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Consigned by Brianna Twedt & Jared Lynch Shining C For A Win
Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Honeymoon Ready
2018 Palomino Gelding
2013 Gray Gelding
Wiggy Smoke Smoky Glow Jess San Kai 615 Docs Canyon Echo
Grays Starlight Doc'o Lenita
Jessa Smoke Bomb Sans Flashy Echo
Doc O Boots
A Splash Of Silver
Black Boots Catch
Tee J Hesa Catch Pen My Windy Hancock
Bb Shesa My Catch
Shining C For A Win 5917448
Honeymoon Ready 5560959
Ebony Flirt Peggys Royalty Mr Far Verse
Mr High Socks Vanilla Dee
Flirtin With A Win
Socks Fooled You
Diamonds For A Win
Hx Thursday
Ready Money Smoky
Sheza Diamond By Far
Cocoa Money Smoky
Quik Smash NOTES: If you’re looking for your next best friend that will put a smile on your face every day, look no further. You are bound to fall in love with this guy when you meet him! “Platinum” or “Baby P” as we call him has all the shape and muscle you can put in one. This is an exquisite palomino gelding with a bald face, half blue eye, and four knee-high white legs. This exceptional gelding has been with us since he was a two-year old and we have done all the training with him. Platinum is FANCY broke and has a classy way of moving with his low head, stylish spins, and easy transitions. Changing leads is so easy that if you even think of changing, he will be there. He is a great candidate for a ranch rider! Platinum is no stranger to sorting cattle, is started on the heel side, and has been used to flag roping events. When he carried the American Flag at a large public event, he stood like a gentleman posing for the crowd. Our six-year-old neighbor loves coming over to ride and love on Platinum. With the one-of-a-kind, dog-like personality this horse has, he can’t help but steal your heart. He has been Bri’s absolute best friend the past two years and there will be many tears shed when he goes to his new home. Platinum has been trail ridden in the rough country of South Dakota, is beginner friendly, and is as fancy in the arena as you can get. When you are not aboard his back, he will be begging for you to give him scratches. Platinum is an easy keeper, is 100% sound, and has x-rays. We would love for you to come meet your next best friend in person before the sale. Stands 15hh. Video can be found on Brianna’s Youtube or our Facebook pages. Please call 515-574-9161 or 605-212-8917 for any question. SIRE: A SPLASH OF SILVER (2011). Sire of SHINING C JEWEL (top 10 APHA World Junior Ranch Riding Int. Open), SPLASH IN DIAMONDS (4th APHA World Junior Working Cow Horse). DAM: DIAMONDS FOR A WIN (2012). Full sister to RAM JAM (P) (3rd Bonus Race World Barrel Racing Finals Friday #1 Jackpot 4D), HEZA WINNER BY FAR (Color of Money NSBA Showmanship Novice Amateur Reserve Champion). A daughter of FLIRTIN WITH A WIN (AQHA/APHA); sire of 11 money-earners, including FANCY ENOUGH TO WIN (18 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Horsemanship Rookie Amateur Champion), HIS TIME TO WIN (6.5 AQHA points: NSBA World Equitation Novice Amateur Reserve Champion), FLIRTIN N WINNIN ($3,830: Iowa QHA Breeders Futurity Breeders Longe Line Open Co- Champion), DIRTY AFTER DARK (25 AQHA points; ROM Youth Halter), ZIP WIN N FLIRT (10.5 AQHA points), ALIFETIMEWARRANTY (AQHA point-earner: Ptha Pinto/Year Halter Gelding Open Champion), SWEETTASTEOFVICTORY (AQHA point-earner), REAL SWEET FLIRT (P) (Minnesota Paint Horse Club Breeders Longe Line Open Futurity Champion), FLIRTIN WITHMY IMAGE (finalist Iowa QHA Futurity Breeders 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure), FLIRTIN WITH POISEN (5th Iowa QHA Futurity Breeders Halter Junior Weanling Mares Open), AN IMPULSE TO WIN (7th Iowa QHA Breeders Futurity Breeders Longe Line Open), HOTRODDIN TO A WIN (Midwest Horsemen Open Longe Line Futurity Reserve Champion), RAM JAM (P) (3rd Bonus Race World Barrel Racing Finals Friday #1 Jackpot 4D), HEZA WINNER BY FAR (Color of Money NSBA Showmanship Novice Amateur Reserve Champion), IM OUTA THIS WORLD (Pennsylvania QHA NITTANY Classic Futurity Halter Yearling Gelding Open Champion). RGP-CB 3/2022
Cocoa J Star NOTES: “Smoke” is a big, pretty dapple gray gelding that is a user friendly head horse. He is quiet and easy to get along with, great minded, and will go any speed. Smoke leaves flat, has a nice move in the corner, strong from the horn, and faces well. He is user friendly enough for the lower number ropers but could also be ridden by the higher number guys as well. Smoke has been ranched on extensively and ridden many miles down the trails and through the pastures. He is safe enough for anyone who can get up on him to ride, he has been ridden by some young girls in the past and they had even played around going through the barrels. Smoke has bone and foot like a cross bred and is definitely built to last a lifetime. Stands 15.3hh. Sound, current on deworming, shoes, radiographs available, and coggins. For more info go to or call Riley @ 507-459-8654 or Kyle @ 608-434-4789. SIRE: BLACK BOOTS CATCH (2007). Son of DOC O BOOTS, $11,914 and 109 AQHA points: finalist NRHA Open Futurity; 4th Southwest RHA Open Futurity; finalist in the NRHA Open Derby; 6th NRBC Reining USET Qualifier; 5th NRCHA World's Greatest Horseman Fence Preliminaries; Open Perf. ROM. Sire of 12 money-earners, including SOME SIX STARLIGHT (P) (APHA World Working Cow Horse Limited Amateur Reserve Champion; nrhapsda.txt), SMOKE N MY BOOTS ($42,086 and 71 AQHA points: Ranch Sorting National Championships Earnings [12/19/2015], Superior Amateur Ranch Sorting), DOUBLE STITCH BOOTS (12.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Ranch Sorting Level 2 qualifier), RIOS OF MERCEDES (15 AQHA points: 4th PHBA World Junior Working Cow Horse), SMOKE N MY BOOTS ($42,086 and 71 AQHA points: Ranch Sorting National Championships Earnings [12/19/2015], Superior Amateur Ranch Sorting), SASSY LADY BOOTS (6.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point International Barrel Racing), TUCK IN MY BOOTS (AQHA point-earner), PLAYIN BY STARLIGHT (AQHA point-earner: Sandhills RCHA Summer Show Youth Limited Reserve Champion), DOCS YELLOW DUSTER (NCHA $2,724), OLYMPIC COWGIRL (NRHA $1,608), FROSTED D BOOTY (Ranch Sorting National Championships Earnings), MS STARLIGHT BOOTS (5th San Antonio VRH Open), MO PEPPY DOC (NCHA money-earner), MY DIRTY BOOTS (NRHA money-earner), STARLIGHT O DAKOTA (3rd Florida Classic Reining Maturity Limited Open), RESCATE STARLIGHT (RHAA money-earner). DAM: HX THURSDAY (1998). Dam of 16 AQHA foals. A granddaughter of MR HIGH SOCKS, and 137 AQHA points: finalist in the AQHA World Junior Heeling; AQHA Champion; Superior Western Pleasure. Sire of 6 money-earners and earners of 2,320 AQHA points, including MR MIGHTY HIGH (603.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Western Pleasure Horse, Superior Western Pleasure), U GOT THE RITE ONE (P) (APHA World Equitation Novice Amateur Reserve Champion), HESGOTTHESOCKSLOOK (P) (APHA World Junior Youth Horsemanship Reserve Champion), MS HIGH PERFECTION (PHBA World Champion Aged Mare), SHEZA HIGH SOCKS (160.5 AQHA points: top 10 AQHA Select World Showmanship, Superior Amateur Showmanship), NOSILKSOCKS (39.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), MR EUCHEE (46.5 AQHA points: 5th AQHYA World Heading), POKER BAR SOCKS (17.5 AQHA points and NSBA $4,266), MRTWOSOXWORTHWATCHIN (13 AQHA points), DODGE MY SOCKS (156 AQHA points: 3rd Congress Showmanship Senior Youth), SEEMORE SOCKS (9 AQHA points), JD HIGH SOCKS (9 AQHA points). RGP-CB 4/2022
5 Star Horse Sale May 2022 • 37
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