


tion, American International Charolais Association, Santa Gertrudis Breeders International and International Brangus Breeders Association. Both Simmental and Limousin breed associations are close to deciding their involvement. The Livestock Marketing Association also voted to support this endeavor. The momentum continues to build with this industry-changing protocol on how feeder calves are priced in today’s market. As I bring my monthly message to a close, I ask each of you to become active in our association; reach out to our committee chairpersons to see where you can be an asset to our asso ciation. Until next time, let’s do great things together!

and promoting our genetics has never been easier than it is today. Having this luxury right at our finger tips is especially handy for people like me who live in areas where Santa Ger trudis breeders aren’t as abundant. Now, instead of driving 18 hours to a sale, I can watch and even make purchases from the palm of my hand. I can get updates from friends and fellow exhibi tors at shows I can’t physically attend. Let’s focus on the positive sides of social media and how it can help us all grow as breeders and exhibitors. I look forward to seeing all of you down the show road – or, in the meantime, on social media!

exciting news about these sales is the influx of new breeders investing in our red-hided Santas. I have reached out to a number of breeders who have shown an interest in renewing their member ships and putting their cattle back in the SGBI inventory. The board will have met at the SGBI office in Kingsville by the time you read this. It has been a long time since the board has actually met in person in Kingsville. Our main purpose of that meeting is for the board members to see the day-to-day office operations and each staff member’s responsibili ties. We will also meet a number of the individuals who have shown interest in the executive director’s position and give them an opportunity to ask the board questions. A search committee will be formed to review the interested applicants. Hopefully in two to six months, this committee will have some one selected to present to the board of directors. A quick side note on the Genetic Merit Pricing Task Force. The following entities have committed funding to this project: American Hereford Associa

Save the Date! Santa Gertrudis Breeders International 72 ND ANNUAL MEETING • AMARILLO, TEXAS April 27-29, 2023



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