
PREDICTING PROFITABLE PERFORMANCE Using SGBI Genetic Evaluation The foundation of any breed associations’ genetic evaluations is expected progeny differences (EPDs). EPDs are predictions of how an animal’s future progeny are expected to perform rela tive to other animals’ progeny listed in the breed association’s database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure (plus or mi nus) consistent with each trait being evaluated, and calculated utilizing pedigree and performance information. Years of re search demonstrates that EPDs are the most reliable indicator of an animal’s true genetic merit. EPDs should be used to select for more or less of a trait, with the goal of finding the optimum trait(s) for an operation’s environment and marketing plan. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International (SGBI), an industry leader in genomic technology, was the first beef breed associa tion to utilize the single-step method for incorporating DNA into EPD calculations. The SGBI single-step genomic predic tion utilizes DNA information to measure the actual amount of relationship between animals in an evaluation. In 2013, SGBI released the first genomic-enhanced expected progeny differ ences (DNA verified) for Bos indicus -influenced cattle. The incorporation of DNA into the breed’s genetic evaluation results in information that is more accurate and predicable than a pedigree and performance prediction alone. SGBI’s genetic evaluation has been reviewed by the nation’s leading animal geneticists and utilizes thousands of genotypes. Ranch phenotypes and scan records collected over a 30-year period support the evaluation. The SGBI genetic evaluation is recognized by industry

SCROTAL CIRCUMFERENCE (SC) – An indicator trait for fertility in bulls and age of puberty in heifers. The unit of measure is centimeters. HOT CARCASS WEIGHT (HCW) – Expressed in pounds. A predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s offspring compared to offspring of other sires. BACKFAT (FAT) – Expressed in inches and measured be tween the 12th and 13th ribs. MARBLING (MARB) – An evaluation of intramuscular fat deposition in the ribeye and expressed as a numerical mar bling score. A one-unit change in the numerical marbling score is equal to a full USDA Quality Grade. RIBEYE AREA (REA) – Predicts the differences of carcass ribeye area between the 12th and 13th ribs and is expressed in square inches. HEIFER PREGNANCY (HPRG) – A measure of the probability that a heifer will get pregnant as a yearling. Heifer Preg nancy EPDs are reported in units of percentage. A higher EPD sire would be expected to have daughters with a greater probability, or chance, of becoming pregnant. BREED BACK (BBK) – A measure of the probability that a 2-year-old will be pregnant given she was listed as preg nant as a yearling. Breed Back EPDs are reported in units of percentage; a higher EPD sire would be expected to have daughters with a greater probability, or chance, of becoming pregnant than a sire with a lower EPD.

members as one of the most comprehensive among the Bos indicus breeds. SGBI’s reliable genetic evaluation ensures that cattlemen can make sound comparisons, identifying animals that will perform at the highest level in the most challenging environmental conditions. BIRTH WEIGHT (BW) – An indicator of birth weight and calv ing ease. WEANING WEIGHT (WW) – An indicator of growth from birth to weaning, measured from adjusted 205-day weights. YEARLING WEIGHT (YW) – An indicator of growth from birth to 1 year of age, measured from adjusted 365-day weights. MILK (MAT) – Measured in pounds of calf at weaning at tributed to dam’s milk. TOTAL MATERNAL (TMAT) – A combination of weaning and milk EPDs, indicating a cow’s ability to bring a heavier calf to the weaning pen.

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