Santa Gertrudis Source May 2024
I nternational M arkets and SGBI
A ccording to their website, U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc. (USLGE) “is a nonprofit, nationwide trade association that brings together a broad base of U.S. livestock organizations.” They work to help international livestock producers match up with U.S. producers who provide superior genetics that will advance their live stock production and improve food security. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International (SGBI) is a member of USLGE and participates, where ap propriate, to help U.S. breeders con nect with international opportunities to build relationships that lead to the export of Santa Gertrudis genetics.
ics; however, the greatest long-term opportunity is in developing countries. The fruits of efforts such as those through USLGE are seen in several places. The past few months alone have brought numerous visitors from South America, Mexico, South Afri ca, Australia and England who either stopped by the SGBI office for a visit or attended member sales or other events. Some of those visits were fortuitous offshoots of agrotourism efforts by state organizations; oth ers were planned and coordinated by Santa Gertrudis breeders who main tain contact with individuals and or ganizations in other countries. The Houston Livestock Show and
SGBI President Adolfo Sanchez was asked to address a group of commer cial cattlemen from Mexico on the benefits of Santa Gertrudis cattle. Many of those cattlemen then vis ited with breeders who had cattle at the Houston Livestock Show. Many productive conversations occurred, hopefully prompting the beginning of fruitful, long-term relationships. Those same advertisements that went abroad from Houston also reach foreign audiences through social media. At the bottom of the page are some statistics that might surprise you. Our magazine is also available in digital format on the SGBI website. Fifty-three percent of our website us ers are from the United States. That means the rest are scattered through out the world. Those viewers also might decide to peruse the digital ver sion of Santa Gertrudis Source and see your advertising there. Markets in other countries can be an important source of revenue for seedstock producers. According to the World Bank, in 2022, almost $300 million of bovine semen was exported from the United States to other coun tries. Canada came in a distant second with about $97 million in bovine semen exports. Obviously, the world desires our genetics, and it is important that Santa Gertrudis be a part of that. It is tempting for breeders to price se men at extremely high prices; however, when looking at volume purchases by international cattle operations, the typical range is going to be from $12
Rodeo draws large numbers of foreign visitors to Texas. This year, SGBI sponsored a table in the show’s In ternational Room, an area provided specifically to host groups from other countries. A large volume of promotional materi als – especially in the form of member directories and semen catalogs – left the country in the bags of those visitors. Many of them also took home recent issues of Santa Gertrudis Source , SGBI’s official publica tion. Our magazine is full
SGBI President Adolfo Sanchez speaks about Santa Gertrudis cattle to a group of cattlemen from Mexico at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.
of advertising from members who are now receiving ad exposure in all those producers’ home countries. It is some thing to consider when you are placing advertising.
By working with breed associations and state departments of agriculture, USLGE enables partnerships that can multiply the impact of SGBI’s efforts through matching them with poten tial funding sources. Past efforts have focused on Mexico and South America as well as South Africa. Current and upcoming efforts have been expanded to developing markets in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand, Ma laysia, Myanmar and other countries with tropical and sub-tropical cli mates for which the Santa Gertrudis breed is particularly suited. Virtually every country on the planet presents opportunities for the export of genet 10
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68% United States 14% Mexico 6% Australia 2% South Africa and Costa Rica 1% Brazil and Zambia 57% United States 11% Brazil 9% Australia 6% Mexico 2% South Africa FACEBOOK TOP FIVE INSTAGRAM TOP FIVE SGBI Social Media Audience
MAY 2024
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