Breeding for
octoBer 20, 2018 11:00 a.m. @ strait ranches 2310 county road 101 carrizo springs, texas 78834 Strait Ranches would like to invite you to the Strait-Hefte Tried & True Production Sale
I featured consignments i
Reg. No: 20180846 DOB: 2.6.18 Sr 18/18 SIRE: SR Genesis 75/3 DAM: SR Holly T19 ET
BW: -1.82 TOP 3% | WW: 8.81 TOP 10% YW: 25.67 TOP 1% | MILK: 2.79 TOP 20% HCW: 13.18 TOP 4% | MARB: 0.04 TOP 10% REA: 0.34 TOP 1% | TEND: -0.02 TOP 10% SC: 0.49 TOP 5%
Reg. No: 20171027 DOB: 3.9.17 SIRE: LJV Mason 0/72 DAM: SR 8/4 Sr 42/7
BW: -0.85 TOP 20% | WW: 4.86 TOP 20% YW: 8.69 TOP 15% | MILK: -3.20 TOP 90% HCW: 4.84 TOP 20% | MARB: 0.01 TOP 25% REA: 0.17 TOP 3% | TEND: -0.04 TOP 10% SC: 0.46 TOP 10%
Y.N. Strait FamilY Carrizo Springs, tX
Strai t
830.317.3310 | 972.841.0989
OCTOBER 2018 • WWW.SANTAGERTRUDIS.COM www.StraitraNCheS.Com | FaCebook.Com/StraitraNCheS
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