Providing Polled Power Genetics to the Santa Gertrudis Breed
Double C Farms William W. Cameron, Jr. & Family
GRAY OAKS FARM Dennis Jones, owner 905 Foxtrap Rd., Russellville, AL 35654
377 Double C Drive Raeford, NC 28376 (910) 875-4963
Dr. Roland & Elia Sanchez
Home: (941) 735-9391 Austin Logan, Manager (256) 335-8821
703 S. Christopher Road
(505) 864-7781 Office (505) 864-2898 Residence
Belen, NM 87002
FC Savage 24/5 et He’s Doing It for Flying C
fc skylar 23/7
Skylar is a Savage 24/5 daughter. She’s had a successful show career and is now ready to do it in the pasture. She is a wide-based, high- volume female with a nice udder and femininity. She’s our kind of cow!
fc winchester 31/8
Winchester is a Savage son. He has great length, depth and thickness with an exceptional sheath. He came off the 2018-2019 fall Tinney Gain Test as the number 1 REA/CWT at 1.27 with an IMF of 4.25. Savage also had 3 steers in the 2017- 2018 Santa Gertrudis Steer Feed Out. All 3 graded Choice with 2 grading Premium Choice. Savage is an ET son of CB Bear 30/2 and Duchess 32/1 . He is Top 10% in 5 traits including 1% WW; 2% YW, HCW; 4% REA; and 10% Milk. We will have semen on Savage this fall.
Sells exposed to Hatchet Mt Massive D453.
Give us a call if you want Savage doing it for you! FLYING C RANCH Lester & Ouida Cossey (501) 207-2272 •
Polled Santa Gertrudis Association Curtis Hudnall, President • (936) 334-4804 Larry Osborne, Secretary & Treasurer (937) 604-4999
Flying C Ranch Lester & Ouida Cossey 2639 Gum Springs Rd., Searcy, AR 72143 (501) 207-2272
CREECH FARMS 12483 NC 39 • Zebulon, NC 27597 Tony (919) 427-4679 Brandon (919) 761-3894 Email: Herd No. 16769 • Herd No. 37879
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