ala., for $2,800. One flush was consigned by Karli Buggs, Sarcoxie, Mo., and was sold to Robert Silva, Costa Rica, for $1,700. The volume buyer was Joe O’Bar, Booneville, Ark., who purchased six lots. Cattle went to six states – Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, Kansas and Missouri.
By Ryan Hess, Treasurer
M y name is Ryan Hess and I am
from Stephenville, Texas. I am cur- rently serving as an at-large direc- tor and treasurer for the National
Junior Santa Gertrudis Association. Marketing is an important aspect of promoting Santa Gertrudis in the cattle industry. Santa Gertrudis USA , social media and multiple other platforms have allowed large and small breeders to market their cattle and promote the benefits of Santa Gertru- dis and STAR 5 cattle. Word-of-mouth is also a great marketing tool that is an easy way to educate others about the benefits of our breed. We are able to explain benefits such as hybrid vigor, which can help commercial breeders improve their herds. We should also be promoting expected progeny differences and genomic-enhanced data that is being accumulated and used to improve the cherry-red breed. As we approach the holiday season, I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving and Christmas spent with friends and family. I look forward to seeing all of you at the major shows and the 2019 National Junior Santa Gertrudis Show. Each show offers a great opportunity for us to promote our breed, as well as show the importance of our junior program and what it can do to help offer breeders some free advertising in the stalls and in the ring. I appreciate the opportunities the association has given me to hold leadership positions and develop lasting relationships.
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