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Consigned by Meyer Equine LLC Monte Tyree Two 2014 Buckskin Gelding
Consigned by Norman Yoder Nb Seein Red 2017 Red Dun Gelding
Watch Joe Jack Ima Tyree Zan Parr Sun Jackie Sport
Nu Chex To Cash Peppy San Badger Docs Blue Angel Smart Chic Olena Full Sis
Watch Tyree Two Strawzana Parr
Nu Peppy Chex
Tyrees Harlan Zan
Nu Badger Chex
Osages Little Angel
Monte Tyree Two 5595457
Nb Seein Red 5853447
Dun Master Poco Loho
Master Poco Mccue
Chics Ultra Mag
Holi Tarilita Skips Whey
Monte Mccue K Two
Smart Skippin Chic
Docs Magic Spider
Springwater Flika
Skippin Daisys Whey
Springwater Babe NOTES: Monte is a stunning 8 year old buttermilk buckskin gelding standing 15.1 and thick made. He has a great handle, smooth jog and a nice collected lope. Monte has been used for all the ranch chores including checking and doctoring pairs, ponying colts, sorting mares and colts, and loves to do it. He is mature enough to take care of a beginner but enough talent to get a job done. Monte has been on many overnight trail rides and will cross any obstacle he encounters. He is great to load, haul, clip and bath, and loves all attention in general. He really is the swiss army knife of horses and a barn favorite you can count on every time. FMI 563-590-2836 SIRE: TYREES HARLAN ZAN (2004). Son of WATCH TYREE TWO; sire of 4 money-earners, including IMA TYREE TWO WATCH (90 AQHA points; Superior Heeling, AQHA World Junior Heeling qualifier), SUNUPS MISTY STAR (88 AQHA points; Superior Heading), SUNUPS TYREE (41 AQHA points: 4th AQHA High Point Junior Open Tie-Down Roping), SUNUPS POCO DARLING (16.5 AQHA points), SUNUPS STARWATCH (16 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), TWO SHOTS OF JACK (19.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Senior Heading Level 2 Open Leader), PEPONITAS JOE JACK (ARHA Honor Roll Junior Amateur Ranch Riding Reserve Champion), TYREES ROAN PEPPER (6 AQHA points), HARLETTA TYREE (3rd Elite Extravaganza Barrel Racing Youth 5D class). Son of WATCH JOE JACK, and 426 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Western Pleasure Stallion; 3rd AQHA World Aged Halter Stallion; finalist in the AQHA World Senior Heading; AQHA High Point Western Pleasure Open Leader; AQHA High Point Halter Leader; AQHA Champion; Superior Halter; Superior Western Pleasure. Sire of 47 money-earners and earners of 7,560 AQHA points, including MADAM MISS JO ($10,049 and 695.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Amateur Heading Horse, AQHA Champion), WATCH JOE LEO BAR (87 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Working Cow Horse), WATCH JOE DUKE ($12,935 and 314.5 AQHA points: 4th AQHA High Point Senior Heeling, Superior Heading), WATCH DONNA JACK ($4,495 and 123.5 AQHA points: top 10 AQHA World Senior Open Tie-Down Roping, Superior Heading), SCOOTER JOE JACK (80 AQHA points; Superior Halter), JOES TWO EYED JACK (46 AQHA points: Congress Reining Freestyle Non-Pro Reserve Champion), WATCH JOE RANDY (184.5 AQHA points and $6,521: Superior Heading, AQHA World Senior Heading qualifier), WATCH JILL ANNE ($6,055 and 163 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Halter Senior Mare Open Leader, Superior Halter), DAKOTA WISH (28 AQHA points), WATCH JACK EYED JOE (30 AQHA points: AQHA World Junior Heading qualifier), NEBRASKA TYREE (35 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Heading qualifier). DAM: MONTE MCCUE K TWO (2005). Dam of 7 AQHA foals. A granddaughter of DUN MASTER; sire of MASTER VANDY (5 AQHA points). He is by PACO BRITCHES, an AQHA point-earner and sire of 10 AQHA point-earners, including TAGALONG TUFFY (26 AQHA points; Youth Perf. ROM), PACO'S WAR WAGON (25 AQHA points; Youth Perf. ROM), LORINE (7 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), GREY BRITCHES (6 AQHA points), LISA'S PACO (AQHA point- earner), PACO PAUL (AQHA point-earner), SURE IS (AQHA point-earner), JUNE'S BRITCHES (AQHA point-earner), TANGO BRITCHES (AQHA point- earner), MY SUGAR BEAR SI 85 RGP-CB 3/2022
Petunia Marie Dee NOTES: Red is a 5 year old gelding that stands 15.1 hands tall. He's a very gentle horse to be around and anybody can ride him! I've owned Red since he was 2 years old. He was very easy to start and just doesn't seem to be bothered by much! Red is very versatile and handles well with any job he is given! I have hauled him a fair amount and he hauls great! I have roped live steers off of him, trail rode him through water, rode him on roads with traffic, ponied other horses quite a bit with him as well. He never raised a fuss through it all! He stands nice for the farrier and is good with being hosed down. He is able to be rode one handed and also knows leg cues, picks up his correct leads from a standstill, turns around, rollback, and stops! This has definitely been a very hard decision to sell him, he is just a fun easy going horse to have around! FMI call 715-533- 8275. SIRE: NU BADGER CHEX (2008). 12 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM; AQHA World Senior Ranch Riding qualifier. Sire of NU BADGER WHIZ (AQHA point- earner; NRCHA money-earner). Son of NU PEPPY CHEX, $6,388 and 73.5 AQHA points: PHBA World Junior Reining Champion; PHBA World NRHA Reining Stakes Open Champion; 5th PHBA World Junior Working Cow Horse; 4th PHBA Honor Roll Junior Working Cow Horse; AQHA High Point Junior Reining Open Leader; Superior Reining. Sire of 13 money-earners, 10 AQHA point-earners, including MAKEME CASH BAD CHEX ($10,548: money-earner North State Barrel Racing Assoc. Open twice), NU REMINIC CHEX ($4,579 and 242.5 AQHA points: ABRA World All-Age Reining Open Champion; AQHA Performance Champion), NU OKIE CHEX (49 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Senior Barrel Racing qualifier), NU CHEX NICS (59.5 AQHA points; NRHA money-earner, AQHA World Senior Reining qualifier), NU CHEXZ LADY ($4,591 and 10 AQHA points: Randy Cutbirth Memorial Reining Novice Horse Open Level 2 class winner twice), NU BADGER CHEX (12 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Senior Ranch Riding qualifier), PEPPYS PEPPY CHEX (6.5 AQHA points: & NRCHA money-earner, AQHA World Youth Boxing qualifier). DAM: SMART SKIPPIN CHIC (2007). Dam of 5 AQHA foals. A daughter of CHICS ULTRA MAG; sire of ULTRA SMART CHIC (AQHA point-earner). Son of SMART CHIC OLENA, $167,471 and 65 AQHA points;NRHA Open Reserve World Champion; AQHA World Champion Senior Reining Horse, AQHA World Champion Senior Cutting Horse, AQHA High Point Cutting Champion;AQHA High Point Senior Cutting Champion Congress Cutting Open Champion. AQHA #1 All-Time Leading Sire of Reining Point-Earners; QData #2 All-Time Leading Sire of Ranch Riding Money-Earners; AQHA #2 All-Time Leading Sire of RCH Point-Earners; a QData Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Ranch Horse Money- Earners; a QData Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Reining Money-Earners; a QData Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of RCH Money-Earners. Sire of 1,096 money-earners, $14,706,919, and earners of 30,512 AQHA points, including SMART SPOOK ($405,080 and 80.5 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Champion; NRHA Hall of Fame, Superior Reining), OLENA OAK ($381,390 and 193 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Working Cow Horse, Superior Reining), CHICS MAGIC POTION ($321,138 and 150 AQHA points: NRCHA Open Futurity Champion; NRCHA Hall of Fame, Superior Working Cow Horse), SHINERS CHIC ($315,726 and 214 AQHA points: AQHA World Senior Reining Level 2 Open Champion; Superior Reining). RGP-CB 3/2022
40 • 5 Star Horse Sale May 2022
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