SGBI’s annual recognition for show award winners garnered quite a crowd in Cullman! Full results of the show season were printed in the May issue of SG-USA , but award buckles were given out at the annual banquet. Afterwards, all recipients in attendance (and some family and friends) gather for a group photo. Standing, left to right, are Meagan Seckfort, Adam Seckfort, Blake Walker, Stephanie Williams, Cody Mattingly, Retha Tinney, Arlin Taylor, David Alderson, Darren Richmond, Chad Daniel, Brian Nelson and Floyd Pittman. Sitting, left to right, are Cameron Tinney, Kasie Nelson, Jamie Daniel, Quincy Nelson and Misty Pittman.
Auctioneer Hoover Case (left) looks on as Darren Richmond (right), SGBI member services representative and SG-USA sales representative, holds up a copy of SG-USA that has been autographed by former SGBI Executive Director John Ford prior to being auctioned off. The live auction – a hallmark of the SGBI annual meeting – raises funds to offset the costs of the annual meeting, allowing SGBI to host a first-class event. Thanks to those who donated to and bid at the auction.
SGBI 2020Annual Meeting
SGBI Executive Director Webb Fields presents information on the SGBI registry and genetic evaluation program at the board meeting.
The SGBI Board meeting at the annual meeting is open to all members in attendance. Board members in attendance – and a few via Zoom – conduct SGBI business and review information presented to them by staff.
SGBI also recognizes those operations that record the highest number of registrations and recordations of Santa Gertrudis and STAR 5 cattle in each of its membership districts. Receiving their plaques at the annual meeting in Cullman are, left to right, Tony Creech of Creech Farms (Top Registrations in District 5), Alicia Sanchez of Red Doc Farm (Top Registrations and Top Recordations in District 1) and Ricky Cleveland of Quail Valley Farms (Top Registrations in District 4). Not pictured are representatives for Top Registrations for District 2 (LBB Ranches, LLC), District 3 (Wiley Ranches), District 6 (Hiss Family Farm) and representatives for Top Recordations for District 2 (King Ranch, Inc.), District 3 (Williams Farm), District 4 (4S Farms, LLC), District 5 (Five J’s Beef and Cattle Company) and District 6 (Heil Cattle Co./Crazy H).
Retiring board members Betty McCormick (above) and Jerome Urbanosky (right) are recognized by SGBI Executive Director Webb Fields and SGBI President Nancy Wunderlich.
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