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Consigned by BLC Performance Horses Peptos Azteck
Consigned by Griemsman Performance Horses Mr Famous Gallo
2016 Gray Gelding
2014 Bay Gelding
Peppy San Badger Royal Blue Boon
Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger
Peppy San Badger
Bueno Pepto
Gallo Del Cielo
Dual Pep Tucker Bright
Doc Bar Tasa Tivio
Bueno Chex Dually
Doc's Starlight
Peptos Azteck 5773490
Mr Famous Gallo 5628411
Real Gun
Hollywood Dun It Riv O Lena Colonel Freckles
Seven S Frosty
Hollywood Heat
Seven S Lena Doc Outlaw Hancock
Sweet Outlaw
Miss Cool Heat
Flites Outlaw
Miss Freckle King
Flites Sugar NOTES: Shark is a very fancy dapple grey gelding that stands 14.3 hands tall. This gelding is bred in the purple with some of the best names you can put on paper. Shark was born and raised on the famous KOKERNOT O6 ranch in west Texas. He has had a ranching background since the day he was started under saddle. Shark has one of the sweetest disposition’s possible, whether he’s in the stall or a 100 acre pasture he’s coming for attention. All levels of riders will get along with him. No matter where you go or what gait you're in shark will not pick his head up over his withers. Your options are unlimited with him, go rope a cow or just saddle and trail ride. This fancy guy checks all the boxes and is guaranteed to get you noticed everywhere you go. He’s a horse of a lifetime and is barn favorite at our ranch. FMI call 214-500-1182. SIRE: BUENO PEPTO (2009). Half-brother to CHERRY CHEX DUALLY ($251,103: Abilene Spectacular Open Derby Champion), SMOOTH RUNNIN DUALLY ($96,056: finalist NCHA Open Futurity), SUGAR CHEX DUALLY ($89,461: 5th Millionheir Open Derby), CHEX OUT MY HINEY ($88,062: top 10 NCHA Open Derby), BUENO CHEX MADI ($86,753: Cotton Stakes Open Cutting Futurity Reserve Champion), CHEX MY CAT ($69,218: AQHA World Level 2 Open Senior Cutting Reserve Champion), SHESA LITTLE DUALLY ($55,851: finalist Bonanza Open Derby), WEN N CHEX ($52,335: finalist NCHA Open Futurity), CATTI CHEX ($50,495: 3rd Brazos Bash Open Classic). Sire of PATRICIA PEPTO (9th AQHA Select World Ranch Sorting Select Amateur). Son of PEPTOBOONSMAL, $180,487: NCHA Open Futurity Champion. An AQHA Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of RCH Point-Earners; 2021 AQHA Top 5 Leading Sire of Cutting Point-Earners; a QData Top 10 All-Time Sire of Cutting Money- Earners; a QData Top 10 All-Time Sire of RCH Money-Earners; a QData Top 10 All-Time Sire of Ranch Riding Money-Earners. Sire of 909 money-earners, $28,076,698, and earners of 8,812 AQHA points, including LITTLE PEPTO GAL ($523,742: NCHA Horse of the Year, NCHA Hall of Fame), COPASPEPTO ($480,433: NCHA Horse of the Year, NCHA Hall of Fame), ONE TIME PEPTO ($331,097: NCHA Open Super Stakes Champion), ONCE IN A BLU BOON ($319,002: AQHA World Champion Senior Cutting Horse), PEPTO BOOM ($317,018: 4th Breeders Inv. Non-Pro Derby; NCHA Silver Award), PEPTOS STYLISH MISS ($302,911: 4th NCHA Open Super Stakes). DAM: SWEET OUTLAW (2010). Dam of 6 AQHA foals. A granddaughter of REAL GUN, $48,149 and 472.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Show Superhorse; AQHA Reserve World Champion Senior Working Cow Horse; NRCHA World Limited Open Bridle Champion; 4th AQHA High Point Senior Open Tie-Down Roping; 4th NRCHA World's Greatest Horseman with Chris Littlefield; AQHA Performance Champion; Superior Tie-Down Roping; Superior Heading; Superior Heeling. Sire of 51 money-earners and earners of 2,511 AQHA points, including SEVEN S TOO COLD ($33,321 and 598 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Amateur Heeling Horse, Superior Heading), REAL GUNS SWEETIE ($21,288 and 146.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Heading Horse, Superior Heading), VVF PLAYS WITH GUNS ($3,700 and 242 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Tie-Down Roping Champion; Superior Tie-Down Roping), SMOKIN REAL GUN ($9,630 and 166 AQHA points). RGP-CB 3/2022
Foxey Fanny PERFORMANCE RECORD: NRHA earner of $1,116 and 12 AQHA points. In 2017: Stampede Open Reining Futurity Reserve Champion; split 5th Hot Summer Slide Open Reining Futurity; split 6th Hot Summer Slide Level 3 Open Reining Futurity; AQHA World Junior Reining qualifier twice; in AQHA competition: earning 9 reining (Level 3), 1 ranch riding (Level 1) point in open events; 1.5 vrh reining (Level 3), 1/2 vrh ranch riding (Level 3), 1 ranch riding (Level 1) point in amateur competition. NOTES: “Fuego” 15hh and weighs 1150lbs. Fuego is a beautiful bay gelding with an exceptional pedigree. He is sired by the versatile Gallo Del Cielo, and out of a Hollywood Heat mare. Fuego is a finished reiner and knows all the moves and does them with ease. He has a tremendous amount of feel and is broke, broke, broke! He has been started in the heading and heeling and has amazing ability. Fuego is quick footed, short strided and has a big stop. With his gorgeous bay color, keen little head, perfect conformation, and overall good looks, he will look good whatever he is doing! Fuego wants to be your friend and he has a personality that just wants to please. Call 605-484-7117 or visit for info and videos. SIRE: GALLO DEL CIELO (1989). $28,437: top 10 Chisholm Trail Open Derby. A QData Top 10 All-Time Sire of Ranch Riding Money-Earners; an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Sire of Reining Point-Earners; an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Sire of Ranch Riding Point-Earners; an AQHA Top 25 All-Time Sire of RCH Point-Earners; 2020 & 2021 QData Top 25 Sire of Ranch Horse Money-Earners. Sire of 558 money-earners, $6,442,803, and earners of 14,829 AQHA points, including THE WIZSTER ($218,951: NRBC Open Derby Reserve Champion), LENA GALLO ($178,598 and 60 AQHA points: NRBC Open Derby Co-Reserve Champion; Superior Reining), RICOCHET ROOSTER ($148,708: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion), ROOSTERS WRANGLER ($125,869 and 62 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion; Superior Reining), ROO STAR ($163,280 and 537.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Show Superhorse, AQHA Performance Champion), CHIC N ROOST ($171,317 and 85 AQHA points: NRHA Open World Champion; Superior Reining), TAKA TICKET ($128,013 and 62.5 AQHA points: NRHA Int. Non-Pro World Champion). DAM: MISS COOL HEAT (1999). Dam of 12 AQHA foals, 5 money-earners, including COOL N DUN GUNNER ($35,213: finalist NRHA Open Futurity, 4th NRHA Derby $50,000 Limited Open, top 10 Tulsa Reining Classic Open Derby), ROOSTIN IN HOLLYWOOD (Magic Valley RCH $7,500 Limited Open Derby Reserve Champion; 3rd Utah RCHA $7,500 Limited Open Derby), MR FAMOUS GALLO (12 AQHA points: Stampede Open Reining Futurity Reserve Champion; split 5th Hot Summer Slide Open Reining Futurity, 4th Florida RHA Spin and Win Novice Horse Non-Pro class), HOLLYWOOD COOL GUN (27 AQHA points; NRHA $2,891, AQHA World Junior Reining qualifier), HOT OR NOT HOLLYWOOD (3rd The Blitz Barrel Racing 4D class, 7th Northwest Barrel Racing Assoc. Finals 4D class; finalist Northwest Barrel Racing Assoc. Finals 4D class). A daughter of HOLLYWOOD HEAT, $6,019 and 345 AQHA points: 3rd AQHA World Senior Heading; finalist in the AQHA World Senior Open Tie-Down Roping; Southwest RCHA Futurity Senior Ranch Horse Reserve Champion; money-earner NRHA Open Futurity; 5th NRHA Futurity Super Stakes Plus Open; AQHA Performance Champion; Superior Tie-Down Roping; Superior Heading; Superior Heeling. RGP-CB 3/2022
30 • 5 Star Horse Sale May 2022
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