Santa Gertrudis Source February 2024
were enthusiastic about their Santa Gertrudis cattle, what the future holds and what the Santa Gertrudis Association in Brazil does to promote their breeders. The Brazilian National Santa Gertrudis Cattle Show and Sale was also held at the Avare Fair, and the quality ran deep in all classes. It was very exciting and enjoyable. The U.S. at tendees were universal in their agreement that the Brazilian Santa Gertrudis were competitive with any in the world. Many champions were from bloodlines from around the world. While many Santa Gertrudis are shown in Brazil, the driving force behind their popularity is the commercial beef industry. The Brazilians were gracious hosts, and all the partici pants enjoyed their visit. The next World Congress will be held in Australia in 2027. It’s not too early to put this on your bucket list. It is the trip of a lifetime and affords all who attend a first-class opportunity to see and enjoy real cattle operations at their best. Don’t miss it!
Tour participants view Santa Gertrudis-sired steer calves from Nelore-based cow herds, a great cross in Brazil.
SGBI Past Presidents Jerome Urbanosky and Gene Kubecka describe the Santa Gertrudis breed in the United States.
Gene Kubecka presents the Grand Champion Bull trophy to a 777 Vegas son!
This Brazilian Santa Gertrudis bull, Justus, has sold more than 50,000 units of semen.
Nancy Kubecka enjoys viewing cattle representing bloodlines her parents, Dan and Jane Wendt, imported in the early 1980s.
Santa Gertrudis World Council Representatives Chosen
During the Santa Gertrudis World Congress, organizers chose two representatives from each country to serve on the Santa Gertrudis World Council. The delegation chose two former SGBI presidents, Gene Kubecka and Jerome Urbanosky, to represent the United States. The Santa Gertrudis World Council will meet every six months to share topics of mutual interest involving Santa Gertrudis cattle. Kubecka and Urbanosky will be working with the Santa Gertrudis membership and SGBI Board of Directors on topics of mutual interest involving all aspects of improving and promoting the expansion of the Santa Gertrudis footprint in worldwide beef production.
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