calculations. The association’s Scrotal Circumference, Heifer Pregnancy and Breed Back EPDs are all results of Per- formance Committee involvement. Much of the breed’s growing industry presence can be attributed to proj- ects initiated by SGBI’s Research and Education Committees. Data from the committees’ sponsored steer feed-outs and university-supported research projects have certainly added value to our cattle. Member support in the development of the Santa Gertrudis Igenity commer- cial genetic panel has resulted in the breed being one of only four associa- tions offering their commercial cattle- buying customers a tool to assist with the identification of profitable genetics. Following years of financial chal- lenges, the association is on solid foot- ing thanks to the Finance Committee, a group of individuals committed to being good stewards of SGBI’s resourc- es. I could go on and on. The Shows and Exhibits Committee, Marketing and Promotion Committee and Youth Activities Committee are all devoted to promoting the breed through shows and special activities. I realize I have not mentioned each of SGBI’s committees and task forces, but they all play an active role in associa- tion success. SGBI’s growing industry presence and successes are the direct result of an engaged membership. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International is not an office building in Kingsville, Texas. It is not an executive director or staff member. It is not the board of directors. It is not this committee or that committee. SGBI is you. It is all of us and our common goal of making Santa Gertrudis the Preferred American Beef Breed.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT By John Ford (361) 592-9357 |
E arly last month I had the oppor- thousand commercial cows in one of the state’s most challenging environ- ments. They’re in surroundings so difficult it would not surprise me if new bulls would simply refuse to get out of the trailer. The ranch had utilized bulls from a competing American breed and were not satisfied with calf performance. Information from Santa Gertrudis Breeders International (SGBI) feeding trials and collected harvest data con- vinced ranch management to try our breed’s genetic package. The results did not disappoint. In fact, manage- ment was so pleased that they retained a percentage of the heifer calves for replacements. The operation also utilized the association’s Santa Gertrudis Igenity ® genetic panel to assist with the replace- ment selection process. SGBI’s Igen- ity product is a DNA-verified genetic selection tool designed to benefit the commercial Santa Gertrudis breeder and commercial producers using Santa Gertrudis bulls or Santa Gertrudis- influenced females in their breeding program. Igenity Santa Gertrudis brings SGBI’s cutting-edge genomic technology to the commercial breeder, elevating an operation’s ability to speed genetic improvement. Having access to this genetic selection tool was another positive for this large operation. This type of SGBI success story is becoming more and more common- place. Demand for profitable, produc- tive Santa Gertrudis bulls continues to grow, and the breed’s industry footprint is rapidly expanding. Why the change in demand and industry perception? After all, the breed’s genetic package has always produced a female that is productive and bulls that sire calves capable of pushing down the scales at weaning. tunity to visit with the livestock manager of a sizable South Texas cow-calf operation that runs several
To me the answer is clear: membership has been active in setting the direction for their association. Member engage- ment is the lifeblood of an association, and engaged SGBI members have been key to the breed’s recent suc- cess. SGBI’s mission statement – Santa Gertrudis Breeders International pro- vides progressive leadership, services, programs and technology to promote and broaden the long-term profitability of Santa Gertrudis influence within the beef industry by being member driven and consumer focused – was member- developed during the 2013-2017 long- range planning process. It has served as the foundation for the Board of Directors and association committees in developing programs and activities that have made the organization an industry leader in the area of genetic technology, provided the tools that vali- date animal performance and increased the breed’s industry presence. The Performance Committee pro- vided the leadership needed to move the breed to a DNA-verified genetic evaluation and the structure required for Santa Gertrudis to be the first beef breed to adopt single-step methodol- ogy for the incorporation of DNA into expected progeny difference (EPD)
2 0 1 9 WORLD CONGRESS 4-19 OCTOBER GROWING GLOBALLY USA S a n t a G e r t r u d i s Follow along with Santa Gertrudis World Congress 2019! Can’t join us for the World Congress tour, but want to stay up-to-date on what’s happening along the way? Follow us on social media to see what our guests are up to as they travel from Georgia to Texas and enjoy ranch tours, educational presen- tations, cultural events, cattle sales and more. Facebook @SantaGertrudisWorldCongress2019 Twitter @SGBInt Instagram @SGBInt #SGWC2019
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