PRESIDENT'S LETTER By Jerome Urbanosky (281) 797-5715 |
SECRETARY/TREASURER Deanna Parker LONG RANGE PLANNING Debbie Townsend MARKETING & PROMOTION Gene Kubecka PERFORMANCE Kathryn Hefte YOUTH ACTIVITIES Betty McCormick PRESIDENT ELECT Nancy Wunderlich MEMBERSHIP Allen “Bud” Clark SGBI BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY REGION WESTERN REGION Tylor Braden (Texas) King Ranch (361) 219-0434 | Kathryn Hefte (Texas) Hefte Ranch (210) 414-2493 | Gene Kubecka (Texas) Wendt Ranches (979) 240-5311 | Betty McCormick (Texas) Woman Hollerin Ranch (281) 375-6861 | Rafael Miranda (Colo.) Cherokee Ranch (303) 888-5297 | Jerome Urbanosky (Texas) Urbanosky Ranch (281) 797-5715 | Nancy Wunderlich (Texas) Wunderlich Farms (979) 277-2838 | EASTERN REGION David Alderson (Tenn.) Circle A Farm 931-682-2527 | Bud Clark (Mo.) C Bar C Ranch (314) 607-1076 | Ryan Cowart (Miss.) Cotton Branch Plantation (601) 384-6719 | Deanna Parker (Ky.) Parker Farms (270) 670-6285 | Robert Silva (Okla.) (918) 470-5371 | AT-LARGE DIRECTORS District 1 – Alicia Sanchez (N.M.) Red Doc Farm (505) 463-1993 | District 2 – Debbie Townsend (Texas) Townsend Cattle Company (979) 541-4989 | District 3 – Jamie Daniel (Ark.) 777 Farms (870) 904-3070 | District 4 – Arlin Taylor (Ala.) Tinney Farms (256) 507-3838 | District 5 – Tony Creech (N.C.) Creech Farms (919) 427-4679 | District 6 – Todd Osborne (Mo.) Osborne Livestock Co. (859) 991-2438 |
I have been involved in business management my entire career; either in the livestock and pet food industry, or in the employment industry. There are a few things that remain true regard- less of where you live or what type of business you are involved in: 1) a company is only as good as the people who work there; and 2) an organization is only as strong as its member- ship. The second point is what I want to discuss in this month’s column. Before I was fortunate enough to become SGBI president, I served as the vice president of membership. As an SGBI member, what do you want to contribute with your time and talent to strengthen our organization? Well, you may prefer to be active in your local SGBI affiliate, each of which is each essential to our association’s success. For many years before I ever considered running for the SGBI Board of Direc- tors, I was extremely involved within the Mid-Coast Santa Gertrudis Association. Serving as president, vice president and in other Board positions for a local affiliate can get you involved in sales, shows, field days and many other events and opportunities. The time and effort you invest in being an active member pays big dividends. Please consider becoming a more active member. The SGBI website features information on the SGBI Mentoring Program and includes tips that are designed to help you mentor your customers and build long-term relationships. These tips are designed to grow and secure our membership. I will leave you with these challenges regarding your involvement in member- ship. If not now – when? And if not you – who?
By Shelby Ferguson, Secretary
M y name is Shelby Ferguson and I am a junior I also represent the Mid-Coast Santa Gertrudis Association as their president. As I am approaching my last two years of showing at the National Junior Santa Gertrudis Show (NJSGS), I have to think about what it is that brought me into the Santa Gertrudis breed. Word-of-mouth is one of the strongest advertising and at Texas A&M University. Currently, I represent the National Junior Santa Gertrudis Association (NJSGA) as secretary and District 1 representative.
informative techniques used. Without it, many of my Santa Gertrudis friends and I would not be a part of the association. Because of this, it is crucial that we are constantly discussing our breed and what it has to offer. When we attend livestock shows, 4-H or FFA events or even non-agricultural related activities, it is important to engage with those around us and tell them about Santa Ger- trudis cattle. If everyone were to start encouraging others to learn more about Santa Gertrudis or to become involved in our association, we could dramatically increase our membership and the size of our breed. The NJSGA has numerous exciting activities to take part in such as the NJSGS, Gerts Ongoing Advanced Leadership Summit (GOALS), interactive meetings and much more. Informing your friends who do not already raise Santa Gertrudis cattle about these events could encourage them to become involved in our breed and take part in what this association has to offer. After all, juniors are the future of our association!
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