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Consigned by Yoder Family Horses Mobsters Secret Gold
Consigned by Lynch Performance Horses Crazy Hickory Chic
2017 Palomino Gelding
2016 Gray Gelding
Colonelfourfreckle Hollywood Dun It Zanas Center Stage Hesa Sonofa Dun Breezy Rumbo Spokane Gold Katie Gun
Smart Little Lena Gay Sugar Chic Doc's Hickory Mr Gun Smoke Starrita Dee Bar Oaklynn
Colonels Smoking Gun
Smart Chic Olena Sr Hickory Lynn
Hf Mobster
Hickory Chic Olena
Dun Its Black Gold
Mobsters Secret Gold 5840025
Crazy Hickory Chic 5735986
Easy Hollywood Buck
Cutaways Gun Crazy
Golden Secret Weapon
Shes Crazy Chex
Tardys Golden Dance
Sheza Skeeto
Tardys Last Dance PERFORMANCE RECORD: Earner of 2 AQHA points. In AQHA competition: 2 reining (Level 3) points in amateur competition. NOTES: Sonny is a real dream horse, with everything you could want in a top- notch personal horse. He's right in the prime of his life at 5 years old, stands 15 hands, and is as beautiful as a horse can be. He has impeccable conformation, cute little baby doll head, big mane and tail, and the most gorgeous dappled palomino color. Best of all, Sonny has a sweet, friendly personality, and is broke enough for anyone to get along with. He has a full reining foundation, and with his laid-back demeanor he would be a great novice horse. We have owned Sonny for a long time and have done everything with him. He has been ridden on the trails and on the road, and will go out alone or with multiple riders. He has started working cattle and has a lot of natural cow, and is not afraid to pull one off the saddle horn. He will do all the obstacles, opens and closes gates, sidepasses to a mounting block with ease, and lays down on command as well. Sonny could go in so many different directions with his diverse skills and super willing attitude. He is the same way every time you saddle him up, even after extended time off. 100% sound, with no issues or vices. Sonny has a genuine "family horse" mentality and is always a pleasure to be around. For more information on this gelding, please call the Yoder Family at 417-432-1088. SIRE: HF MOBSTER (Q)GUNNS ON THE RIVER (P) (2008). $122,338: NRHA Open Derby Champion; split 4th NRBC Open Derby. Sire of 158 money-earners, 32 AQHA point-earners, including LOTTA MOBSTER ($8,154 and 6.5 AQHA points: NRHA Novice Horse Non-Pro World Champion), HOLLYS HIJACKER ($93,036: split 6th NRHA Level 4 Open Futurity), CSR FLASH MOB ($62,172: 7th NRHA Open Futurity), CHICSNROBBERS ($5,036 and 13 AQHA points: APHA World Solid Paint-Bred Ranch Riding Open Reserve Champion), THUG LIFE ($45,658 and 23 AQHA points: 5th AQHA High Point Junior Reining Level 2 Open), MIGHTY MOBSTER ($30,019: 6th NRHA Level 2 Open Futurity), MOBSTOP ($29,232: 3rd Arizona RHA Best of The West Level 4 Non-Pro Futurity), CHIC N MOBSTER ($17,242: money-earner in The NRBC Reining Level 4 Open Derby), INLOVEWITHTHEMOBSTER ($15,451: Reining By The Bay 4-Year-Old Stakes Level 3 Open Reserve Champion), QUIK DRAW MCGRAW ($14,744: finalist NRHA Level 2 Open Futurity), CHICS IN THE MOB ($14,358: Best Little Reining West Level 4 Open Derby Reserve Champion), HF MOBSTERS CHIC ($14,013: 5th Big Sky Reining Classic Open Futurity), STOPPIN THE MOB ($12,156: split 6th High Roller Reining Classic Level 1 Non- Pro Derby), HA MOBSTERS TEARS ($11,750: Reining By The Bay Level 3 Non- Pro Derby Co-Champion). DAM: GOLDEN SECRET WEAPON (2008). $22,506 and 30 AQHA points: Southwest RHA Level 3 Open Futurity Champion; Southwest RHA Level 2 Open Futurity Champion; Reining by the Bay Int. Open Futurity Champion; 4th Reining by the Bay Futurity Open; 4th Scottsdale Classic Level 3 Open Reining Futurity; Amateur Perf. ROM. Dam of 15 AQHA foals, including MOBSTERS SECRET GOLD (AQHA point-earner), INFERNOS EMBER (Mexico GUADALAJARA Summer Classic Reining Level 4 Non-Pro Derby Co-Reserve Champion), THE MOBS CAPONE (finalist Germany Breeders Reining 4-Year-Old Level 2 Open Futurity). A daughter of EASY HOLLYWOOD BUCK, NRHA money-earner and 53.5 AQHA points: Open & Amateur Perf. ROM; AQHA World Senior Reining qualifier; AQHA Select World Ranch Riding qualifier; AQHA Select World Reining qualifier. RGP-CB 3/2022
Sheza Chex NOTES: Here is a gelding with the “WOW” factor. Rolex is the complete package with his superb conformation, stunning dapple grey color, and a quiet, easy going disposition. This gelding has been nothing but a gentleman since we have owned him. He will carry any level of rider giving each the confidence and assurance one should. Rolex has the best rocking chair lope, a beautiful extended trot, and a massive sliding stop. This is an all-around gelding. From sorting cattle, heeling in the team roping, trail riding, or showing in the ranch riding, Rolex will be your number one pick every time. If we could describe this gelding in one word it would be: honest. He has that want to please personality with the kindest eye. Rolex marks all the boxes and is the kind of horse that one rarely gets the opportunity to buy. Attention lover, SAFE, good feet, stout made, easy keeper, and 100% sound. We would love for you to come meet this fancy individual before the sale. This one will exceed your expectations. Video can be found on our Facebook and YouTube pages. Stands 14.3hh. Please call 605- 212-8917 for any questions! SIRE: HICKORY CHIC OLENA (1991). $43,780 and 176.5 AQHA points: top 10 NRHA Level 2 Open Futurity; Congress Senior Reining Reserve Champion; Denver Dodge Freestyle Open Champion; NRHA Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion; 4th AQHA World Amateur Reining; Superior Reining; Superior Amateur Reining; Amateur Perf. ROM. Sire of 54 money-earners, 34 AQHA point-earners, including THIS ONES A CHIC ($47,337: NRHA Int. Non-Pro World Champion), DIAMONDS FOR CHIC ($55,297: NRBC Non-Pro Derby Champion), MARY TIME CHIC ($8,806 and 85.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Senior Reining Champion; Superior Reining), HICKORYS BAYLITE ($40,532 and 67.5 AQHA points: top 10 NRBC Reining 7up Challenge Non-Pro), CHIC OLENA STAR ($38,531: Wimpys Little Step Int. Open Reining Derby Champion), KR HICKORY HURRICANE ($33,834: Congress Reining Level 1 Amateur Reserve Champion), GENUINE HICKORY CHIC (AP) ($11,922: ApHC World Junior Reining Champion), OH GOOD GOLLY MOLLY (AP) ($6,086: ApHC World Reining Non-Pro Champion), TOP HICKORY ($25,708 and 123 AQHA points: finalist NRBC Non-Pro Derby, Superior Youth Reining), PEP IN MY STEP ($24,010 and 90 AQHA points: 3rd NRCHA World Two-Rein Open), MALENA CHIC OLENA ($22,983: Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes Champion). DAM: SHES CRAZY CHEX (2002). Full sister to CRAZY SKEET SHOOTER ($6,310: Northwest Non-Pro Cutting Futurity Champion), GUN CRAZY SKEET (4th Central Idaho RCHA Futurity $5,000 Pro-Am). A daughter of CUTAWAYS GUN CRAZY; sire of 9 money-earners, including GUNNA BE CRAZY ($27,947: NRCHA World Limited Non-Pro Reserve Champion), SKIPS SIZZLIN SMOKE (140 AQHA points: finalist in the AQHA World Senior Heeling, Superior Tie- Down Roping), CRAZY SKEET SHOOTER ($6,310: Northwest Non-Pro Cutting Futurity Champion), SO CRAZY ($5,271: finalist NCHA Western Nationals $35,000 Non-Pro), GUN CRAZY SKEET (4th Central Idaho RCHA Futurity $5,000 Pro-Am), BIG GUNS (60 AQHA points: & NRCHA & NRHA money- earner, AQHA World Junior Reining qualifier), GUNSMOKESFLIPPNCRAZY (AQHA point-earner: 4th AQHA West Level 1 Champ Reining Jackpot Level 1 Youth), BUENO CRAZY (AQHA point-earner; NRHA money-earner). RGP-CB 3/2022
24 • 5 Star Horse Sale May 2022
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