JUNIOR CORRAL JAYSIE SCHOENFIELD, AJAA PRESIDENT H ello! I hope everyone had a great summer and is looking forward to the fall and winter shows and sales. I would first like to start by intro ducing myself. I am Jaysie Schoenfeld and I currently serve as the 2019-2020 American Junior Aberdeen Association (AJAA) president. I am excited to see what the next year will bring for the AJAA! This summer we had a fantastic junior show in Law rence, Kan. It was great to see so many new faces from all
Y4 Ranch Missy Ousley, & Cowan Perkins Owners AD INDEX ‘Cross Creek Farms............................ 21 2J Livestock....................................... 14 7C Aberdeen Cattle Co........................ 14 Aberdeen Sires................................... 14 Auction Effertz...................................... 9 B&B Lowlines..................................... 14 Baldridge Livestock............................. 14 Black Shadow Aberdeen Farms............ 14 Buena Vida Farms LLC......................... 24 D&J Farm........................................... 25 Deep Creek Aberdeens....................... 14 Deep Creek Seedstock........................ 14 Effertz EZ Ranch................................... 5 nounce that the 2020 Junior National Show and Competitions will be held in Woodward, Okla., June 22-27. I wish everyone the best of luck at the upcom ing shows and hope to see everyone soon. TL over the United States! We had a total of 17 states represented. I would like to thank all of the sponsors and vol unteers who made this event happen. Also, a huge thank you to the parents and exhibitors who came and partici pated. Events like this would not be possible without your help and support. Congratulations to all of the exhibitors on a great week. I am also happy to announce the rest of the 2019-2020 AJAA Board of Directors: Taylor Kruger, Jordan Gilles, Madalyn Gabel, Hannah Hoffman, Skye Korroch and Carson Schneiders. As we start gearing up for Denver and planning for the 2020 AJAA Junior National Show, I would like to an
P.O. Box 343 • Sutton, NE 68979 JEFF & TERI SCHELKOPF 402-469-7294
Tunk Mountain Ranch ABERDEEN CATTLE
Darren & Katherine Wise 1765 Tunk Creek Rd. • Riverside,WA 98849 509/846-3075 (D) • 509/846-3013 (K)
Uphill Creek Farms Aaron Woller Pound, WI (920) 737-6500 We are proud of the great Aberdeen herd we have been carefully building over the past few years. They are now ready to be a part of yours!
Grass Master Cattle............................. 14 Heaven Sent Ranch. ............................. 3 Heavenly Acres Ranch LLC................... 14 Hickamore Hill American Aberdeen. 11, 14 High Voltage Farms............................. 15 Homestead Farm................................ 21 Husung Farm...................................... 15 Idaho Livestock................................... 27 Lazy G Lowlines. ................................. 15 Mini Cows West. ................................. 15 Moonlight Aberdeen............................ 17 Neenah Creek Livestock...................... 15 Neill Show Cattle................................. 26 Nelson Cattle Co................................. 15 New England Lowlines......................... 15 Pine Hurst Farm.................................. 25 Rowell Cattle Company. ...................... 28 S Four Farms...................................... 23 Sandford Ranches................................. 2 Shetler Cattle Company LLC.................. 7 Sigel Sunset Ranch............................. 15 Star View Farm Ltd.............................. 15 Topline Aberdeen Cattle Co.................. 15 Triple L Farms..................................... 15 Triple S Cattle..................................... 16 Tunk Mountain Ranch.......................... 16 Uphill Creek Farms.............................. 16 Vanden Heuvel Farm........................... 23 W Diamond Livestock.......................... 16 Y4 Ranch........................................... 16
Cattle For Sale Private Treaty.
27810 Hwy. 20 West Hines, Oregon 97738 (541) 589-4852 (541) 589-1475
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